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Dozer Won't Leave Sasha Alone


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It's more then likely because he's intact but curious of what I can do.

Every dog I've owned has been desexed so its a little new to me lol

Dozer has been following Sasha around with his nose up her butt and trying to hump her for the last 3-4days and Sasha doesn't like it one bit at first I think she thought he was trying to play because she reacted in a playful way but now she is getting very agitated with him and tries to bite him if he doesn't back off when she barks in his face. This morning when I let the dogs out he did it again but Sasha had her hackles up and was really trying to bite him until he backed off a bit.

I don't want them to get into a fight or hurt each other because of it.

Is there anything I can do? I can't separate them because Sasha will only go potty out the back.

I'm really worried Sasha is going to react really badly sooner then later she has never put her hackles up to him before and she was very agitated when she came inside.

Would it be because he's intact? It's the first time he's done this to her I thought they only reacted the way he is when they know a dog is in heat but Sasha is desexed.

Sorry if it sounds silly lol I don't know much about that side of things because as I said all my animals are and have been desexed.

Thanks in advance :)

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Maybe, never owned an intact dog either. 

Posted this quite awhile ago...it's an article that explains why dogs hump. Mostly its for dominance purposes, but other dogs do it to instigate play (get a reaction out of them that's hopefully a good one!)


And, if Sasha is fixed and its only been happening the last few days....hm...maybe he smells an intact female (nearing heat) nearby...but knows he can't get to her, so he's satisfying his urges with Sasha (or, atleast trying to!) 

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Maybe, never owned an intact dog either. 

Posted this quite awhile ago...it's an article that explains why dogs hump. Mostly its for dominance purposes, but other dogs do it to instigate play (get a reaction out of them that's hopefully a good one!)www.husky-owners.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42769-humping-why-do-they-do-it

And, if Sasha is fixed and its only been happening the last few days....hm...maybe he smells an intact female (nearing heat) nearby...but knows he can't get to her, so he's satisfying his urges with Sasha (or, atleast trying to!) 

I was thinking maybe its the dog up the back they have a rotti not sure if its female or not but he's been hanging around the fence alot too.

I just hope he gets over it soon so Sasha doesn't hurt him :(

Ill read that once my silly iPad decides to open the page lol

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Rusty is the only intact one that I have.  He rarely humps.  However he has humped Vader and that was dominence.  He has never humped Rori.  I took him to play with Rori's mama and her shepsky half brother and he was humping both of them.  There was a fight or two.  Rusty humped Lobo for dominence but Teeki was coming out of heat also.  I do know that fights will happen and it is a learning process of what they can get away with.  To aviod the fights we just did not allow it and told them to OFF!  There were no more problems after that.  We just made sure they were always in sight of us.

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Rusty is the only intact one that I have.  He rarely humps.  However he has humped Vader and that was dominence.  He has never humped Rori.  I took him to play with Rori's mama and her shepsky half brother and he was humping both of them.  There was a fight or two.  Rusty humped Lobo for dominence but Teeki was coming out of heat also.  I do know that fights will happen and it is a learning process of what they can get away with.  To aviod the fights we just did not allow it and told them to OFF!  There were no more problems after that.  We just made sure they were always in sight of us.

I try to tell Dozer off but he just looks at me like I'm stupid lol he will come back to the door after I tell him several times but only if I raise my voice a bit will he come back. Then he goes back to chasing her around the yard. I keep an eye on them but when ever my OH or dad lets them out they don't watch them and knowing my luck Sasha will start a fight with him when I'm not home to stop them :( and when alcohol is involved (dad) its just going to make it worse because Sasha doesn't like it :(

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Ares humps pretty much everything as he's currently maturing :P Every female dog that he has tried to hump would snap and growl at him and he'd back off. Only once, my friend's GSD was about to bite him because of that and then he just sat and calmed down.


For me, all of these moments end up after a quick affray (not a serious one so far, thankfully) and then Ares goes on with other activities.

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