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What To Do :(


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Hmm silly people!

Ok thank you :)

I had a look at the stat dec would it matter how its worded? I'm not very good at putting things into words so I wouldn't know where to start :( makes me sound a little stupid lol if it wasn't a formal thing I'd be right but because it is Im not sure how to word what I need to say in it

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I hear ya winterchillz  :)


Laura, I have sent Dogmad (DOL username) a PM, hopefully she gets back to you, and please let me know what transpires. I will be out between 7;30 EST and 10;30 so I will get back to you if she responds.

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I hear ya winterchillz  :)


Laura, I have sent Dogmad (DOL username) a PM, hopefully she gets back to you, and please let me know what transpires. I will be out between 7;30 EST and 10;30 so I will get back to you if she responds.

Thank you!

I really can't thank you enough for all you've done to help if you were in Sydney I'd have to give you the biggest hug lol :)

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I would imagine that something along these lines...


I Laura _______ do hereby declare that I am the sole owner of a Rotti cross named Dozer. With this declaration I do transfer ownership to_________


or words that effect. I have asked Dogmad to advise you on the wording.

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Awww shucks, I am happy to help.  :)

Update: Jane from the forum emailed me last night and said we can't do anything to help rehome Dozer until he is in our name. She advised me to ring the council and explain it to them to see if they can help but unless we receive the change of ownership papers from the owners he will have to go into the pound for the 14days and if I want to rehome him I have to buy him back which I really don't have over $300 to buy him back :( he also needs to be desexed which I can't get done until again he is in our name but giving the circumstances we are in at the moment we can't afford that either unless I borrow money off my dad for it which I don't want to do as I already owe him $600 for Dozers last op.

so ill ring the council soon and see what they say but I'm guessing there going to say he has to go to the pound for the 14days and ill have to get him desexed and pay to have him released.

I'm hoping just maybe they have sent the papers down and we will get them by next week if not them I don't know what were going to do :( My OHs cousin said she can take him for the day of the inspection (thankful) if it wasn't for her taking him we would be stuffed :(

I really don't know how much more I can handle to add to the stress of everything happening I've got food poisoning :(

Why does everything have to go wrong at the same time :(

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oh no :( are you ok? I hope you get well soon. Has Dozer's original owners signed the papers yet?? I'm sure they already know what you're going through... hasn't they showed up with a solution yet?

Thanks should be ok I hope lol

I don't know if they have done anything to help they never bother to contact us back I'm going to have to get my OH to ring them this afternoon to see what they say even though it will more then likely be lies. We might have to take the 4 hour drive to make them sign the damn papers. I really hope we don't have to do that.

ill be so happy when I don't have to deal with them again I don't understand how they can not care at all about Dozer or anything else there self centred so and so's!

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Update: Jane from the forum emailed me last night and said we can't do anything to help rehome Dozer until he is in our name. She advised me to ring the council and explain it to them to see if they can help but unless we receive the change of ownership papers from the owners he will have to go into the pound for the 14days and if I want to rehome him I have to buy him back which I really don't have over $300 to buy him back :( he also needs to be desexed which I can't get done until again he is in our name but giving the circumstances we are in at the moment we can't afford that either unless I borrow money off my dad for it which I don't want to do as I already owe him $600 for Dozers last op.

so ill ring the council soon and see what they say but I'm guessing there going to say he has to go to the pound for the 14days and ill have to get him desexed and pay to have him released.

I'm hoping just maybe they have sent the papers down and we will get them by next week if not them I don't know what were going to do :( My OHs cousin said she can take him for the day of the inspection (thankful) if it wasn't for her taking him we would be stuffed :(

I really don't know how much more I can handle to add to the stress of everything happening I've got food poisoning :(

Why does everything have to go wrong at the same time :(


Oh dear... I am sorry I am on the other side of the country and therefore limited in what I can do to help  :(


It is good that your OH's cousin can take him for the day - at least that will alleviate the stress from the urgency.


Regarding the stat dec, is Jane saying that this must come from the original owner signing over to you? If so then then just explain to them how simple it is to do when your OH calls them. Is Jane saying that, even with ownership sorted, he will need to be de-sexed before she can help? or is this just so he can go for the 14 days at the pound?


You are right that this is a mess, but your only fault is that you care for Dozers' wellbeing, and to me and most everybody this is not a fault.


I hope you get over the food poisoning soon.





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Oh dear... I am sorry I am on the other side of the country and therefore limited in what I can do to help  :(


It is good that your OH's cousin can take him for the day - at least that will alleviate the stress from the urgency.


Regarding the stat dec, is Jane saying that this must come from the original owner signing over to you? If so then then just explain to them how simple it is to do when your OH calls them. Is Jane saying that, even with ownership sorted, he will need to be de-sexed before she can help? or is this just so he can go for the 14 days at the pound?


You are right that this is a mess, but your only fault is that you care for Dozers' wellbeing, and to me and most everybody this is not a fault.


I hope you get over the food poisoning soon.





Jane said the easiest way to get owner ship is to put him in the pound for the 14days and pay to have him released but they won't release him unless he is desexed which I'd have to pay for. The owners can do the easier thing and sign a change of ownership form which I just have to take to council but they keep making excuses to not do it.

Before I can rehome him he needs be desexed to prevent breeding. She can't take him in but she will help try and find him a home she runs her own rescue group and has been involved in rescues and fostering for several years. So I'm happy she is willing to help me out.

1st on the list of things to do is get Dozer in our name

2nd is he needs to be desexed (no idea how I'm going to be able to afford that though) I'm not sure if the animal welfare league can help with desexing I think it was them that offered cheaper desexing ill have to find out.

I keep being told 'just take him to the pound you can't help all animals you come across' but if I give up on him then I'm going to hate myself for it I've always been known to do anything I can to help an animal in need I can't just walk passed an animal that needs help :( every time someone says it I want to scream and cry it hurts me to know that people can just say that and expect me to listen and give up.

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how can anyone expect you to just give up now? you got this far already! You're an amazing person Laura it's nice to see people going to great lengths for the welfare of their pets especially in this era. You know you're doing your best already so you deserve a pair of earplugs and a mug of hot cocoa now :) people will always talk, but you don't always have to listen 

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how can anyone expect you to just give up now? you got this far already! You're an amazing person Laura it's nice to see people going to great lengths for the welfare of their pets especially in this era. You know you're doing your best already so you deserve a pair of earplugs and a mug of hot cocoa now :) people will always talk, but you don't always have to listen

Thank you :) it's nice to hear people say I'm trying to do the right thing :)

Finally got a hold of the council and they said its an abandonment case and to ring the RSPCA and report it which can lead to a criminal conviction if they want to go down that path.

Now I know my OH isn't going to want me to go down that path because he knows damn well ill make sure it goes that far and as there his 'friends' he won't want that. i don't know if I should give them one last chance to sign the papers or if I should just ring the RSPCA. Dozer is microchipped and registered but the info on it isn't current but that won't stop me handing over there current details to them.

I've given them so many chances and I'm over it what they say and what they do are to completely different things.

I've given my OH 2 choices

1: he rings them and tells them to meet us half way and sign the papers or we go to them and they sign them


2: I ring the RSPCA now and tell them everything that has happened from day one including them say 'let him suffer or put him down' when he needed to go to the vet which won't go down well with them considering everything else (and I honestly hope I get this option as I'd love to put them through as much hell as they have put me through with this and because they don't deserve another animal EVER!) that makes me sound very mean lol

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Thank you :) it's nice to hear people say I'm trying to do the right thing :)

Finally got a hold of the council and they said its an abandonment case and to ring the RSPCA and report it which can lead to a criminal conviction if they want to go down that path.

Now I know my OH isn't going to want me to go down that path because he knows damn well ill make sure it goes that far and as there his 'friends' he won't want that. i don't know if I should give them one last chance to sign the papers or if I should just ring the RSPCA. Dozer is microchipped and registered but the info on it isn't current but that won't stop me handing over there current details to them.

I've given them so many chances and I'm over it what they say and what they do are to completely different things.

I've given my OH 2 choices

1: he rings them and tells them to meet us half way and sign the papers or we go to them and they sign them


2: I ring the RSPCA now and tell them everything that has happened from day one including them say 'let him suffer or put him down' when he needed to go to the vet which won't go down well with them considering everything else (and I honestly hope I get this option as I'd love to put them through as much hell as they have put me through with this and because they don't deserve another animal EVER!) that makes me sound very mean lol


Phew! finally the council picked up the phone eh? personally I'd go for option two, not because (scrap that. Other than...) it sounds "mean" but considering how they act all this time trying to get them to sign the paper might take much longer than it should. And every minute is precious right now isn't it? Plus I believe you already done too much to be asked to go on that 4 hours drive to meet 'em. Anyways best of luck for both you and Dozer xxx

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If it were me I would do the following;


Get OH to call them and say that you are very upset about this whole fiasco, have him say that unless you get the papers done immediately, you have been instructed by the council to go to the RSPCA and they WILL press charges. 

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If it were me I would do the following;


Get OH to call them and say that you are very upset about this whole fiasco, have him say that unless you get the papers done immediately, you have been instructed by the council to go to the RSPCA and the WILL press charges.

They won't care I don't think they'll think I won't do it. I've got until 8pm to ring the RSPCA tonight so when my OH gets home ill talk to him tell him how it is and see what he says he will more then likely end up angry at me but if that's the case ill do it anyway and he can get over it lol i think I come first before these pieces of crap :) 8 or so months of stress and putting up with them is enough the amount of times ive ended up out the back cuddling Dozer crying is enough for me to do what ever it takes to make them pay for what they've done to him.

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An update: they have agreed to meet us tomorrow and sign the papers if they don't the rspca is the first call that's going to be made and I couldn't care less whether or not they try to start something because of it. My OH seems to think that they will start something but oh we'll good luck to them.

I'm going to have to keep my mouth shut tomorrow unless they say something then I won't hold back and my OH would want to take my side or ill turn towards him to but I know he's likely to take there side 'to keep the peace' but we will see what happens.

I'm annoyed at the fact that my OH said to his mum (which agrees with me surprisingly lol) that he wants to do it the right way and he doesn't want the stress but he's not the one that has to deal with it I am grrrrrrrrrr I can't win!

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Good on you Laura. Getting the paper will at least be a positive step for Dozer's future. Print out a stat dec anyway just incase you need it and then there can be no excuses from the other party.

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Sorry for the delay.

We drove 2 and a half hours yesterday to have the papers signed to my suprise they turned up what wasn't a suprise was that they acted as if nothing happened which annoyed me but I grit my teeth and didnt say anything considering the stress I'm under at the moment I did well haha

Jane said she can't advertise him as he isn't desexed and that in the time frame it might be hard to find him a home but she is looking into some rescue groups to see if any can take him if not then ill have to take him to Animal Welfare League which she said are better then the RSPCA.

Will update again when I know more :)

... any news?

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Well, at least this is the start. Hopefully things proceed smoothly from here.

I don't know if its going to I really hope it does but because I can't keep him here for any longer then the weekend Jane can't help any more the then she has. She rang a few rescue and they were full so she gave me a number to nsw animal rescue see if they can help if not i have to choose between AWL or either Renbury Farm or Hawksbury pound :( I think I'd choose Renbury Farm though even though they are a pound they do everything they can to help the animals find a home or a rescue group.

I'm honestly starting to lose it under all the stress of all this I don't know how much more I can handle and I really don't want to give up on finding Dozer a home but having to make all these calls and all these different emails and getting a sorry we can't help you is getting so hard and I end up crying every time I hear it :(

I just wish my OH would help me with this but him being on trial at a new job not getting home until nearly 6 pm he can't do much :(

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I am sorry to read the toll this taking on you.


You should have a bit of breathing space after the rent inspection has been done. I really doubt that they will spring another one in a week or two. So give your self a break for a week and then weigh up the options.

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I am sorry to read the toll this taking on you.


You should have a bit of breathing space after the rent inspection has been done. I really doubt that they will spring another one in a week or two. So give your self a break for a week and then weigh up the options.

I wouldn't put it passed our real estate every inspection we've had they have come back a month later they annoy me lol

Doesn't help that no one here understands what it's like for me to be doing this and they all its easy just hand him to a pound and forget about him. I can't do that its easier said then done when its not them.

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