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Dont Know What To Do (Warning Swearing On Picture)


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Robs parents dropped off two of their dogs to ours today for us to look after. So i have got Esta the german shorthaired pointer and Connie the cocker spaniel. Now Esta is a loud dog i will admit but not constantly through the day though i think she does bark at times.


Anyway i know when mine howl bark etc its only for a couple mins and they stop and i have tested it you cannot hear them massively unless you go into our back garden. So from the front you wouldn't notice it unless standing at the front door for example. Esta perhaps.


But anyway as you know we had the people opposite diagonally to us in this picture..... (drawn an arrow to show where they live ive pointed it to their car)... they shouted at Rob the other night and have had an issue with us for ages all because we have reversed our car around onto the path in front of their drive once or twice...



I came home to this today :( i am a bit upset/angry and unsure what to do ive never had issues with neighbors ever :(



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if they don't bark much there isn't anything you can do....


The only thing I would suggest is finding out if they bark while your out...I can understand their frustration if it is all day while your out, and if they work nights too....


but seriously some people need to learn how to talk to each other...this is not the right way to go about it....especially with the F word!

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This is not good only you know if they are as bad as your neighbors are saying :(

I look at it this way and have said it to Marc and Sarah if I lived next door to them with the noise Koda makes I would be complaining till they sorted it out but there neighbors don't seem to mind which is all well and great for them but its not for everyone :(

Not having a go at you as like I say only you know the noise level but can you imagine if you lived next door to me and am on nights  :o 


​Hope you find a peaceful resolution :)

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This is not good only you know if they are as bad as your neighbors are saying :(

I look at it this way and have said it to Marc and Sarah if I lived next door to them with the noise Koda makes I would be complaining till they sorted it out but there neighbors don't seem to mind which is all well and great for them but its not for everyone :(

Not having a go at you as like I say only you know the noise level but can you imagine if you lived next door to me and am on nights  :o 


​Hope you find a peaceful resolution  :)

No the problem is not my dogs i know they cannot hear my dogs from their house for a fact that i have done alot of tests and made sure my are trained and tired enough to be left etc and as i said if mine did make a noise they would have to stand at my front door to hear it. 


It will be Robs parents dog Esta that is the problem, and because they have already chosen to swear at us for even putting one foot in front of their drive they have a problem with us anyway. I have just spoke to Robs mum and she has said if it does become and issue to ring Helen (robs cousin) who is looking after the others and see if she can take them back there. As i am meant to have them for a week which is fine over the weekend as Rob is off but i cannot be off work next week unfortunately. 

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First step I would suggest would be to find out exactly what they mean by barking and whining all day.  For example how long has this been happening, what times etc..... if it's only recently since you've started looking after Rob's parent's dogs then once they realise it's only temporary and  you're trying your best then maybe they'll be a bit more reasonable.  If they're still being ar**s about it, then I think the environmental health say that a reasonable level of noise between the hours of 7am-11pm is acceptable (although you'd do well to check your rights and follow their guidelines to protect yourselves if they decide to contact them).   Good luck Stormy, not much fun having ar**y neighbours. xxx 

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Oh and i do totally agree with you Dunc i would not appreciate it myself if i lived next door to anyone with dogs barking alot etc. I wouldn't mind if it was my dogs i would find a solution no problem.


Only thing i thought is maybe it being worth letting them know we are looking after them for a week but this guy saw robs parents come over and take the two dogs in and he has been parading up and down the path staring at my house since ive been in.... i am actually scared of the guy now.

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First step I would suggest would be to find out exactly what they mean by barking and whining all day.  For example how long has this been happening, what times etc..... if it's only recently since you've started looking after Rob's parent's dogs then once they realise it's only temporary and  you're trying your best then maybe they'll be a bit more reasonable.  If they're still being ar**s about it, then I think the environmental health say that a reasonable level of noise between the hours of 7am-11pm is acceptable (although you'd do well to check your rights and follow their guidelines to protect yourselves if they decide to contact them).   Good luck Stormy, not much fun having ar**y neighbours. xxx 

Did you know the 7am-11pm is a urban myth any noise nuisance is just that at any time the degree is determined by the person have the problem with it :)

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I often wonder if my neighbors think my dogs bark all day.  The lady next door has 2 dogs and they bark constantly.  Mine hardly ever bark, and my house is usually closed up all day with the a/c on.  Maybe they think it is your dogs making the noise.


That sucks that they are being so rude about it and leaving a note. I would not want to confront him either.  You could leave a note on his door explaning or telling him to f^&$ off!

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I would be very tempted to ring the police about the note as that could be construed as threatening behaviour !I 

I dont know i will see what Rob wants to do about it i dont think going over there or even putting a note and kicking off is the right move these seem like nasty people and they have a whole row of 5 houses that are all teamed up so i would rather not end up with major major issues.


It has made me really not want to even be here and i wont leave my front door at the moment as hes parading around out there :(

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Did you know the 7am-11pm is a urban myth any noise nuisance is just that at any time the degree is determined by the person have the problem with it :)

Apparantly not.  Had a quick look at the noise act 1996 but it frazzled me, so I gave up. :wacko:

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Besides the point, i do my utmost best that mine are quiet in the day and i would also have no issue with anyone coming and speaking to me about them but to leave a note like that is just nasty 


exactly! if they had an issue they should've at least tried to talk to you about it first, not leave you a nasty letter on your door

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exactly! if they had an issue they should've at least tried to talk to you about it first, not leave you a nasty letter on your door

They have seemed to have some sort of issue with us ever since we have had to turn around near to their drive (which we dont go on) all because they park their cars opposite our house so that we actually have no where else to turn around :( and he has told all his row of houses something about us as they are all nasty now and none of them say hello to me atall where as one of them used to but now wont say anything atall if this "ring leader" is about its like being in a school ffs

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You shouldn't feel threatened in your own street, maybe try to have a talk with them, tell them you want to have a polite reasonable talk about the issues they have with you and you with them, if he responds in the same rude way he did the other day simply tell him you will contact the police as it is unacceptable behaviour, that note is pathetic, he needs to take a more mature approach and talk like a real adult if he has issues.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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You shouldn't feel threatened in your own street, maybe try to have a talk with them, tell them you want to have a polite reasonable talk about the issues they have with you and you with them, if he responds in the same rude way he did the other day simply tell him you will contact the police as it is unacceptable behaviour, that note is pathetic, he needs to take a more mature approach and talk like a real adult if he has issues.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

Okay maybe but for now im not as im not going over there on my own

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to check what skyler is like when im out i downloaded and app on my phone, icam, a client on my laptop so i point the webcam at her cage and can see and hear what she gets up to when im out and about.


first couple of days she was crated she cried quite a bit but since then she sleeps 99% of the time she is in there.


at least you can then check when your out if they are making a noise... app cost £2.99 i think

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