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Dont Know What To Do (Warning Swearing On Picture)


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As i explained it is not my dogs and there is more to it.


I have reported it to the police now ( istarted crying on the phone dunno whats wrong with me! ) and an officer is going to contact me soon.

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to check what skyler is like when im out i downloaded and app on my phone, icam, a client on my laptop so i point the webcam at her cage and can see and hear what she gets up to when im out and about.


first couple of days she was crated she cried quite a bit but since then she sleeps 99% of the time she is in there.


at least you can then check when your out if they are making a noise... app cost £2.99 i think

Any laptop could do same thing just record from the webcam :)

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As i explained it is not my dogs and there is more to it.


I have reported it to the police now ( istarted crying on the phone dunno whats wrong with me! ) and an officer is going to contact me soon.

You have done the right thing I feel :)

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That's awful that people can be so rude.  Not the same situation exactly, but I have had to deal with bad neighbors.  I lived in an apartment and the people upstairs would have their kids over every weekend, and their friends so there would be about 10 kids upstairs all running and jumping until after midnight.  And then they would be up at like 8am doing the same thing.  It sounded like they were jumping on po-go sticks up there and would rattle my lights.  Then, when the kids left the couple would have very loud "relations" and she would scream like she was in a movie!  It sounded like the bed was going to fall through the celing.  AND They would keep the windows open.  I complained almost daily to management and it took them almost a year to evict them.  Everytime I complained and they would get a letter they would start stomping on the floor above.  For that 9 months or so I didn't even want to go outside or run into them! 

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It has made me really not want to even be here and i wont leave my front door at the moment as hes parading around out there :(


You kidding me?! No one has the right of making you feel afraid to go out because of his rude behaviour! This is completely unacceptable, along with leaving such note on your door. He's acting immature and childish! I'm usually always polite and try to solve issues out quickly, but if someone comes up at me with such a note and such behaviour, he'd deeply regret it. This guy is so lucky I'm not living in the UK and he didn't leave that note on my door!


Call the police and explain them the situation, also stress on the fact that you're really upset and frightened of what he may do. F****** ********!


Edit: I didn't notice that there's a second page of this thread as this post made me freak out. Sorry about the angry post. Good that you called the police already, keep us updated on what's going on, this guy is lucky I ain't near!

Edited by winterchillz
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Well, I'll throw away the post I was going to quote.

Regrettably, anything you try to do at this point probably isn't going to help matters. 

Since they didn't sign the note, it's your word against theirs that they posted it. As you've called the police in (and I would have, too), I'd wait to see what the neighbours reaction is going to be.

I don't know about the UK, but here in the States, it's not the actions of the other party that matter but how you feel about it.  You feel threatened and intimidated - you should have the right to, if need be, bring charges of threatening behaviour against him. 

As other have said, the man is being a royal ass and you really should not have to put up with it!

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Just such an awful situation to be in :( I am waiting for another call from an officer so will see what they do say about it im sure it will in the end just be logged but atleast ive reported it incase anything more happens.


I am now panicking about it all thinking they will end up calling the RSPCA or something like that. Or ill come home and find another note or even them at my house its scaring me currently. Ill be fine eventually but its really got to me.

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Aww Storm what a horrible situation to be in, repotring it to the police was the right thing to do, and you certainly shouldn't try talking to them when they can be so aggressive in a note, its disgusting behaviour and hopefully the police will sort it quickly xx

I once had a complaint about our dogs, as you know they are kenneled in the run overnight and when we are out. well one day I arrived home to a note which was detailing a complaint from a neighbour, it was from the local dog warden who wanted to check up on the dogs. Well I was in a state about what might happen! But when she came she said there was no problem and even said the run was the best she has ever seen! Storm you know your dogs are well cared for and not noisy, try not to worry it really is your neighbour who is in the wrong ((hugs)) xx

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Just spoke to the officer he said to start documenting things that they do and dates etc and if more happens they will then go in and put a harassment onto him but they dont want to go in at the moment as i cannot prove it was them obv and they feel that the people will think they have won by it. He also said it sounds like a guy with nothing better to do with his time!

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Just seen this thread while at work.

they are completely out of order.

I get the feeling that they are blaming all the dog noise (other neighbours dogs barking etc) and

blaming it on you as you say because they have a bug up their bums because of the car turning / parking issues.


going to the police is the right thing

The policed can go over and have a chat with them and ask them to politely keep their noses out.

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Just seen this thread while at work.

they are completely out of order.

I get the feeling that they are blaming all the dog noise (other neighbours dogs barking etc) and

blaming it on you as you say because they have a bug up their bums because of the car turning / parking issues.


going to the police is the right thing

The policed can go over and have a chat with them and ask them to politely keep their noses out.

Yeah they will do if any more happens for now they are leaving it. But i can see it happening again expecially as i have robs parents dogs for a week so may be a bit louder than usual

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Storm, are you in accommadation rented from a council/housing association or do you own? If you are a tenant and renting then, if it is reported them they have the right to send them a letter warning them that if they continue they may be evicted. The housing association that we are with wouldn't tolerate that sort of behaviour from any of it's tenants and have very strict guidelines governing it. There are proper ways to go about things if they have a complaint.



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Or to extend what Gary is getting at.

Do THEY rent from council or housing association.

If so report them, that they have been using intimidating behaviour

(Pacing outside your house, note etc)

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Any laptop could do same thing just record from the webcam :)

using the app on the phone though its a live stream rather than reviewing the footage later.


detects motion too so you get notifications if something is moving within shot.

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That's disgusting. My Grandparents had the same thing about 10 years ago, except it wasn't about barking, it was dog poo that was getting complained about.


They had a Jack Russell Terrier called Jovi at the time, and my Grandad HATES dogs, so every time Jovi pooed, he was out with the spade cleaning up. Plus, with 4 young grandchildren (aged 3-12 at the time) running around, they had no choice but to be clean, but the neighbours still reported him for an 'offensive smell', a made up claim that was put in purely because they didn't like my grandparents.

It got to the point where my Grandad (60 years old at the time) was pinned up by the throat by their neighbour's brother. They fought it out in typical Yorkshire style, and there was no more complaints, but all the bridges were burnt and they never spoke again until my grandparents moved out.


On the other hand, all of our neighbours and nearby bungalows love our pups, so it can go either way. Hope you get things sorted out Storm, it's a horrible situation to be in, and I agree with calling the police, no one deserves to feel belittled in their own home :/

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Might be an idea to get a camera and mic pointed at your front door, that way if any other notes are left you have proof where they came from.  Neighbours like this are horrible, if you come home and he or they are outside yours don't get out of the car babe, call the police, all calls re recorded leave it on speaker just in case they have a moan at you,  good luck storm.

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Really sorry to hear about this Storm :( I agree with everyone else that going to the police was the most sensible thing to happen and even if they can't/won't do anything now it will be logged that they spoke to you. No-one should be worried about coming home to rubbish like that and if this is only temporary due to the 'in-laws' dogs visiting then it will be easily resolved once they go home. Some people are pathetic and instead of dealing with these things like adults they resort to notes and dirty looks. Who cares if you put a tyre or foot on their driveway? Grow up, seriously!!! Please try not to let it upset you too much though  :grouphug:

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