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Hero Crosses The Bifrost;the Original Pack Is Together Again!

Fr Carmen OFM

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Hero, the Alpha Male Husky crossed the bifrost at 11:30AM this morning, Sunday June 23, 2013. He was 16 years going on 17. Arthritis is what took him. His back legs would no longer function and he ceased to eat only hydration is what he took. With his noble, beautiful head in my hands he passed peacefully to be greeted by Apollo, Ivanna and Tuvok. Freed from his pain-wracked body he sails joyfully through the heavens in his harness of gold. I wish I were somewhere to see the Aurora tonight; it will be spectacular!


Hero was just that, a hero. He transformed a scared little boy, terrified of dogs into one who loved them particularly Huskies. He was a calming influence and a steady "rock" giving balance and foundation to the pack. He didn't have to say anything in fact he was hesitant to make any noise just his presence was enough to bring everyone in line. If they persisted in their stubborness, Apollo would rein them in. The two worked seamlessly as team leaders. Hero's howl was breathtaking. He would start with a low growl and swell to a booming rich barritone that echoed for miles around buttressed by the tenor of Tuvok and Apollo and the soaring soprano of Ivanna, it was reminiscent of the "Anvil Chorus" of Rossini. When i had troubled clients in my office, especially those deeply disturbed his quiet presence would ground them almost immediately. He would quietly enter in the office, gently approach the client and nuzzle their leg if they reached out to pet him, he would gently lay his head on their lap and gaze at them with his blue eyes literally absorbing their fear and trouble. When they relaxed he would slip off their lap and pad his way out of the office, his work completed.


Hero said more with "Presence" than any creature human or otherwise that I have ever met. His eyes were gentle yet compelling they looked "into you" and they did so with a compassion that was arresting. He registered great patience testified in his gait when he walked with his human companions, he would always accommodate his gait to that of his human companion. Never pulling hard on the lead, he would speed up or slow down with his human companion happy just to be out and about with his favorite human and that was anyone willing to accompany him for a walk.


Hero had great strength and forbearance. Once he got loose and a friend and I chased him in a van. We managed to get behind him and were tracking him closely. He was "loping" that half trot half run that Huskies are wont to do. He wasn't even breaking a sweat  just moving right along smartly. Out of curiousity I glanced at the odometer . . . he was doing 30 Miles per hour! At the rate he was going he could have done that all night without tiring! His first stop out of Pennsylvania would have been the northern border of New York State more than 300 miles! He did things with a deliberation that accomplished the task with panache! His performance at any given task was admirable.


Hero's loyalty was unquestionable. His love, unconditional. His greatest joy, to be out "doing" with his human companions. He loved children was gentle and kind and patient would not bite even when handfeeding he was fastidious about not contacting hands with his teeth. Even with peanut butter he would take only what he could reach and no more never licking the excess off the fingers I had to rinse the excess off he simply would not allow his teeth to touch human flesh under any circumstance. In his pain at the end he would cry and at times even scream but never ever would he turn to cause hurt or damage to any human person or even creature he turned to fighting only as an absolute last resort and then only for the briefest of moments to restore order. Once order was restored, it was business as usual no grudge, just lesson learned.


His pain is over, he is free, strong and running again something he loved to do, loping along with the pack. Run wild, Run free my love! My Hero. My love will ever be with you. Remember with kindness when we meet again. Until then, know happiness; be joy and always the strong yet gentle presence you ever were. See you tomorrow, when Tomorrow arrives. Greet the pack for me; bring them my love.post-992-0-74819400-1372026437_thumb.jpg

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So sorry for your loss, he sounds like the perfect companion, take heart knowing they are watching and waiting,  with open paws, until you are all together again.

Thank you, Sarah. Hero really was a perfect companion I wish more had the opportunity to have experienced his unique gifts. Frankly, it is that very knowledge of them  waiting expectantly and patiently until I "catch-up" that keeps the grief from falling into despair. They are with Sts. Francis and Clare and all the ancestors to be all together again, what a day that will be! 

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I'm sorry for your loss..echos mother passed on today also

Oh My! my condolences to you and Echo! It was hard when Ivanna's mother, Dorta passed away. It is as if a beloved member of the family has gone on ahead. May Mom run free and happy. She will prepare a place for the rest of you when the time comes. I wish you Peace!

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That is beautiful. You paint such a vivid image with those words. I can picture Hero. I'm sorry for your loss, must be incredibly hard.  

Thank you for the lovely compliment, Asslinn. Since I don't have a video camera to take pictures, I hope my words will in some fashion substitute. It is hard, I lost Apollo last September; Ivanna and Tuvok in April of this year six days apart and now Hero. My entire original pack has now crossed the bifrost.Thank God for Octavian the remaining baby. If not for him I would be very alone right now. Four in less than a year, a lot to process. . . . .Thank you for your understanding. Bless you!

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Thank you Jason! I couldn't help noticing that your hometown is Crown Point Indiana. I worked as a hospital chaplain for 15 years at St. Anthony's Medical Center in Crown Point Indiana!

from 1983 to 1997 . . . Small world!

Wow, yes what a small world ;). I moved here in 2006. A lot has changed just since I've been here!

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Beautiful words Friar.

So sorry for your loss.

Hero had a fantastic life with you.

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Father, you have had more than your share of loss these past few months. My heart goes out to you, and to Hero.

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Thank you all for your comforting words and thoughts. It does help, really! It's a great grace to be surrounded by folks willing to walk along. Feels somewhat strange, all of my original pack has crossed over the Bifrost now, Octavian was a much later arrival, the "Fab-Four" arrived within a year or two of each other between 1999 and 2002. Octavian was around 2006 or 2007. Glad he's here or it would be unbearably lonely here. I am buoyed by the thought of reunion one day what a day that will be! For the moment, it is a time of reflection, laughter and tears and giving thanks to a generous God who saw fit to grace this pilgrim with such great gifts, both human as well as canine. Thanks again. Love to all.


Fr. Carmen OFM    :rainbowbridge:  :pawprint:  :rip:  Hero!

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Friar. Hero truly sounded like a great dog. 

Thank you, Elyse! Hero truly was. One of my regrets is that more folks did not get a chance to meet him and share in his unique gifts

he was always generous in sharing them with everyone who came in need.  Bless you!

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