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I've always been amazed in the 'paranormal' and I do believe in ghosts.

I have a photo on one of my hard drives that sort of scared me when I looked at it after a night out. We were on the train around 12-1am one night taking random photos I was sitting in front of a window when my friend took a photo of me when I looked at it later I noticed in the window a figure I zoomed in a bit and it was a little boy with his hands on the window sill with his head in his hands I've had this happen a few times and can't explain it the train was moving and this figure was blurred it was clear as day there was no one in the carriage with us so I can't work it out.

Any ideas?

I also believe dogs can sense paranormal things as well.

It got me thinking one day when we moved into one of our previous houses as soon as Sasha went near the house she acted completely different and at times she would stare and bark at the back fence no one was there and she did it around the same time everyday so I did a little research of the area and found out a father murdered his mother and daughter (I think it was) and then killed himself in the house behind us I always felt like something was wrong from the very first time I went there. Me being me I went to the property behind us just to see what it was like I was speaking to the people that live there and they said every time Sasha was barking she seen two black figures running towards the front door (not sure if it was true but she seemed like she was telling the truth).

Have you had any experiences of paranormal things?

Do you believe in ghosts? Why/why not?

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I love the idea of ghosts and the paranormal. I love reading horror stories and tales of the occult and paranormal. Do I believe in it? - not for one moment! As entertainment it's great, but in real life - Naaaah.

There are a lot of things in the world we still can't explain, but that doesn't mean they are paranormal. JMO

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What does "paranormal" mean? If we go back in time there are many things thought of as being "paranormal" which are now perfectly explained in a rational manner. Sadly things we don't understand (yet) are often thought of as being something "outside" of "normal" science and rationality. 


There was an interesting study done some years ago (which i don't have to hand a reference) where people were subjected to very low electric potentials across their brains. For  a subset of the population nothing happened - others reported seeing all kinds of "ghosts" and visual/audio effects. These went away when the current was turned off. Now it so happens that our bodies are subjected to these kind of fields all the time - so what is real? (Another topic here!) Interestingly - when the occupations of those who took part were studied people with "science" background generally saw nothing. Those with "artistic" tendencies were more likely to see/hear something.


Neat huh!


By the way - I am a Rocket Scientist in case you couldn't guess  :)  

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What is paranormal? Does Reiki falls under that? Because science can't explain it but those who had a reiki treatment before can tell you that at least SOMETHING's going on.


Ghosts? I'm not sure, I surely haven't felt one close before but am able to connect with their souls if I focus on it. It's the same as randomly thinking about something and suddenly your parent/close friend say exactly the same. I've had that happen to me many times, including from people I never met on the forum here  :huh: I learned that there are 'my' thoughts and 'other' random incoming thoughts, and if I focus on someone I can catch some of those. Now I haven't used this on people (I'm a bit scared about it if you ask me) but used it plenty of times on animals. Even animals I never met and only seen pictures of. When I concentrate on them, I can ask them questions and I write done the first thoughts I have. Afterwards I verify the answers with the owner and pretty much all of them are true. This includes things like experiences the animal had, how he/she feels about other animals and sometimes even a description of where he/she lives and the owner. It doesn't seem to matter whether the animal is alive or not. 


It's weird and I would love to explain this how it works, but all I can explain is how it works and feels for me. I did not 'learn' this, I just became aware that some of my thoughts aren't mine. All I do is meditate to clear my own mind, focus on a photo and name of the animal. And then I write down the first feelings and thoughts I feel...

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I used to be really into paranormal things i used to have a tape recorder and put it on at night and i did actually get some talking on it which really creeped me out ..... 


Lived in one house where something would always follow me up the stairs... and there are "orbs" in alot of my little sisters photos (she was very ill as a baby) and also in videos... also saw these orbs one night go from the living room up to my sisters bedroom the cats we had at the time went abs mental watching them. 


Im not sure what i believe in after death etc but i do think there is something else there and i always say what is the point of living if you juts die and dont remember any of it .

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Just because science can't explain it now - doesn't mean that science won't explain it in the future.


Belief is a funny word - we can believe lots of things but that doesn't make them true. Many things we "believed" in the past we no longer believe in now (thank goodness!). The problem with belief in the widest sense is that it is not provable and therefore is a question with no answer. A good example is life-after-death...it can never be proved either way and therefore is really a meaningless question. Its also virtually impossible to disprove beliefs..... I believe I have a pig that flies...but it only flies when there is no-one around and can't be seen by others...oh and its invisible   :D  Want to buy it?

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I've had too many wierd things happen to me for me not to believe in it.

I'm talking like really wierd things, personally I'm don't like it, some things can be quite nasty.

My parents have both told me that several people said there was something about me as a child, but I do try to block it out, it just creeps me out and I don't want anything to do with it lol.

Also I do believe animals can feel it more than we can, however I do think cats react to it more than dogs. My cat really isn't the cuddly type, he hates being held or anything he's very independent, yet in the past when I feel something's dodgy he will come in and act very strangely, hissing and pawing the air and stays very close to me, while Mishka just lays and watches, so if I get a feeling that somethings there but the animals are relaxed I know its nothing nasty and leave it.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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I have sleep paralysis which some people believe to be a demonic thing look it up what it describes is what happens to me it's not very nice but I don't believe the demon side of it even though I have heard demonic voices etc and even felt things

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I have sleep paralysis which some people believe to be a demonic thing look it up what it describes is what happens to me it's not very nice but I don't believe the demon side of it even though I have heard demonic voices etc and even felt things


Yes I heard of it, but it can be somewhat explained by you still dreaming while you're awake but your body isn't. You can't move, which makes it feel like something is holding you back. Combine that with still dreaming and it's basically a big hallucination. I never had it, but it's a surprisingly common experience. The most common report is that people feel another presence in the room but they can't do anything about it.


Can also happen before you fall asleep though the experience is different. Your body basically gets paralyzed when it starts to sleep so you won't start running around the place like an idiot when you're just dreaming. Sometimes you wake up with your body still being paralyzed (as in your case). But sometimes this paralysation also happen a bit too early, while you're still awake. This is perceived as suddenly falling and often results in you randomly spazzing out, becoming clear awake and wondering what the hell just happened :huh:

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Yes I heard of it, but it can be somewhat explained by you still dreaming while you're awake but your body isn't. You can't move, which makes it feel like something is holding you back. Combine that with still dreaming and it's basically a big hallucination. I never had it, but it's a surprisingly common experience. The most common report is that people feel another presence in the room but they can't do anything about it.


Can also happen before you fall asleep though the experience is different. Your body basically gets paralyzed when it starts to sleep so you won't start running around the place like an idiot when you're just dreaming. Sometimes you wake up with your body still being paralyzed (as in your case). But sometimes this paralysation also happen a bit too early, while you're still awake. This is perceived as suddenly falling and often results in you randomly spazzing out, becoming clear awake and wondering what the hell just happened :huh:

No i get it when i am going to sleep i dont wake up like it, i have to however then stay awake or i just keep going into it. Yeah i read that its where you body goes to sleep before your mind so to speak i reckon thats what it is i have had it since i was really young and i figured out how to "wake myself up" out of them i had to move any part of my body even just a finger and id wake up. If i did not wake myself up however i would go into the nightmare of hearing creepy voices, scratches on my back etc etc. The worst ones though which have happened over the past 4 years is i also cannot breathe when i go into them also it is a very scary experience and luckily one that does not happen often anymore :)

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I love the idea of ghosts and the paranormal. I love reading horror stories and tales of the occult and paranormal. Do I believe in it? - not for one moment! As entertainment it's great, but in real life - Naaaah.

There are a lot of things in the world we still can't explain, but that doesn't mean they are paranormal. JMO

Am with you on this one and find everyone that does believe to be either a little weird or just a plan nutter, you that do believe my put yourselves in any category you like ;)

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How funny... earlier this morning, I posted a comment to HuskyGuerls "Creepy Dog" posting, sharing my little input about her pupcake's creepy staring thing and told her my experience with Dakota(our first husky) I told her my building in nothing but a giant ghost story... lol  :)  

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Have seen and felt presence of someone when I cleaned, for most of time I was alone in building but he was there. The young Ot Who worked there saw him, freaked her completely and she got another job. In my 2nd workplace we have several extra friends, keeps you company when on a night shift. Had 1 keep closing a door as I was vacuuming till I told him off, swear I saw him wander off down the corridor and this was in daytime.

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I had Jos 'contact' my first husky and the things he told me (without knowing me - and I didn't tell him that Bo was gone) were spot on. (And made me feel much better about my decision to let Bo cross over)


My folks both passed when I was in my teens and early 20's and I often feel their presence - don't often see them, but feel them. When my son (now 29) was born he was in the cradle in the hospital and I could see my father rocking him. He'd been crying and when he stopped, I looked over to see dad rocking the cradle and touching his head. 


On my wedding day, Dad was there - felt his hand on my shoulder and turned to catch a glimpse of him smiling. 


But most often it's Bo who visits me. I catch him laying on the sofa or brushing past me on the stairs....


Some will say it's just wishful thinking, but we all have our own comforts............

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I've never experienced anything myself, but I don't rule out the possibility.

I have however experienced precognition on several occasions.

Usually just seconds before an event happened,

(nothing important or extreme) just events happening around me.

suddenly I "know" exactly whats going to happen, whats going to be said etc.

It's over in a few seconds. But leaves a very wierd feeling.

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Wow some very interesting opinions :)

I believe that there is something else there including aliens as mentioned :) but also believe some things can be explained through science or other measures I like watching the ghost hunter shows on tv there interesting even though I think most of its made up and cameras and different lighting techniques are used as well as sound.

What is paranormal? Does Reiki falls under that? Because science can't explain it but those who had a reiki treatment before can tell you that at least SOMETHING's going on.


Ghosts? I'm not sure, I surely haven't felt one close before but am able to connect with their souls if I focus on it. It's the same as randomly thinking about something and suddenly your parent/close friend say exactly the same. I've had that happen to me many times, including from people I never met on the forum here  :huh: I learned that there are 'my' thoughts and 'other' random incoming thoughts, and if I focus on someone I can catch some of those. Now I haven't used this on people (I'm a bit scared about it if you ask me) but used it plenty of times on animals. Even animals I never met and only seen pictures of. When I concentrate on them, I can ask them questions and I write done the first thoughts I have. Afterwards I verify the answers with the owner and pretty much all of them are true. This includes things like experiences the animal had, how he/she feels about other animals and sometimes even a description of where he/she lives and the owner. It doesn't seem to matter whether the animal is alive or not. 


It's weird and I would love to explain this how it works, but all I can explain is how it works and feels for me. I did not 'learn' this, I just became aware that some of my thoughts aren't mine. All I do is meditate to clear my own mind, focus on a photo and name of the animal. And then I write down the first feelings and thoughts I feel...

That is rather interesting :) I'd love to know how to do that I've always wanted to know about the thoughts and stuff of one of my previous dogs and Sasha it would be a bit freaky though specially if you don't know the person lol I'd think you've been stalking me haha I've had someone come upto me and say something that happened in my past yet no one knew about it except for those that were there and this person was from another country and younger then me so couldn't have been there it freaked me right out lol ill admit I ran away from this person pale and screaming haha

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If any of you out there really believe you can predict the future or read other peoples minds or do anything "paranormal" then can I suggest you win $1M by going to http://www.randi.org/site/  - its amazing with all the people who believe they can do this kind of thing that no-one has won....I wonder why? 


Aliens - of course there is life elsewhere in the universe - its just not here! 

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I've never experienced anything myself, but I don't rule out the possibility.

I have however experienced precognition on several occasions.

Usually just seconds before an event happened,

(nothing important or extreme) just events happening around me.

suddenly I "know" exactly whats going to happen, whats going to be said etc.

It's over in a few seconds. But leaves a very wierd feeling.

my mum the night before the boeing 747 crash when i was a teen, Woke up screaming that there would be a crash and loads would die

next day it happened.

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I do believe in it. I've had creepy odd feelings but not really a genuine thing that stands out, but I no people who have lived in scary houses and seen stuff and I just think if there was nothing, how could anyone think to make it all up? I respect people's beliefs and would never argue what I beliece is true but just what I think

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