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Do You Believe In...


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I've had dreams that have come true kind of freaky when I think I've been in the situation before and then realise it was a dream I had a week before happens a lot normally bad things though :(

If any of you out there really believe you can predict the future or read other peoples minds or do anything "paranormal" then can I suggest you win $1M by going to http://www.randi.org/site/  - its amazing with all the people who believe they can do this kind of thing that no-one has won....I wonder why? 


Aliens - of course there is life elsewhere in the universe - its just not here!

Seeing your science related posts how do you explain objects being thrown across a room at you while no one is in the house with you? I've had that happen twice and when I was younger I had toys all around my room on shelves and I had them set out to be smallest to largest yet when I woke up some mornings they had moved only ever happened in one house though. I still have all the same toys except for a few big ones but there in boxes :( lol

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 I believe I have a pig that flies...but it only flies when there is no-one around and can't be seen by others...oh and its invisible   :D  Want to buy it?


That's as good a definition of religion as I have seen for ages!

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I promise only to make one more post then I will shut up....honestly!


These stories appear to be commonplace but when ever "tested" there is always some explanation. A couple of examples - people reporting having their things moved while asleep at night. Put a camera on them and it turns out they move them while sleepwalking. Had a dream that something terrible was going to happen - I have these a lot, from time to time they are correct - mostly they are not. Dream things often enough and with all the "bad" things going on in the world you will be right! When this has been tested (i.e. people write down their dreams as soon as they occur) they have found to be statistically useless at predicting anything (anything meaningful that is - even I can predict something bad will happen somewhere in the world).


Why am I bothered about this? Why does it matter what people believe? Well go back to the times when all there was were "beliefs" - what was the world like? We burnt women at the stake because they were "witches". People were persecuted because of irrational fears. We thought thunderstorms were gods getting angry and we had better sacrifice something (your pet dog perhaps?).  This still happens - I saw a goat slaughtered in Nepal to appease the gods because the plane had a malfunction! The explanation for everything was one of god (whichever one you happened to believe in), the devil or some other being (witch, goblin, ghost - you choose).  Even today through this kind of irrationality children are being killed in Nigeria because they are thought to bring bad luck and be witches. Now look around you - thanks to a few who challenged the beliefs of the time we have the modern world. You live longer, can travel round the world, even discuss ghosts on forums via the internet. The world around you is built upon factual evidence not beliefs. Is it perfect - nah, but its a darn sight better.


Next time you fly on a plane or drive your car you had better hope it was designed based on evidence and not on beliefs.


Bye its been fun  :wave:

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@MarKFSmith I don't follow a faith or believe and definitely no religion. I'm as much as a scientific guy as you, wanting (and being able to) explain everything. And loads of things can be explained of course. However, in the last couple of years I've come across experiences modern day science definitely isn't able to explain (yet). I'm not making this up nor am I making assumptions based on that without knowing too much about it. I just tell it as it is and if possible I even record it. I'd love to explain it, but I can't. This hasn't anything to do with a belief or wanting to believe in it so badly that it become reality. Do not forget that as long as science is discovering new things, it means there is stuff out there not explainable yet!

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i believe in lots of things

i do think that people can be empaths or have premonitions..

i dont believe that everyone who claims to be pyschic is actually pyschic.

some people can see into the future or at least have a higher perception of things... like nostradamus


i wouldnt rubbish anyone on what they believe to be true as we dont always know what people can sense 'pick up on'

maybe some people have that 'little bit extra' thanks to evolution...

who knows

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Here's an interesting video about Reiki healing on a wolf. It's much more fun on animals if you ask me :)




And this one is of my mother giving Reiki to Glala. She never liked people touching her like that and often growled/walked away when it happened. But now suddenly she seemed to accept it all which really surprised me. She just laid there much like the wolf from the previous video.



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I promise only to make one more post then I will shut up....honestly!


These stories appear to be commonplace but when ever "tested" there is always some explanation. A couple of examples - people reporting having their things moved while asleep at night. Put a camera on them and it turns out they move them while sleepwalking. Had a dream that something terrible was going to happen - I have these a lot, from time to time they are correct - mostly they are not. Dream things often enough and with all the "bad" things going on in the world you will be right! When this has been tested (i.e. people write down their dreams as soon as they occur) they have found to be statistically useless at predicting anything (anything meaningful that is - even I can predict something bad will happen somewhere in the world).


Why am I bothered about this? Why does it matter what people believe? Well go back to the times when all there was were "beliefs" - what was the world like? We burnt women at the stake because they were "witches". People were persecuted because of irrational fears. We thought thunderstorms were gods getting angry and we had better sacrifice something (your pet dog perhaps?).  This still happens - I saw a goat slaughtered in Nepal to appease the gods because the plane had a malfunction! The explanation for everything was one of god (whichever one you happened to believe in), the devil or some other being (witch, goblin, ghost - you choose).  Even today through this kind of irrationality children are being killed in Nigeria because they are thought to bring bad luck and be witches. Now look around you - thanks to a few who challenged the beliefs of the time we have the modern world. You live longer, can travel round the world, even discuss ghosts on forums via the internet. The world around you is built upon factual evidence not beliefs. Is it perfect - nah, but its a darn sight better.


Next time you fly on a plane or drive your car you had better hope it was designed based on evidence and not on beliefs.


Bye its been fun  :wave:

Its A good job we don't still burn folks we believe to be witches this place would be so quiet   :P

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Its A good job we don't still burn folks we believe to be witches this place would be so quiet   :P

They used to burn Warlocks at the stake too Y'know :P

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Anyone read the bible codes?? I found that very interesting

Nope what is that? Lol

Here's an interesting video about Reiki healing on a wolf. It's much more fun on animals if you ask me :)




And this one is of my mother giving Reiki to Glala. She never liked people touching her like that and often growled/walked away when it happened. But now suddenly she seemed to accept it all which really surprised me. She just laid there much like the wolf from the previous video.



Here's an interesting video about Reiki healing on a wolf. It's much more fun on animals if you ask me :)




And this one is of my mother giving Reiki to Glala. She never liked people touching her like that and often growled/walked away when it happened. But now suddenly she seemed to accept it all which really surprised me. She just laid there much like the wolf from the previous video.



That has to be one of the most interesting things I've seen in a while :) I've always wondered how that works.

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i believe in lots of things

i do think that people can be empaths or have premonitions..

i dont believe that everyone who claims to be pyschic is actually pyschic.

some people can see into the future or at least have a higher perception of things... like nostradamus


i wouldnt rubbish anyone on what they believe to be true as we dont always know what people can sense 'pick up on'

maybe some people have that 'little bit extra' thanks to evolution...

who knows

Totally agree,  I believe because of my own experiences,  as toddlers both my kids chatted with friends I couldn't see,  and I have predicted 6 different pregnancies,  (not my own lol)  I think this would be a pretty boring world if there were no mysteries left.



Saying i hadnt had the sleep paralysis in a while .... had it last night :( had to keep trying to stay awake for ages :(

Is it actually sleep paralysis stormy, have you been checked out for narcolepsy ?

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Totally agree,  I believe because of my own experiences,  as toddlers both my kids chatted with friends I couldn't see,  and I have predicted 6 different pregnancies,  (not my own lol)  I think this would be a pretty boring world if there were no mysteries left.



Is it actually sleep paralysis stormy, have you been checked out for narcolepsy ?

Its not Narcolepsy, Narcolepsy is where you fall asleep at innapropriate times so could be at any time in the day whatever you are doing. I dont have that :)

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That has to be one of the most interesting things I've seen in a while :) I've always wondered how that works.


Everyone feels it differently. Some don't feel much while others are very sensitive for it. I experience it as a tingling sensation and warmth. I always end up falling asleep :rolleyes:  It's weird because my mother has Reiki 3A which means she can do it from a distance and I can still feel it. Though she is mostly using it for the animals, especially for the feral cats in the cat shelter she works for. It's amazing to see what it does with animals. Even the most anxious cats seem to get relaxed with it.


I want to start learning Reiki too after I finish with my college (which may or may not be next year already) and use it for animals. Anyone that's not convinced about it can see it for themselves at huskycamp then ;)

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Everyone feels it differently. Some don't feel much while others are very sensitive for it. I experience it as a tingling sensation and warmth. I always end up falling asleep :rolleyes:  It's weird because my mother has Reiki 3A which means she can do it from a distance and I can still feel it. Though she is mostly using it for the animals, especially for the feral cats in the cat shelter she works for. It's amazing to see what it does with animals. Even the most anxious cats seem to get relaxed with it.


I want to start learning Reiki too after I finish with my college (which may or may not be next year already) and use it for animals. Anyone that's not convinced about it can see it for themselves at huskycamp then ;)

That's pretty awesome to do that :) I'd love to try it with Sasha but wouldn't have a clue if people do it here wouldn't know where to start looking either lol how do you learn to do it? Is it something to do with being able to shut out the world in a way and focus all your energy on the animal?

Things like that fascinate me :)

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That's pretty awesome to do that :) I'd love to try it with Sasha but wouldn't have a clue if people do it here wouldn't know where to start looking either lol how do you learn to do it? Is it something to do with being able to shut out the world in a way and focus all your energy on the animal?

Things like that fascinate me :)


It's generally believed that you channel the energy that is all around you through your hands and focus them on your patient. My mother told me before that it doesn't make her tired. If anything, she feels as if she gets more energy from doing it. But everyone experiences/tells it differently.


There are 4 levels of Reiki. 1, 2, 3A and 3B. It's 3B that makes people being able to teach other people Reiki. I'm not fully sure how it goes to be honest. I'll have to ask my mother for that.

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I still dont really understand what Reiki is Jos?


It's healing energy, originated from Japan. It can help you with stress and anxiety, but also to make you feel more relaxed. Sometimes different areas need more energy than others, with every part having a different meaning. For example, when we brought Wodak here for the first time, he needed lots of energy to go to his chest area, which stands for security. Quite logical as he was only a couple of days in our house with dogs he didn't knew yet.


Everyone has different explanations about how it works. Some say it's redirected energy from the world, some say it's God's energy. I have my own believe but I will always stay open minded about is until it's been proven somehow. What I do know though is that it works. And as long as it works and can be used to help people and animals, it's worth doing it.


I would recommend everyone to find someone doing Reiki and experiencing it for themselves at least once, even if you don't believe in it. Especially if you're stressed or have lots of things on your plate right now, it will really help you.

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Interesting post, Jos, thanks for sharing. I don't know anything about Reiki, though the word itself sounds familiar. Maybe because of the particular syllable "ki" which can be widely met within the martial arts originating from ancient China to modern Japan.


It's interesting because it seems that the word, and its meaning, "ki" seems to be part of a much larger pattern which involves not only healing techniques, but also philosophies and various teachings. Probably that's why I'm not surprised to see that the Sacral chakra in Reiki is the hara in the martial arts and Zen, where ki is breath, the place where all the energy comes from and all the energy goes to.


I can't really contribute much to the thread though, it's been a while since I practice zen meditation for the last time, but I strongly believe that this kind of so-called energy exists. We just don't spend enough time paying attention to such things.

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