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Do Huskies Howl A Lot When They're Home Alone?


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I'm thinking about adopting a 2-year-old husky/malamute mix from shelter - I've asked them if he howls and they said he does. So do you think this is due to other dogs being around or maybe him being bored and sad about being locked up?


I'm planning to be with him most of the time for the next 3 months since I have no obligations, in October though, my classes in University start again - I would be away about 4-5hours a day, 3 times a week. I made a plan to exercise him from 6am to 8am and then got to a class and do another session like that when I come back (and a shorter walk in the evening), since I live in an apartment.

My only and biggest worry are the neighbours complaining because of *possible* howling, when I won't be at home  :unsure: For the next 3 months I'll train him of course, like puppies are trained - leaving the room and giving him a treat if he's quiet and maybe spraying him with water? I know he'll talk/howl, I like that about huskies :) I just don't want him doing that when I'm away, because if they'll want me to get rid of him.. I don't know what I'll do.. :( Buy the whole building earplugs, I guess :)


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Oh wow he is gorgeous..And my neighbors have complained once of my huskies howling while im not there. But that was the first day we moved in and they were scared. Im not to sure though on howling when not home because im not there to know..I hope someone has better advice for you. Sorry im no help

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All you can do is try and find out how this dog behaves.  Maybe the shelter will let you "borrow" him for a test, like over a weekend?

As for "do they make noise?" ... you'll find some here who have pets who will hold a conversation with you, and talk back to you, and then be absolutely quiet when you're out.  Others will be naturally quiet - I have two like that, if my Alaskan barks, I go to see what he's barking at.  My Sibe very seldom makes any noise - she may whine (talk) to let me know the water bowl is empty but generally she's absolutely quiet.  Still others don't know when to shut up!

Both of mine are left at home (one inside and one out) when I go into town and my neighbor has said that he's never heard a peep out of them - of course he's a couple of hundred feet away (probably about 100 meters or so).

'fraid this is just one of those things that you're going to have to see how he behaves - because, believe me, they're all different.

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First of all: welcome to the forums and thank you for adopting! :)


Ask them if he's been crate trained or if he has any problems being left alone. 


Mine has separation anxiety, and he would woo/yelp up a storm when I used to leave him alone. It didn't help he wasn't crate trained when we adopted him.

Besides that, he is very quiet. He only 'talks' to me when he wants something. But, they are all different. 

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Our boys are usually quiet while we are gone. If we take Ammo and leave Gunner at home, then its a different story and he has SA from Ammo...so he goes crazy.

The only time our neighbor said she heres them is if we dog-sit another dog and that one howls...then ours will to. But luckily our neighbors like huskies and go watch sledding events...so they are ok with it lol. It helps we have our own house so they aren't right next door.

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my Thor a rescue howls alot lol but when we're home and he wants some thing or when he's playing with the others, when left alone they just sleep. but my next door neighbor loves listening to the howling says he finds it really relaxing, now my boy Odin not a rescue never howls he's a barker and that i'd worry about more as it's much louder xxxxx

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Both of mine sometimes howl but only for a minute and then they stop... Skye is normally the one to start it off and Shadow just joins in for the fun of it! Normally happens in the morning tbh when i go out its very rare.... but its not overly loud as i walked round my whole house listening to them...


Now when i had the OHS parents dogs here the german shorthaired pointer has a massively loud whiny bark now that you can hear and is not something i would ever want myself it goes right through you!!!

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Panda used to howl and cry while i was crate training him for a few hours then stop. He doesn't howl anymore though. He is generally very quiet unless and stranger comes into the house and he will bark.

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