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Being Naughty On Purpose.


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Hi all


Does anyone else have problems with their pups being naughty on purpose and know exactly what buttons to press???


Every single day without fail (and more commonly in the evening) whenever Jazz is bored she strides over to my sofa and tries to bite and nibble it. She knows it gets a reaction and I have to shout at her and move her away. She will then go straight back for it. This is repeated until I take her into the garden for time out. She also does exactly the same with the bottom stair (in our lounge). When I put her in time out in the conservatory she also digs up the vinyl because she knows it makes me go in there and stop her. I'm not lying when I say most evenings are spent constantly telling her off, if i'm walking around the house doing stuff she is fine but as soon as I sit down that's when she is bored and wants to annoy me.


My main question is how do I break the habit. I can't just ignore her chewing at the sofa, she has already made two rips in it :-(. I'm getting a little fed up with every night being the same. The only thing that enables me a peaceful evening is giving her a knuckle bone but I can't do that all the time.


By the way she is a mally and 8months old.


Apart from the above I absolutely adore her.





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Ohh yeah Nikko is over 1 1/2 and is still naughty and will do things he knows he isn't supposed to. It's then testing your limits and they will try to get away with whatever they can.

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We used bitter lemon spray on the carpets that Bear used to chew. Worked to a degree, she mainly wanted to roll on it rather than chew it. If she's chewing the sofa in front of you and doesn't respond to vocal commands then maybe a water squirt bottle would help? I've personally not tried this so no Idea if it would work, if I blasted mine with water, I suspect they may enjoy it rather than be deterred.

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I tried bitter apple spay when she was younger, she didn't like it but whenever I got the bottle out and ready to spray she would bark and jump around like mad staring at it. She is a very stuborn girl, for instance when she mouths I've tried holding her muzzle, nipping her lip between her teeth and putting my fingers down her throat...on each occasion she mouths again just to see whether I will keep doing it each time lol.

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I use distraction with a ball or other toy. I find Elka gets naughty with boredom and keeping her occupied has been really good for stopping unwanted behaviour. Now the weather is warmer i take Elka for an evening walk which means she just crashes when we get home.

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I think she would follow yes. Id be getting up every 5 minutes but might be worth it as reacting definitely isn't. I do take her for s long walk as soon as I get home. She's such a crafty girl and knows exactly what she's doing. I know people say praise the good and ignore the bad but how do you ignore your sofa being chewed :)

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It's quite simple really.

she's 8 months, and she's BORED.

So she knows that by doing these things she'll get you undevided attention.

at this age they need constant stimulation.

as others have said, Kongs, puzzle toys, playtime in the garden.

Even an old drinks bottle filled with treats.

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I think she would follow yes. Id be getting up every 5 minutes but might be worth it as reacting definitely isn't. I do take her for s long walk as soon as I get home. She's such a crafty girl and knows exactly what she's doing. I know people say praise the good and ignore the bad but how do you ignore your sofa being chewed :)

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I deffo think it's worth a shot you might be getting up a lot but if she's after your attention even you shouting at her is getting her what she wants negative attention or not its still attention
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she sounds bored....

run around in the back garden with her or take her for a walk.... get her to play tug with a rope toy

it seems like she is saying 'daaaaaaaaaaad play with me' knowing that chewing furniture is the way to have your undivided attention rather than not looking away from a screen and making noises at her...


she is still young and has endless amounts of energy....

mine still act like puppies and they are 5,4 and almost 4


it will only get worse if you dont give her attention and time as she will start doing more naughty things to get your attention

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I love spending time with her and I do play with her. The problem I have with jazz is too much excitement makes her overly hyper. If I play football with her or run around her eyes glaze over and she has the zoomies..the problem is these zoomies always result in her nipping and mouthing when she loses control. So to some extent I have to try and keep her calm until she grows out of it. It's sad cause id love to play more actively.

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You can try mental stimulation, then, if you don't want her to have the zoomies. A Kong (Kong Wobblers are better...IMO. But only work with kibble-type treats), or any treat-dispensing treat will do. They have to think & use their brains to figure out how to get the food out. Surprisingly, this tires mine out as much as a trip to the dog park would. 

But, the problem is that because he's so smart, he figures out a toy in a day or two. 

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Just wanted to say...I bought a Kong wobbler. Wish I had got one earlier!! They are fantastic and jazz loves it. I feed all her meals in their and it stops her from eating too quick and keeps her entertained. Thanks for the tip!

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You don't want to take her on major walks yet. Her growth plates are still developing. I would take andy's advice and also work on the trading game. Don't make a major fuss of it all. Leaving the room could also help. Generally they go through stages with training. things get better, then a backslide, then they get better again and this is where training really starts to stick.

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