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When Is A Good Time For Another Husky To Add To Family?


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  I haven't posted on here in over a year!  We have Aura- a 3 year old Sibe that we have enjoyed.  We have great routines with her including runs, walks, hikes, pulling the running stroller etc.  She is a very routine dog, she is quite social and enjoys many visiting family members and gets along well with most other dogs.  Recently, we got an email from our breeder (who checks in from time to time) and she has a 6 month old dog who was from another litter (would be Aura's niece!) that needs a home. This dog lives in near our city with a young married couple, but it's not working out for them.  They are having a real hard time and are looking to give the dog back to the breeder.  The breeder is willing to give the dog to us for free (pending a trial period of 6 weeks if we need it and $50 owner transfer.


For those of  you who have 2 dogs-  when did you get your second and how did it change your life/ routines? Was the first dog happier? How far apart are they in age?


Side note: we have a toddler- almost 2 who loves dogs and Aura is gentle with her.  This new dog is house trained, cat trained, and basic training is done, but has lots of energy (don't they all??)..  We are planning on having another child and were considering a dog eventually..



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I got my second dog a month after my first. Cloud didn't act like a puppy though and was trained to where I wanted him. I didn't notice a big difference in food at first because Yuki was a puppy, but I did notice the vet bills and heartworm meds doubling right away. As long as you can commit time and exercise to both dogs and can double the expenses, I wouldn't say why not. I did notice Cloud was much happier with Yuki around, and both of them were even happy when Link came in because he initiates so much play. Huskies are true pack animals, I think she'd enjoy the company, but again only if you can handle the time and demand of another dog :)

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As long as you have the time, money and love, I'd say go for it! Huskies are social dogs (not that you don't know about it) and they tend to be happier living in a pack rather than being an only dog. But with the other dog being a 6 months old he/she might be a little too jumpy, and you might see Aura growling a bit at first to put the puppy in his place. But usually huskies get along quickly with another husky :) best of luck and keep us updated!

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We got Knox when Luka was 7/8 months old I think. I hadn't really planned on a second until Luka was at least a year because the idea of 2 puppies scared me. Haha It wound up working out fine. Honestly going from 1 to 2 was no big deal at all. They tire each other out and love having a companion. I foster for our local Husky rescue and let me tell you what I noticed was going from 2 to 3. I've seen it on here a million times 1 to 2 is easy, 2 to 3 is hard. I think with her being 3 you just need to make sure she gets along well with the new dog. (which since she's only 6 months i don't see being an issue) good luck!

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Hmmm, what I did and what I recommend are two different things. Bear was six months old when we got ice and it was hard! Really hard! Therefore I always say make sure you get your first dog trained to the level you want first and then consider it. Be prepared for a slight regression as in theory the elder dog should teach the younger good manners it doesn't always work that way. Some naughty tricks can get passed on the other way too! The word cat trained worries me a bit as there really isn't such a thing for a husky. At six months old they've not developed their prey drive yet and things can rapidly change. My dogs are around the two year mark and live with our cats relatively peacefully as they were raised to accept them. However I have no idea what they'd do with an unfamiliar cat. So far all they've done is watch them when out on walks but if they met them offlead in the garden I worry they might try to eat them. Also would you have support and help with walking and caring for two dogs if you have a new baby to care for? If the answer is yes and both dogs get along then hey, go for it!

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Finances- we only have to worry about a transfer of ownership + shots that have to be continued, food etc.


work- new dog would come out on all walks and short runs and I would train the two of them together for the younger one to get better at longer runs (Aura is used to 10km hike/run every weekend). 


Baby- is a 2 year old toddler that loves dogs.  The potential difficulty would be that I'm on my own at home all summer (transition time) in the AM - my hubby works half days and a full day on Thursday, plus occational 12 hour shifts.  I think on those long shifts I would ask a family friend to come over to potentially help me if need be.


We have a large backyard (what you Brits call a garden) that has a 6 ft fence, places to dig and things to play with...

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I got Yukon when Nikko was 9 months old. I waited until Nikko was done with training. Nikko's behavior improved a lot as he wasnt as dominate towards me after getting the second one. They also played a lot and tired each other out which was good.

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We're getting our second pup in about 6 weeks. Kodiak is 14 months old.

The new pup will have to be crated, as we're a bit worried that Kodiak will squish the pup if he rolls over on her... Plus there's a small issue around water aggression that we need to work on... We've always wanted two after our older two dogs passed away, but we thought we'd leave it a year after getting Kodiak, as we weren't sure how big he would get... And we still don't know!!!!

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Ryn will be three in a week and I just got my second husky in April. Ryn loves the fun and frolick of having a sister. Tunes is just over a year (a Texas Husky Rescue girl). She is adapting well to being at our home and of course to being Ryn's sister.


One thing to remember is that while the older husky will teach the younger one good things.........also expect the newbie to teach the older one a few 'bad' things. It's bound to happen.

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Echo was 1 year and 11 months old when we added two new babies to the family..he taught them up well.but he grew into a bigger baby lol..whines all the time and extreme jealousy with him..but don't have bad behaved problems from any of them :)

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We had Myshka 3 yrs before looking for another husky. Back then, huskies as pets were not very popular & they only multi-husky people we knew ran their dogs so had teams. But then we got Diesel & have never looked back, we hardly noticed the cost (except insurance) and they kept each other entertained. And as all good husky owners know, you can't just stop there so another 3 years on & we added Kaviq to the mix. This time, the only thing I noticed was the food bill started to creep up but as for "managing the dogs" etc, they play with each other so it was not too bad at all. Walking 3 on your own can be fun but Kaviq & Myshka are walked on the walking belt & Diesel trots along on a flexi lead (he's not a puller now, thankfully!)

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