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Sibe Barking Every Night Help!

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my boyfriend is moving in with me and he/we have a 7-8 month old Sibe named Mya and she among other issues barks for some time at night in her crate aside from the fact that he does not have her crate covered how can we get her to stop as i dont want to get kicked out becouse of her barking should i look into shock/bark collars or is her fur(around her neck) to thick for one? we try ignoring her and not paying her any attention but that dosnt work HELP!!!!  :(

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Hello and welcome to the forums!


Personally I don't approve those shock/bark collars at all, doesn't matter what one would use them for. I don't have Ares (my sibe) crated, however from what I've read, you could try moving the crate to your room and see if this would calm Mya down.


We have a backyard and usually Ares is free to roam it, however every now and then we have to put him on the chain to get something done and then he becomes the whiniest dog you know. This usually doesn't go for more than 15-20 minutes, my advice would be to spend a bit of time with her and then leave her alone to see what would happen.


Pretty sure the rest of the members would be much more helpful :)


PS: We want more pictures of Mya, she's so beautiful!

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Welcome Mya is beautiful.

I can't give much advice on crating as my girl isn't crated at all. The shock collars are banned over here (Australia) as far as i know(correct me if I'm wrong if your from aust) and i personally think its cruel to use one on a dog for any reason there are nicer ways to help the dog or train the dog to stop doing something its not ment to.

There's a lot of helpful people on here that will chime in soon I'm sure and help you out with what to try sorry I'm not much help and good luck with it :)

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If you wanted to go with a collar, then you can but ones that squirt a mist of citrus spray that dogs don't like. THere are also DAP sprays, diffusers and collars that may help calm her. These are a dog pheromone that is meant to be soothing rather than intrusive or punishing.

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Welcome to the forum.

Huskies don't like being alone (except on their own terms)

Even at night when you are still in the house.

As Dimitar said, perhaps have the crate in your room at night.

Otherwise it's a couple of weeks of her crying and whining until she gets used to the idea.


There are a few Crate training threads in the training section.

Have a read and see if some of the ideas in there might help.

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Hi :) I have three sibes and went through this with one of them..we had to put his cage in our bedroom WHERE he could see us..our echo has been caged since a pup and has been in our room since last year when we got the other two..he helped calm their nerves and they helped calm his so they didn't feel alone..they all now happily and quietly sleep in their own room in cages..he is 3 years old now..but if we take the other two pups away he will throw a fit like old times...it's just that your pup is still young and alone and scared ecspecially Being in a new environment to him..try putting his cage in your room also take an old shirt of your boyfriends that has your boyfriends scent on it and put it on a stuffed animal to put in with him..some dogs it works with some it don't..we had to do it when we left the house or our neighbors would complain of his whining hope it helps!!

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I also don't agree with the use of shock collars for training.  They are not banned here, and I have seen people use them, but I don't think they are humane. 


Like Dimitar said, I would move the crate in your bedroom at night.  If she starts making noise you can use a spray bottle of water, or a loud NO or tap her crate, or just try to ignore it (get some earplugs LOL). 


Mine were crated at night until they were 4-6 months old, but once they were potty trained I let them sleep in bed with me, but the first week included sleepless nights!

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Honestly this is something that should have been thought through before the dog was moved into the apartment, dogs are going to make noise, especially puppies. Bear in mind huskies are vocal dogs. My advice would be to ask the neighbors to bear with you as she is a puppy in training. Try moving her crate into your bedroom for now, my Yuki has never whined or barked in her crate at night but it started out in the bedroom at the side of my bed, then moved to the end of the bed, and then I moved it into the living room. I also live in an apartment, I know there isn't much room but its do-able. Huskies are social animals, they want to be with their pack.

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If her issue is separation anxiety, DO NOT buy an electric/static collar! These can make the problem much worse. Essentially they are adding a severe stress to an already stressed out dog and it may result in her harming herself. Otherwise I very much agree with Megan. It is no secret this breed is a vocal one, especially as adolescents, and that should have been a major consideration. Best suggestion is to explain things to your neighbors, and start looking into good behavioral trainers that have experience with anxiety cases.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you all who suggested putting her crate in the bedroom it worked like a charm her crate is covered so its dark like a den and i put a little fan by her to keep her cool and she whined a little bit but i ignored her and she went to sleep and slept throughout the night so thanks everyone you all are truly geniouses!

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thank you all who suggested putting her crate in the bedroom it worked like a charm her crate is covered so its dark like a den and i put a little fan by her to keep her cool and she whined a little bit but i ignored her and she went to sleep and slept throughout the night so thanks everyone you all are truly geniouses!


I didn't reply because I have no suggestions, but I did see this thread and I'm glad to hear that you've now fixed this issue :D yay Mya!

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