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Hot Husky! Worried.


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So.. i got back from a 15 minute walk at about 3pm with the temperature outside in the high 20's, it did feel quite hot, and once we were back from the walk my husky began gasping rapidly for air like he was struggling to breathe! (has anyone else had this with thier dog?) so as you would imagine it gave me a bit of a shock. I rushed him to the vets where she took his temperature and this was high at 39. shes prescribed him anti biotics in case of some kind of infection however i think it is down to the heat.


Since we got back he appears very tired. I have a fan to try and cool him down and keep encouraging him to drink water but he does seem particularly sleepy. Also he barely touched his food, however i did mange to get him to eat his anti biotic tablet.


Im going to take him out now so he can do his buisness though it is still rather hot. do you think i should limit his walk to about 20 mins? Im worried that he'll quickly become bored due to the lack of walks because he doesnt really play with toys and the thing he most looks forward to in the day is when i shout walkies and hes out walking. do you think 2 20 minute walks early morning and later at night will be alright for now?


Any tips on cooling him down? (he doesnt like water).


Also ive heard that drinking too much water at once is bad for the dog, is this true? He began gasping for air about a minute after he'd drank the water when we were back from the little walk.


Sorry about the long post, but im a bit worried about him. He's a 4 year old rescue dog.



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Hi Andrew, to be fair you shouldn't be walking your dog at all at that time of the day. Imagine how you would feel with all your winter togs on walking for 15 mins. in this heat??? Ask yourself if you would like it. Probably not. That's how your husky feels. Don't worry too much about not eating. All mine go through phases where they don't want to eat. Us humans do to, it's because it's to hot. As long as he is drinking don't worry to much at the moment. You need to keep him as cool as you can during the day. I have just bought a portable air con unit and it does the job a treat but another way is to lightly spray water on him. I have six huskies that all hate water but we have just put a garden sprinkler on the roof of their run and turned it on, very gently to start, then turn it up slowly. In the space of a week I have turned the dogs around and they now go out in the morning and sit in the run looking up at the sprinkler as if to say, well come on turn it on.  Take him for his walks at night or very early in the morning when it is cooler. I'm sure you will get a lot more advice on this from others as well.



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ive stoped taking skyler out in the afternoon for now as its too hot.


she gets walked before 7am then after 8pm so its cooled down a bit


i guess he could have just drank too much too quickly and forgot to come up for air so was gasping a bit when he finished.  was he breathing funny for long?


as for cooling down im lucky mine loves water.  give him some ice cubes maybe? just keep him in the shade.

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i guess he could have just drank too much too quickly and forgot to come up for air so was gasping a bit when he finished.  was he breathing funny for long?


It wasn't for long (although it felt like it at the time!) i would say it was maybe for 15 seconds max! i think ill limit how much water i put in his bowl for now.


I'll also shorten his walks and only take him out very early morning and after about 9pm as suggested thanks.


Im a first time husky owner so still learning! thanks for the advice though :)

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Welcome to the Forum :)

Go to the Introductions section and post up a bit about you and your Husky,

Pics too if you can.

Well done for rescuiing Him.

You've probably read that they need tons of exercise, eg, walking.

While thats true, in this sort of extreme weather it's best to hold off on some of it.

If he's bored and restless, try teaching him obedience commands and tricks.

Huskies are very intelligent and love to learn.

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In this heat, I would only take him out very early in the morning (ie: before 7am), or later at night, as it is cooler during those times. 


Remember huskies can get heatstroke very easily, so please do not walk him when it is very hot out. If its still unbearable during the morning/at night, you may have to keep him inside and tire him out that way. If you have a treadmill, you can train them to exercise on that...works wonders during rainy days, when its too cold, or when you just don't want to go out. 

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hiya I wouldn't limit his water you can get water bowls on ebay that make the dog drink slowly they are really for travelling,dont spill , don't tip up, I have mine down in the kitchen at all times, they are called road refresher. as for walking go really early or really late, if you think its to hot then it probably is. I put a bowl full of ice cubes down for 'ice' after his walk. I also have a kids rigid paddling pool full at all times in this weather, I know your dog doesn't like water but if you try a pool and just ignore it he may get in, put a tiny bit of water in to start with.

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What they said !  With the ice cubes, my boy will now chew plain ice, but loves his special doggie ones.  I think it was Sarah gave me the idea ( please correct me if I'm wrong lol) cheap plastic cup, small chunk of sardine, fill with water and freeze.  My boy now comes running every time I open the freezer,  he loves them and I get a good ten minutes peace (bliss)

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hmmm..... let me add one comment to this and kinda stress it.  It's not generally the heat as much as it is a combination of the heat and the humidity.


My kids do fine in the US desert southwest where temps reach into the high 30's - the advantage here (and the reason that they can handle it so well) is that our humidity is generally less than 20% 


I have a male who has a light coat who loves to lay out in the sun - personally it's too hot for me out there but he seems to like it and other than being slim is in good health.  My female on the other hand stays inside - and I have no air conditioning - with me until she decides she wants/needs to go out.


Dogs cool off, primarily by evaporation when they're breathing (ever noticed how hot your dogs breath feels?) so the lower the humidity, the better the evaporative effect;  with radiation from their ears, foot pads and any thin stomach hair (hence part of the reason they sleep "belly up" in the heat).


.... and my stupid dogs don't like ice; Sasha (the female) will let me soak her down but she's not really impressed and Avalanche wants nothing to do with a hose in any way, shape or form.

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Go to the Introductions section and post up a bit about you and your Husky,

Pics too if you can.


Thanks ill get the introduction bit done tommorow.



As for the ice cubes, he takes one sniff of them and looks at me as if to say come off it, im not eating that! :rolleyes:  as suggested though ill maybe try and put something in amongst them. I like the frozen yoghurt idea also.


I'm hoping the quick gasping for air was just drinking water too quick and not heat stroke! it didnt half give me a shock though thats for sure.

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there are various ways to cool your husky down. Don't cover them in water as it traps the heat in the fur, but as you have learnt, husky belly fur is short & they cool down by sleeping on their backs; another trick is to put a towel in the freezer for an hour or more, then let your husky lie on it. You can even go a step further & get cooling mats that you freeze then put down for them


Still keep plenty of fresh water down but don't panic if they don't eat; a husky will not go hungry voluntarily. One of mine can stop eating for up to 3 days, especially in this heat, but I don't feel like eating when it's hot either.


Try small pieces of fruit in water in a yoghurt pot and freeze it (not grapes though) - they have fun licking it til it melts & will help cool them too

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