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Having Some Issues


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Hey, all. We've been having some issues with Kato lately, and I'd like some advice, if anyone has any....


A little bit of background, because I haven't really had any major issues with Kato until this happened... On the fifth of July, I lost my father unexpectedly. Since then, I've been spending every day at my mom and dad's house to be with my family during this time. I usually bring Kato with me, so he can play with my parents dog (155 pound pure bred black lab). He absolutely loves hanging out with Bosco... they are best friends.


There have been a few times when I haven't brought Kato with me, mainly because I have been going to job interviews before I go to my parents (I've been trying to find a new job). When I got back home, I found that Kato had torn at a corner of the wall, tearing off a layer of the wall and the trim. I started crating him after that, but every time he is in his crate when we go out, he urinates and rolls and jumps around in it, kicks the bottom of the cage out, and rips up the blanket if we put one over the top of the crate.


My boyfriend and I have very different ideas as to how we should treat this behavior. I don't think that physically punishing animals does any good, especially since we don't know when exactly he did it. He could have done the destructive behavior minutes after we walked out the door, so punishing him hours later is pointless to me. Plus, I don't like the idea of putting my hands on my pets in a mean way. A smack on the nose for nipping is one thing, but I'm not one to beat my pets for bad behavior. I believe in other ways.


I am at a loss, though. Maybe Kato is feeling the stress of losing my Dad, like we are. I also thought that maybe he is used to being with Kato every day now, considering I've been there every day since it happened. I even had him there on the fourth, when we were having a cook out. So every day for the past 24 days, he has been with me, and not alone. Maybe he is having some anxiety when he is left alone?


Sorry for rambling, I guess I just don't know what to think about anything anymore. There's a lot going on, and I don't understand most of it.

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Dogs have an amazing way of picking up on our emotions and when they understand what's going on ( having a cold, being pregnant, family feud, etc ) they can be really supportive.  When they don't have any idea what's happening they can revert to behaviours we thought were long gone.  Sounds like this might be the case here - you're obviously saddened by the death of your father and having to deal with your own emotions as well as those of the others around you.  While you may not think this affects Kato, it will because he senses that something's not right.

The latter sounds like it might be what's happening here.  It's going to be difficult to keep the routine he's used to - since that's not the routine you're in now.  If he's not used to being crated for long periods then you have to expect him to be unhappy (and confused) - I'd suggest trying to give him more attention when you can, and give him tough toys for those times you have to crate him.

You have my sympathy on the loss of your father, I feel for you because I also lost my mother earlier this month - I know it hurts!  I'm sorry.

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Physically punishing the dog is the worst thing you could do. Please don't! If a punishment doesn't occur within seconds of the offense the dog will have no idea why he's being punished. Punishing him for his crate behavior while you're gone only makes your boyfriend feel better, it does only harm to Kato and teaches him that you coming home means bad things for him. He's only five months old. Expecting him to behave like an adult dog is like expecting a ten year old child to behave like a twenty year old.


Is Kato accustomed to being left alone for long periods of time? If not, he doesn't know how to be alone for hours on end and he either panics trying to find you or he gets bored and finds his own fun. Damage to doors, windowsills and other exit points indicates panic. Being alone is also a cause for fright because Siberians are instinctually pack animals. It takes time to teach them how to feel confident while left alone.


I think you're expecting too much of Kato at this age and stage of development/training. You've had him what, two months? And half that time you've been with him constantly. You've strengthened his instinctive need to be with his pack. Training him and desensitizing him to being alone will take a lot of time and effort but it's very possible.


But please, don't let your boyfriend punish Kato. That is not only cruel, it's counterproductive.


One more thing: thoroughly exercising Kato before crating will help him overcome his fear or boredom (sounds more like fear to me.)  A tired puppy is going to sleep, not wreak havoc.

Edited by elenamarie
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CPWK, the articles at this site will help you understand your pup and learn how to deal with his issues effectively and without physical punishment. I also highly recommend her book The Power of Positive Dog Training. It's the best $17 you'll spend on Kato.



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I don't let anyone punish him anymore except for me, and I don't punish him physically.

I don't expect too much out of him, but when I make a ten minute run to the store, I do expect him to stay occupied with something other than my wall, rug, and shoes.

I've had him for nearly four months.

None of this started until just recently, right after my father passed and everything has been chaotic. He has always behaved rather well until this point. He is well exercised and played with constantly.


I came here looking for advice on what I can do for him, and maybe I'm being oversensitive, but I feel like I'm being talked down to.

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We crate ours every time we leave the house. Even if it's for five minutes to run to the store. I think that going back to the basics of crate training is going to be really important, both for your property and also for your puppy's health. He is just starting to get into his rebellious/defiant teenager years, it may get worse.


When Chula was about 5 months old, we moved to a new house. She was perfectly crate trained and never soiled her crate (except when ill). Within a month of moving, she was peeing all over her crate and not giving a damn if she was sitting in it. I was at a loss. I followed all the crate training rules. I took her out at lunch, and would still come home in the afternoon to pee.  Moving her crate to an area where she considers part of her "home" seems to have worked. We chose the dining room, because she equates it with food. So far, no more accidents (though I'm sure now that i've typed that I will come home to pee).


I would really work on crate training. Start from scratch, feeding special treats in there. Starting for short periods of time. Making sure to take up water a good 30-45 minutes minimum before he goes in, and make sure he pees before crating. Also, make sure you REALLY REALLY clean the crate where he has peed with a good enzyme cleaner. Also clean all the walls/floor that were near/under the crate. If there is any trace of pee smell, he will probably go there again. You may have to move the crate to an entirely different place if there is carpet involved.

Edited by Chula
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I would really work on crate training. Start from scratch, feeding special treats in there. Starting for short periods of time. Making sure to take up water a good 30-45 minutes minimum before he goes in, and make sure he pees before crating. Also, make sure you REALLY REALLY clean the crate where he has peed with a good enzyme cleaner. Also clean all the walls/floor that were near/under the crate. If there is any trace of pee smell, he will probably go there again. You may have to move the crate to an entirely different place if there is carpet involved.


Nature's Miracle makes an enzymatic cleaner that will remove all traces of urine, even the scents that the dog can smell but we cannot. It's well worth the money. I used it while housebreaking Sarah.

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I don't let anyone punish him anymore except for me, and I don't punish him physically.

I don't expect too much out of him, but when I make a ten minute run to the store, I do expect him to stay occupied with something other than my wall, rug, and shoes.

I've had him for nearly four months.

None of this started until just recently, right after my father passed and everything has been chaotic. He has always behaved rather well until this point. He is well exercised and played with constantly.


I came here looking for advice on what I can do for him, and maybe I'm being oversensitive, but I feel like I'm being talked down to.

Darling no one is talking down to you x. You are going through a very stressful and emotional time. Kato is a puppy, they are hard work and don't have the same sense of right and wrong as we do. I left my hiuse one morning, got to the car and realised I'd left my lunch, came back in and Solo was eating bit! 30 seconds was all it took. Try not to over stress and deall with one thing st a time. Sending you a big big hug xxxxxxxxxxx

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So sorry for your loss , your boys routine has now suddenly changed quite dramatically and he's finding a way to cope with that , thru chewing , I would have a think about crate training him and trying to get his routine back to as normal as possible , I know that's not going to be easy , but all of this plus him getting towards the age where he's becoming a teenager and pushing the boundaries more he needs some stability and routine back , crate training will help this immensely ,, please don't think you are being talked down to as this is not the case , people are just trying to help u as best they can

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Sorry I've just read you are crating him , sounds like he's got a serious case of separation anxiety , is there any way u can take him to your parents before things like job interviews? Do u leave him anything to occupy him in his cage when u nip out to the shops etc and is he exercised beforehand too?

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I don't let anyone punish him anymore except for me, and I don't punish him physically.

I don't expect too much out of him, but when I make a ten minute run to the store, I do expect him to stay occupied with something other than my wall, rug, and shoes.

I've had him for nearly four months.

None of this started until just recently, right after my father passed and everything has been chaotic. He has always behaved rather well until this point. He is well exercised and played with constantly.


I came here looking for advice on what I can do for him, and maybe I'm being oversensitive, but I feel like I'm being talked down to.


CPWK, I reread my post and while I didn't intend it to be snarky I can see how you'd interpret it that way. Please accept my apology for not being clear.


When I get everyone settled down tonight I'll try again.

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