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Pink Ears & Cheeks


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Im new here just joined today in the hope to find the cause of the mystery pink fur on my husky Kuma.


Shes just one & half yrs old. She started to develope pink cheeks at 3 months. Now it has started to spread under her chin & also at the base of her ears which is more peachy orange.


Does anyone know what could be causing this? she is mostly fed on BARF & has general good health apart from mild ZRD that we are treating now with Nutrazinc.


Thanks everyone :)

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morning, welcome to the forum..


I am probably going to state the obvious here but do you have any of the following: -


Pink, Red, Brown fabric, sofas, carpet, toys, clothing, chairs...anything she could be sleeping on, rubbing up against??? or something she is walking in and transferring from her feet, I would say its a transfer, as of the location, does she get it one both sides?

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Funny, i didnt think of that!... yes shes pink on both sides, but her right ear is more "pink" than the left... but i am afraid i cant imagen by her sleeping on the brown wood flooring sometimes causes this since her legs & her under belly is pure white...& her bedding is an old blue towel on dog bed...the pink is definately more stronger in the past 2 months ....

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PS shes on nutrazinc for her ZRD for over 3 months now.(she lacked apetite & had hard feathery pads) but she never have the classic scaley red around the "normal" areas like the eyes, muzzle etc...& she is with me basically 24/7 since i take her to work with me etc, so i dont think any "transfer" of colour is probable...

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Is it pink because the fur is becoming coloured pink

or is it that the fur is becoming so thin that the skin is showing through underneath ??

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ok, so not something she is sleeping on...


I cant see it being her food, because you said she isn't red underneath so its not her saliva, unless she doesn't clean herself much, when she eats is she a messy eater?


Her feet, are they pink?


could it be something at work...something she is rubbing up against?


can you think of anything you changed, or added to the house, her diet a fabric toy etc around the time it started?

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she doesnt wear anything apart from a purple or brown harness for our runs, which is sadly mostly concrete where i live in hanoi...& at work & home she doesnt wear a collar....besides, no new toys, furniture or fabrics etc since i got her over a yr & half ago....


shes definatley a little lady when she eats, she never gobbles her food & what we call a "clean mouth" in japanese which implies shes a tidy small morcel eater...almost like a cat...


at work its all tiles on our 4 floors. i own a diamond company, so everything is sort of high quality & nothing with colour really that would rub off on her.


yes she has slightly red fur on her pads, but i always presumed this was more ZRD, since its a rusty browny red that she also has a little on her elbow that is a bit greasy with some skin flakes- classic signs of ZRD  than the shade of pink on her cheeks which is not greasy at all & smooth skin......

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We had something similar with our German shepherd.

The food she was on used a very strong food colouring and it came out in her fur.

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if not barf, then i cook for her. some brown rice,  beef, pork , chicken or mackeral  fish with veggies.  theres only pedigree or royal canne kibble available here which isnt great...


otherwise her favourite food is corn on the cob, lychee, water melon, dragon fruit & carrots. shes quite strange, she would rather eat these foods than meat, so i make sure she finishes her meats first then fruit/veg for dessert ;) so she doesnt even eat fruit  daily perhaps 3x a week.

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I know this is the most unlikely idea, but is there any possibility of her being exposed to hydrogen peroxide? About a year ago Diamond, my husky, underwent an ear infection treatment and I have to apply hydrogen peroxide to his ears every day. The thing is I have to shot it down the ear canal with a syringe (without needle obv) and Diamond doesn't like the rather high pressure water shot in the ear so one day he dodged my hand and I ended up spraying his forehead with hydrogen peroxide. The next day his forehead turned pink. It's a soft pink though not an intense peachy pink. Luckily not long after the color disappeared. And look, I've just googled this: hydrogen peroxide can be found in many regular household appliances. Hair dye, cleaning supplies, car maintenance products, etc. 




Idea #2: Saliva turns white fur to pink. Diamond's chin is salmon pink because he's a sloppy drinker. Does she tend to sleep with her tongue hanging out? Maybe she rolls around her own saliva that has been transferred to the floor. Does she have other pink spots or is it just her head area? 

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I'm just googling this too as I have not experienced anything other than saliva marks near the mouth, but it revealed ear mites (obviously if near the ears or on paws where they rub & transfer them to), food ingredients (blood off raw even) or hydrogen peroxide as medicines.


Also yeast build up and tap water (so use filtered) are other causes

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i seriously  really appreciate all your ideas, but she really is not a messy drinker ( i give her spring water since the tap water here in hanoi isnt good at all.)


& never seen her rolling in her own saliva, shes just not a mucky dog at all. i hardly ever see her clean her face, just sometimes her eye muck  with her inner paws that doesnt get licked with saliva.


she cleans her inner ear with a few licks  with her back paw but not on her outer ears. 



& im quite confident it is not hydrogen peroxide from cleaning products,  because we just have wooden floors & an old rug at home & tiles at work.  she really doesnt roll around specifically on her cheek/head & the rest of her body like her legs, belly & under her tail is still very white.


she does have a husky play mate, that we see a few times a week, but the way she plays is quite dominant & its the other husky that gets her saliva all over his neck. :D


thank you all for your support. Kuma is really happy that you guys care about her mysterious pink syndrome  :)

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Then I'd say you have the one-and-only pink husky :D be proud, it's kinda like the pink panther LOL


seriously though does it bother her at all? if not then... well, whatever it may be, I'd just wait and see how long the color stays.

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ah, people. People never fails to amaze me. They always find something to say about our pooches  :rolleyes: I met someone that yelled to his friend--loud enough for me to hear--I must've 'did something' to Diamond's tail because it curls up. I've had Diamond three years now, and there's still only one person (a 10 year old boy) that guessed his gender right  :lol: poor baby boy LOL but at least with Kuma's pink cheeks, no one would think she's a boy  :P

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yes i agree!  :lol: i think its v cute & she definately is not affected by it so far....



its silly people around here think i actually put blusher on her... :rofl:

people are crazy , my male husky has one blue eye and one brown eye and ive been asked if i put a contact lense on his blue eye  :rolleyes:

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Diamond is a very cool name ! Im in the jewellery industry & my brother is called "Daiya" which means diamond in japanese. We are all named after gems...  :P

really?? so what kind of gem is "hisui"? I'm asking because I'm trying to teach myself Japanese  :P would love to visit Japan one day 


Here, almost anything is called Diamond. Laundromats, mini markets, barber shop... you name it LOL it's a very common unisex name. For anything but people  :lol:

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