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Oh Boy... How Do I React?!


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It's been quite a while since I have visited this site, but general reports have been good. We worked Maya out of her biting stage and she has grown into a very well behaved (almost adult) dog. Well...


We have a local dog park which we frequent. Maya has developed what seemed to be an innocent possessiveness over toys. She likes to take toys from other dogs and tease them into chasing her. She was FINE until yesterday. She took a ball from a small beagle once, no big deal. Then she attempted to take it again and the smaller dog was not too happy about this, which caused an all out war. Maya rolled the dog over, jumped on top of her while growling and showing teeth, and bit the other dog twice. Once in her ear and once on her back. I really don't believe that Maya intended to hurt the other dog in any serious way, but how do I respond now? Should I be as concerned as I am or is this a common dog disagreement?


I immediately leashed Maya, put her in the car, and returned to offer my phone number to the owner of the Beagle. I received a text last  night stating that she did in fact have two bite marks and they are taking her to the vet to be checked today. She stated "it doesn't look like anything serious." So now what?! Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated!!


I should add that Maya moped all night last night. I think that she absorbed my negative emotion over the event. Is this also common with huskies?



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Agreed! These are not our toys. People bring them all the time and I can't stop it. She is 18 months, so I realize that she is still learning. Just wanted to get some feedback on taking her back there. We have decided to wait a little while, maybe a week or so.

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I don't think they should be bringing their toys to the dog park tbh.  That is just asking for problems.  None of my dogs are aggressive, however you put toys in the mix and sometimes they can get possessive.  I have had to separate Kodiak and Nikko several times.

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While I agree that toys and food (!!!!!!) shouldn't be brought into a dog park since that's just an open invitation for trouble, that wasn't the question.


Julie / Michael, Since you suggest that she plays nicely, teasing but nice, most of the time I'd be concerned but you now know that you have a potential for a problem - Her "stealing" another dogs toys might provoke an unexpected reaction. Actually, I'm surprised that you haven't had any similar reactions before since "that's MY toy!" would be a common doggish reaction.

I'd be inclined to get a long - retractable? - leash for her in the park for a while.  Any time you see her attempting to "steal" another dogs toy you reel her in until she gets the idea that that's not acceptable. Chances are good that she'll get the idea fairly quickly.

Commendation: Your concern, leashing her immediately, being willing to accept responsibility for your dogs actions.

Not so: I think putting her in the car after the incident might have given her the wrong impression.  Leashing her was a correction and I presume there was verbal correction at the same time.  She needs to learn how to behave and you're her best teachers so taking her out of the situation (which I hope was defused by the time you got the leash on her) .... okay, I'm ambivalent ... I wouldn't have because I'd have wanted her to now exactly how displeased I was.

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I am very concerned as I want to do everything that I can to prevent this behavior in the future. Thanks for the positive note there. We are going to try the park again tonight and I will see how she does. Of course I am addressing her actions, but I also do not want to develop a negative reputation for the breed or Maya is specific. We will try again and if a concern arises, I suppose that the park will be a minimal for a long time.


I guess my initial question was how would you expect another owner to react?


I have some of my own reservations in this situation such as why was there such a small dog in a large dog park? Our park in this area in separated into two sides, one for small dogs and one for large.


I have also noted since the 'event' that if Maya intended to seriously harm this smaller dog she would have, and could have considering the situation and size difference. I really believe that this was an alpha response to send a message and she did more than intended. (I realize that I am biased).


Thanks to others for the feedback. We do not take any of our own toys/treats into the park as we KNOW that this would be a problem for Maya to have other dogs playing with toys, but I was expecting more feedback on how you would want someone to act if your dog were the "victim?"

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I think you've done pretty much everything that could be expected, tbh. You chastised your dog and removed them from the area of the victim, returned and offered your details and have kept in touch with the other owner as to the condition of the other dog. They know your taking it seriously, so does your dog.  

As has been said I might try the long lead for a while, not only will it help your dog if you do need to correct him, but it's a visual showing to other owners that your aware of the issue.  We all know how gossipy some people can be and you can bet every owner has been told by now, the lead might make things a little easier for you as well.

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I'm holding any other comments pending your return from the dog park tonight.


I didn't see, in the first message that this was a small dog in the large dog part of the park (because it wasn't in there :) )  If an owner has two dogs with him at the time, one large and one small then I can see one of them being in the wrong park.


You do have the problem of Maya teasing another dog, we are talking about dogs here and the reaction of "that's my toy" is to be expected, between dogs of a similar size that might not have been a problem.


As far as the response from other dog owners, I'd be concerned - as you said, both for Maya and the breed in general - but I think most people who own dogs expect the occasional tussle to break out.  You went out of your way (in todays self centered, egotistical world) to make sure that the other owner had contact information. That you followed up on the welfare of their dog speaks volumes!!


I'm curious, did you keep her leashed tonight and how did the evening turn out?

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I didn't see, in the first message that this was a small dog in the large dog part of the park (because it wasn't in there :) )  If an owner has two dogs with him at the time, one large and one small then I can see one of them being in the wrong park.

That's me, my 22 pound eskie comes to the big side with us and the huskies. However, he stays by me most the time, and does not start fights. He can also handle himself though, and if another dog tries to be too rough with him he can take it and give it back twice as much. 


However when I had /only/ Cloud, we were always on the small side. If the owners were by themselves, meaning no big dogs, I would gently remind them that there is a small side if you think any problems will arise.


Also I know this may sound stupid but whenever I find a toy at the dog park, quite honestly most the time I will throw it outside the fence. If an owner comes up to me and tells them 'hey, that was my ball' I remind them balls and toys are NOT allowed at the park (at least, they aren't at ours) and that they may get it when they leave but if they plan on bringing it back in, I plan on calling the county to send someone out because they are breaking the rules. Like others, my dogs are generally not bothered by toys or possessive over them, but Link likes to play the 'I've got the toy now chase me game' and dogs seem to start fights with him because they are the possessive ones, and if a dog starts a fight with Link he is happy to comply and won't back down.

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Khaleesi got attacked by my fella's brother's collie. That was an actual attack, she is a dangerous dog and she had previously bitten their cousin and tried to bite me in the face. Khaleesi was tied up on her 30ft lead in the garden andi thought the brother was watching his dog. But poppy just jumped on her and started ripping at her face. We rushed her to the vets as she was bleeding a lot and have so far paid £140 and as she was so small and it was her eye they couldn't stitch it as there was too much risk from putting her under so she will need an op once she is bigger to remove the scar tissue around her eye so she can blink properly.

Tim's brother didn't offer to pay, or even chip in, and hasn't even asked how she is, although I did notice him having a really good look at her eye the other day comparing it to the other one! We haven't said a word about it really, it was shocking at the time and we were upset but we were more concerned about getting her.to. the vet.

I know that unless you were being negligent in some way (which I'm.sure you weren't) I'd just put it down to a bad experience and probably be the one reassuring you that its ok cos these things happen! Did they freak out or something? Their dog probably isn't even bothered by now...x

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I hate dog parks. I know they have their place and their value, but so often you hear of incidents that it's just not worth it to me. Thankfully, I have a large fenced in yard and private property to let my girls run in. 


I think that by giving contact information, you did the right thing. But do expect a vet bill in the mail. I would suggest that you request a copy of the medical file before paying anything. That way, you'll know if something was noted that may or may not come up in the future.


I have a good friend who took her huskies to a dog park and ended up being sued for injuries to a smaller dog - injuries that could have been inflicted by any one of the five huskies surrounding the smaller dog at the time. It ended up costing her $7,000. So do be sure to cover all your bases as this progresses.

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I hate dog parks. I know they have their place and their value, but so often you hear of incidents that it's just not worth it to me. Thankfully, I have a large fenced in yard and private property to let my girls run in. 


I think that by giving contact information, you did the right thing. But do expect a vet bill in the mail. I would suggest that you request a copy of the medical file before paying anything. That way, you'll know if something was noted that may or may not come up in the future.


I have a good friend who took her huskies to a dog park and ended up being sued for injuries to a smaller dog - injuries that could have been inflicted by any one of the five huskies surrounding the smaller dog at the time. It ended up costing her $7,000. So do be sure to cover all your bases as this progresses.

$7000 OUCH !!!!!

Litigeous America. . . WOW !!

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  • 2 months later...

It's been some time now,  I thought that I would provide the response that occured. We did in fact pay the vet bill and I do have a copy of the vet workup. The other dog is completely fine and Maya has even been in contact with her again.


We have kept a close eye on her while at the park and we have become more diligent with watching her while she has toys. Thanks for all of the feedback!!!!

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