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Adding A Third Sibe


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Hey all,


I currently have 2 Sibes. Luna who is 15 months old and Sol who is 9 1/2 months old.


I am considering adding a third sibe at some point in the future (Definetly not within the next 6 months).


I was hoping some people could share their experiences with adding a third sibe and how hard it was.


Also hoping for some advice on what age would be ideal for my current two to be at before the new addition.




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I have 3 dogs but only 2 sibes , we went for a pup just due to knowing blaze wouldn't tolerate an older dog , we met on neutral ground away from blazes territory (pup was old enough with both injections for us to do this) we took them on a walk together then brought them back into the house they got no fine n soon as they were off their leads they ran around playing making a mess together :-)

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I have three. We had Glala and Dana (8 and and 9) when we added Wodak (6) to the pack, so they're all a bit older ;) But getting a third was a breeze in our case. We introduced him on neutral grounds, went on a big walk together and brought all three back home. Glala adored him, Dana did needed some extra space and did not want him close to her, which he respected. Wodak ignored all two an was much more interesting in the house he now lived in  :rolleyes: Took about a week or so, nowadays they're best friends and Dana is occasionally the one getting him to play with her.


From day one Wodak acted as he lived here for years. He's the best third dog I could every wish for. We had him trained to not pull in a matter of days. We still walked with Glala, Dana and Wodak separately. But after five days we tried to walk them all three at the same time and it went all better than expected. Glala and Dana were already used to walk on the left and right side. Wodak simply ended up walking in the middle and staying there. I have Glala and Wodak's leash on my left hand in a way I can retract Wodak's one if needed (when passing other people for example, Glala always ignores them) and Dana's in my right hand. Admittedly, the walks have become a bit more of a hassle but is one that is not hard to deal with once you have a system. I'm much less incline to meet other dogs now because all three pulling isn't fun. You can always invest in a walking belt if you want to.


Glala and Dana never really showed too much interest in toys while Wodak collects them all. It's never been an issue between them. We feed them separately at set times because Glala is definitely food possessive (and Wodak inhales everything he has access to), as well as when we give them something to chew on we make sure it goes well between them. We never had a fight and I don't think it ever will. They're good at giving warnings and backing off when getting one.


Having three is a little bit more work than two, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Adding Wodak to the pack was the best thing we could ever do. Glala and Dana love him and have got much more active and playful with each other. Exactly what we hoped for :) If you want a third, have the money, can accommodate it and are willing to spend a little more energy on walks I'd go for it :)

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i have three. i cant walk all 3.

i thought adding another would be a breeze. IT HAS NOT. sorry just being honest.

it upset all the routines. no more lie ins. 3 dogs to walk daily. and 3 dogs wrestling i the house. never mind three lots of hair!

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I added a third one in April. Nikko was about 16 months and Yukon was 10 months old. Kodiak is between 2 and 3 and a rescue.

It was rough at first, Kodiak and Nikko didn't get along and we had some fights but now they tolerate each other. Yukon gets along with everyone so no worries there

I had to keep Kodiak on a leash for a few weeks and put up all toys. After a few months I was able to slowly reintroduce their toys

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3 Years ago we added Darwin to our pack.

for 3 months everything was fine then Echo (White German shepherd)

Started to attack him. Took another 2 years for her to settle down and accept him into the pack.

Now they play best of friends.

We had to do some intensive training in loose lead with all 3 but after about a year we had all 3 walking nicely to the

point that we can walk all 3 in one hand.

No matter what happens perseverance is the key.

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