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Hello From Kentucky


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  Hello!  My name is Arch and I live in Northeastern Kentucky with my wife and our five dogs.  I am 38 years and have been around dogs since the day I was born.  I have owned many different breeds of dogs, but just recently adopted a Husky from one of my wife's co-workers at the local hospital.  The former owner of Kira, my Husky, wanted a more active lifestyle and didn't have time to adequately care for Kira, so she set out to find a family for Kira.  Someone wanted to take Kira and make her an outside dog and she would have been staked up outside 24/7.  Being dog lovers, my wife and I didn't fancy that idea, so we decided to adopt her. 


  Our other four dogs get along with Kira well.  However, Kira plays rough and they refuse to play with her.  Strangely enough, Kira only plays with me and no one else in the house.  That is actually what brought me to your forum.  I am trying to figure out why I'm the only one she will play with. 


  Kira has adjusted to our home well.  She goes on several daily walks (mile or more each time), is crate trained, and follows me EVERYWHERE I go.  I love Kira to death, but she is different than any dog I've ever owned.


  Anyway, here are my five dogs.  Top left to right:  Jackson the Yorkiepoo, Billy the Beagle, and Sophie the Goldendodole.  Bottom left to right:  Oscar the Dachshund and Kira the Husky.  I will also add that all our dogs are rescues or are dogs that people no longer wanted. 


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First of all, welcome to the site! You'll find so many friendly and helpful Husky owners here, and I'm sure someone can tell you the reason or help you figure out the reason your Husky will only play with you. My girl plays with all of us and even the cats, haha, so I'm really no help with that.


Also, great job on taking on dogs that needed a home to call theirs and loving them. Huskies are very different from any other breed I've ever been around, but they are such an amazing breed. And we're located in Western Kentucky. :)

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  Thanks for the welcome, fellow Kentuckian!   Kira is a special dog.  She would be crated for up to 16 hours a day with her old owner because she worked shift work at the hospital.  Now the only time Kira is crated is when she sleeps.  Someone is always here with her and the other dogs, so no more 16 hours stuck in a crate. 


  I did a lot of research on the Husky breed before adopting Kira.  I read a lot of articles that were available and couldn't believe how negative so much of the information was.  All I can say is that Kira is  extremely well behaved and displays almost none of the negative traits I read about.  No chewing, no digging, no trying to escape, etc.  What I found was a 45 pound dog that fancies herself to be a lap dog and just loves being around our family.  Kira will turn three in December.


  Don't get me wrong, there was an adjustment period for all our dogs.  The biggest adjustment was for our little Yorkiepoo.  He continually barked at Kira and would sneak up behind her and nip her backside.  To Kira's credit, she put up with it for as long as she could until one night she just had enough.  It was that night that I gained a new found respect for the strength of the Husky.  Kira picked up the 15 pound Yorkiepoo by the scruff of the neck and shook him back and forth in the air!!!  Obviously, I quickly broke up the fight because I didn't want a dead dog, but they have gotten along much better since that day.  I won't lie and say it is a perfect relationship because Jackson still ikes to irritate Kira.  However, wherever Kira is now, so is the Yorkiepoo.  He follows her around.


  As to the rescued dogs, they are great dogs.  I know it is my imagination, but they just seem so happy to be in a loving home. 

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Welcome to the pack :)

Well done for rescuing all those fufriends. And what mixed bag you have too .

You're quite right about Huskies being different. No matter how much research and preparation you do

they always do something that makes you go. . . Huh, eh?, what did that dog just do ??????


Whenever  anyone asks about what it's like to own a Husky, we Husky owners do tend to stress the negative things. . . why?

Because there are so many in rescue homes, with little hope of finding a forever home.

Huskies have become the latest FAD dog to have. With most people getting them having done little to no research

beforehand.and so 6 months down the line, abandoned or sold on.

So we're not saying to them don't get a Husky, but PLEASE be aware that this can be a difficult breed, especially the first few years.

and YOU have to change your life to fit around this dog. We're not being negative, just trying to get it into prospective owners heads

that these are not a dog to be taken on lightly.



You'll probably have questions because Kira is behaving in ways that none of your previous dogs have.

and we'll turn around and say.. . . "Yup, she's just being a Husky


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  Thanks for the welcome, Andy.  After your explanation, I do understand why people bring up the negative about Huskies.  After having Kira for a few months, I can truthfully say a Husky is unlike any other breed I've owned and they are a lot of work.  Thankfully, we have someone home all the time, so that makes things a lot easier. 


  When we adopted Kira from her previous owner, we asked her if she was 110% sure about us adopting her because once we took Kira, she wasn't going back or going to anyone else.  We told her that with our family, Kira had a "forever home" and would stay with us until she passed away.  Thankfully for us, that is exactly what the former owner wanted.


  I'm sure I will be bugging you all with quite a few questions.  I love Kira and want to understand her behavior better. 

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Hey Kantuck!  I replied to you in another thread but you've raised my opinion of you up another notch - 5 dogs and all rescues of one sort or 'tother, congratulations and thanks!


As you've found, Sibes are a different kind of dog.  Often too smart for their own good!  Welcome to the board and if you haven't, go pin yourself on the member map so we can find you ...

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Welcome to you and your gorgeous bunch x. My 2 are both rescues, we can relate to the little dog irritating the husky lol, when we bought solo home charlie would bark ag him till he had enough, solo would then pin him to a chair ir just lie in him. In 7 months wd have had 1 fight when it was very hot and they both grumpy usually they just play together.

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hello and welcome and well done for rescuing all your dogs. my husky was a rescue and like you I have been round dogs all my life, but this is my first husky and I love him to bits, he is totally mental always funny and very very loving. and like you say huskies are no way like any other breed.

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