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Over The River, Through The Woods And Across The Pond...


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Wanted to do the proper introduction, I just bumped into these forums and now I am reading and enjoying the posts.
My name is Jeff Brown and Maya is my 3rd Pure Breed Husky. Chinook was my first one (well actually my dad's since I was 5 years old), but her and I was a team. We did everything together. She passed a few years later.

While I was at Fort Knox, I was leading a transport team to Frankfort and as I was going through a couple of small towns, I see a man with a dog strangling her with the choker chain that was around her neck. I was the lead of the 13 vehicle transport, and as I glanced over and seen this, I slammed on the breaks to a complete stop causing a chain reaction to the rest of the transport. I ran full speed up the hill, removed my side arm from the holster and demanded that man let the dog go now. After a few words, and let's just say a little bit more convincing and I took the dog from him (Side Note: thank you 1st lieutenant McKensy for not allowing me to shoot him). I called the Sheriff's department and reported him for abuse. This became my second Pure Breed (Red and White with both blue eyes) as Blu, she was the first Husky with both Blue eyes and I didn't know her name, so Blu it was. Blu was extremely beaten in many ways by the previous owner and her teeth were rounded down from biting on the chain trying to get free. She started getting very aggressive and killed 2 stray cats that came near her. I took her to the vet and found that brain cancer had taken her far more severe then could be cured. She wasn't eating because of the poor teeth problems and her brain just wasn't functioning anymore, I couldn't even breath, I don't even remember giving the orders, but I do remember laying with her for a couple of hours. The last 5 years of her life was royalty, until brain cancer took her from me.

Over 10 years passed and I told myself I will not get another animal, they are messy, need too much attention, need training, money, food, time and just about any other excuse I could think of. In reality I felt I didn't deserve another animal after Blu.

I then met Courtney, and her Pomeranian/Shih Tzu mix was tearing up her couch, her nieces toys, pooping in the house, and being just crazy. This dog was Satan's spawn. Trying to impress her I said, let me take him (Ralph), home with me for a week and let me see what I can do. She agreed, and I started a regiment of training, walking and leashing exercises, walked him around the park, and trained the positive in him. When she would come over, he would be laying in the chair and she asked me several times did I drug him? (The answer is no, I wore him out). We have been together for about a year now.

2 months ago, I was presented with Maya, she is an un-spayed AKC Registered Siberian Husky that has been chained outside for 3 months. After listening to the stories of the owner and the owners Father and Mother, I pieced together the owner who is about 20 years old, bought Maya from a breeder as a pup. Mom and Dad had 2 Yorkies in the house and it was cute to watch the Husky pup and the Yorkies play together, as Maya got bigger and started playing a little rougher, mom and dad said Maya goes outside until you get your own place. After a few months he found an apartment that wouldn't allow pets. It didn't even take me a second to say "yes, I will take her".
Now I hope to learn as much as I can, and look for the things I missed throughout my dog years. Just in the few months I have had Maya, I cannot imagine my life without a Husky again.

Thanks for listening and a pic of Maya is my Avatar and signature.

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Thanks Megan(2)... HAHA I agree, I should post some before and after pictures of when I got Maya... The transformation is ubsurd! In fact, I don't know if I can take the groomers word for it or not... But she said there was almost 6 pounds of undercoat on her... I find that hard to believe, but she was VERY VERY dirty and handfuls of winter coat was blowing off.

Anyways, nice to meet everyone!

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Wow such a great welcome from everyone... Thanks glad to be here, my signature rotates a bunch of pics and it is updated quite often. I am working on a version 2 that will have much more functionality.

I guess a little about me, I am now the CEO and founder of SecureLive, LLC. I hold a master's degree in computer engineering. I have designed and patented the software that 1000's of people use. I am also the lead programmer. I left Fort Knox as an O4 (Major) my MOS was 15-YB-O4 which is Avionics.

Anyways thanks for listening.

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Welcome to the group! Feel free to change signatures as often as you like, new pictures are always a plus around here. Now Megan needs to get all you Ohio people busy with some dryland mushing events!


Congratulations on Maya and thank you for your service to the country.

Hey now I'm still a greenhorn myself when it comes to that :P I just got very lucky to have such a talented lead dog to get me started. I am getting Abby and her girls and Sara (with Mishka, from our group) out so we're starting! Hopefully we can get some more people interested :)

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Welcome to the group! Feel free to change signatures as often as you like, new pictures are always a plus around here. Now Megan needs to get all you Ohio people busy with some dryland mushing events!


Congratulations on Maya and thank you for your service to the country.

Great, glad to hear that, although I am too lazy to change my signature all of the time, so I write a script to do it :)



Welcome. Maya is beautiful.

Thank you and I truely believe she knows it :)



Welcome, she's gorgeous,  it's lovely to hear about rescues, but that's a doozy !


As has been said, thank you for serving,  seems like there's a few MOS on here, anymore out there ?

Thank you, 13 years of a lot of fun...



hello and welcome, tears in my eyes for Blu, smile on my face for Maya

I try to stay away from drama, but if you attack something (or someone), who is nothing but faithful to you, I get really angry :)



First, thank you for your Service :)  (My brother did his boot-camp at Fort Knox a few years ago)


Second, thanks for making me tear up.


Third, Welcome to the Forum!

I didn't know Fort Knox had BC there, I was on the other side of the fence I guess :D




Now your talking my language!

Ive been born and bread mil avinocs

That is cool, will have to trade notes sometime... After Knox, I went to TV repair, but my degrees have always been in computers... So I designed my own software, hopefully some day it will make me rich :)



Thank you everyone for the welcome, it really feels so much better here then (what that other place?), anyways... Thanks again, it is nice to have!

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