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Not Really Proud Of This, But Some Advice, Consultation?


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About a week ago, I was enjoying a nice cool evening walk with Maya and Ralph. We usually walk our 1½ to 2 miles and across the street was a young boy (approx 10 years of age) walking an adult pit bull. Maya noticing the other dog normally would jump at the chance to meet them. Although I notice the hair on her was standing up and her tail dropped. The Pit Bull was standing on its hind legs trying to run across the street. Ralph, the Pomeranian / Shih Tzu, continues to walk like the world is his oyster.


It happens, and exxtremely fast, the boy could no longer hold the pit and it shoots across the street before I could even stop the situation, Ralph’s entire head was in the pit’s mouth. Ralph drops limp and Maya is now on top of the pit grabbing at anything she can grab.


With no choice in the matter I let both leashes go and grab the pit’s jaw line and pull up and pinned the dog down on its back. I was using a pressure point that I know is on humans, and was hoping it was on this dog as well, the dog couldn’t or didn’t move and Maya was right beside me hunched over barking and growling at the pit.


The boy ran over and started screaming at me that I am hurting his dog. I told him to get the leash and run, don’t walk, home.


The next morning I had to take Ralph to the vet because he had a tiny scab under his eye, but the vet said it was ok and gave him a topical and told me to watch it.


I didn’t call the dog warden because of a couple of reasons, first I didn’t know or ever see the kid before, two I was a little shaken up, and three a few days prior I seen a camper a couple of street over that had “We love our pits†bumper sticker on it, and when I did decide to confront the parents over it, the camper was gone, in fact couldn’t really remember which house it was.


After a week of this pondering in my head, I started thinking it over and over…

  1. When a young kid loses control of his “Best Friendâ€, he/she reacts to it, by running, screaming, something… This kid did nothing, and he had a smug look on his face when Ralph was helpless in the dog’s mouth. (Ok, maybe I don’t know that for a fact… But in my head I remember that)
  2. I let a Sibe off leash and she didn’t run, or roam, once I had the pit pinned, she didn’t attack it either, just stayed by my side the entire time… Proud of that girl :)
  3. Our city has a muzzle law for pits and rots, where was his?

This is where I feel the worse… I know I was putting some severe pain on that pit, not only the weight of my body on him, but full pressure on the sensitive part of the dog’s neck. Although I was afraid that if I let go I would have been torn up…


The more I think about it, I believe the kid let the dog go on purpose to see what would happen, or maybe I am thinking too evil, maybe he thought it wouldn’t do anything but sniff (HAHA no pun intended). I don’t know but one thing I can say for sure is, if there is another dog and Maya has her fur ruffled, I will be paying much more attention to the situation.


I wouldn’t mind a little thought on this, I still feel kind of bad.

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I think you did the right thing, and next time I'd call the Warden. I've seen kids throwing rocks around cats around here, they're disgusting cruel. I don't know how parents are teaching their kids. My dogs would've fought back and 3 on 1 that dog may not have been so lucky with my lot.. 

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Don't beat yourself up about this.

Offlead or loose dogs are a nightmare.

Even worse when it is one of the "dangerous" breeds.

Instinctively we protect our own.

Owners have a responsibility to control their animals

If they can't then their animal may suffer as a result of owners such as yourself protecting

themselves and their own pets.


Poor Ralph Glad he wasn't seriously hurt.

Good girlMaya for not taking the opportunity to run off.

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my husband was walking our late dog Emma, a border collie shepard mix.... she was 6 or 7 years old at the time and they were in the park behind our house and a youngish kid was walking their rottie.... the kid was being pulled along and my hubby tried to get emma on his other side but the rottie got to them before hand and snarled and bared teeth at emma, as my husband got between the two dogs, the rottie snapped and took a huge gouge out of emma, she was never the same again and wouldn't go near the park, could barely get her to walk near people after that... traumatic situations call for action, which you provided.....there seems to be a definite bad rep with pits and rotties, but if your dog had their hackles raised, then something was definitely up.....so good on you to protect, and nice to know you were being protected too!!! make them a cake 8)

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Honestly, good job, mate! If I get a dog on Ares like that, I'd probably be far more aggressive than you were, don't sweat it too much. I don't know who would let a small kid walk such a big and strong dog in first place, so his parents deserve a big slap; Our neighbour has a pit and ever since I remember, he'd keep it inside, no walks, no socialization, nothing. A few weeks ago he gave it to his granddaughter for some reason, my friend arrived in front of our house with his puppy pit and the big dog went nuts, the little kid barely kept it back! So my friend had to take the leash of her and bring the dog back home, who knows what could have happened.


Anyway, sorry for going off-topic, but you did the right thing to do, imo, such dogs are dangerous, such owners might be deadly, I hope Ralph's okay!

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Thanks everyone, it does make me feel better by the comments and that I didn't have a choice in the matter, I never like the outcome of a fight. I have to tell you Maya is a pretty smart cookie, normally she plays pretty rough with Ralph and he just give it back (I will have to upload some videos of this). Although, after this incident, Maya just laid beside Ralph for a couple of days, it was like she knew he was a little shaken up over the matter... Now they are back to their normal selves, Maya will mow Ralph over, and do anything she can to get him to chase her... Ralph has made a full recovery, in fact I really don't believe the Pit had much pressure on Ralph because he is still alive and I was able to pull off the pit. So I am not sure if that is how the dog plays, if the dog thought Ralph was a toy or what, I guess that is what is beating me up inside, did I over react the situation? Was the pit just "Playing"? Maya does simliar things, like grab Ralphs tail and drags him, and her mouth is bigger then his head, but his head has never been inside her mouth. So I really don't know, and during the moment, I could only react. That is my 2 cents... (or Euros which ever applies here).

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First of all: oh gee goodness that must be terrifying :( I'm so glad to hear Ralph is alright and Maya didn't run off. Good girl, Maya! :D 


Second of all: that kid might be too shocked and too confused to move. Maybe it's the first time his Pit goes after another dog. Fact that the Pit isn't wearing any muzzle leads me to think: a) the pit is so soft and friendly the family thinks he's an exception to the law or B) they're not from your area. I do think it's pretty much an accident and you did the right thing given how quick the event happened. It's always scary to see your dog get bitten by another dog, and honestly I don't know if there's any appropriate guidelines that we should follow when such incident occurs. I do know that the kid's parents are rather irresponsible though. Come on... It's a Pit! They're literally a powerful ball of muscle with an unbelievable amount of bad rep. How can they let a 10-year-old walk one without muzzle or supervision? 

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Thanks everyone, it does make me feel better by the comments and that I didn't have a choice in the matter, I never like the outcome of a fight. I have to tell you Maya is a pretty smart cookie, normally she plays pretty rough with Ralph and he just give it back (I will have to upload some videos of this). Although, after this incident, Maya just laid beside Ralph for a couple of days, it was like she knew he was a little shaken up over the matter... Now they are back to their normal selves, Maya will mow Ralph over, and do anything she can to get him to chase her... Ralph has made a full recovery, in fact I really don't believe the Pit had much pressure on Ralph because he is still alive and I was able to pull off the pit. So I am not sure if that is how the dog plays, if the dog thought Ralph was a toy or what, I guess that is what is beating me up inside, did I over react the situation? Was the pit just "Playing"? Maya does simliar things, like grab Ralphs tail and drags him, and her mouth is bigger then his head, but his head has never been inside her mouth. So I really don't know, and during the moment, I could only react. That is my 2 cents... (or Euros which ever applies here).


no I'm not sure the pit is playing. No play includes head-eating IMO  :huh: somehow I believe the lack of pressure is because you reacted fast enough to stop the Pit.. but idk I wasn't there. But still I don't think that should be counted as play...

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So glad Ralph was ok. I have a staffy. I wouldn't dream off letting her off the lead in a park on on the street. But I have had other people who haven't had there dogs on a lead and have let them come up to her. Even tho iv screamed at them to keep them away. (She mothers my huskys tho). Herbie doesn't wear a muzzle when out but she dose have a good strang leather harnesses which is padded so when that dose happen I can pick her up. I wouldn't dream off letting my 11 year old taking her out for a walk. You did the right thing. Some people can be so silly with dogs like that. If they cant handle them they shouldn't take them on

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First of all, stop being an idiot.  Your dog was attacked, it's head was in a pitts MOUTH ! anything you have to do, you do. It's very simple,  you did not over react, morally you did nothing wrong, legally you did nothing wrong.


Second, yes you may have pinned the dog, but that's a lot less than you could have done, if you had wanted to, be honest, you could have seriously harmed it couldn't you ? BUT you didn't, because even in the split second you had to react, your still a dog lover. 


I will be honest, I'm not sure I could have shown the same restraint, so don't beat yourself up about it, you did the right thing,  glad Ralph's ok now and well done Maya for staying !

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OK... Another round anyone?


Awesome, so this morning’s walk entailed a very Deja Vu'ish situation, although this time no Ralph, just Maya and I... On the same side of the street here comes Mom, Dad, kid, and Mr pit... from about 200 feet away Maya's already furring up crouching her head down low and ready for a fight... I commanded "BYPASS" and "HAW" she turns to the left and starts crossing the street, although she is still learning bypass, she wasn't listening to that very well her head was fixated on that pit.


Just as I was ready to say something, the 27-30 year old Dad said "are you the one that sat on my dog?" in a very snotty disposition.


OK, I am ready for a landslide moment here, I stopped looked at him and thought... Which way do I take this, civil and polite or just turn this this whole thing upside down? I hate being old and mature...


So I decided to calmly say, that I believe he has been misinformed by the entire situation, and I was protecting my Girlfriends Polm/Shih Tzu. Your dog came over and snatched it up by the head and had his whole head in its mouth. So I did release my dogs and grabbed yours to release Ralph from his mouth. At this point I am not sure if your dog is going to attack me or not so I did restrain him until your boy came over and leashed him.


You know, being calm and political has its moments, and then there are times when it doesn’t work. His response, which I should have already seen coming. You put our dog into a lot of trauma and now he is scared of everything. As he is walking towards me with the dog. OK, now picture this, his dog is pulling the opposite direction with its tail between its legs, and the owner is just to show me this and how he is proving his point.


I told him to keep that dog away from here because Maya is already agitated and this doesn’t need to turn into a bigger situation.


He started telling me I shouldn’t have an aggressive dog and if I cannot control it then I shouldn’t have it, (KEEP IN MIND I AM CLEANING UP HIS LANGUAGE A LOT HERE) Huskies are more aggressive because of their wolf nature. They kill, kill, kill and get away with it and Pits are attacked as killing dogs, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah….


Don’t worry if your reading this, and I haven’t bored you this far, I can feel how pissed you are right now through the internet :D At least I was…


I could not even think of anything political, calm, or say anything nice… The moment was very heated, the situation is very volatile, and there wasn’t anything I could say to make this guy happy.


He continued to say that he should pin me down and choke me…


Look, I am still a boy, and boys don’t like threatening situations. So one thing I am is smarter than this dick… So I said wait, before we start having a pissing contest, where do you live and I will stay away from that entire area.


HAHAHA So he tells me which one is his house, I came right home and called Julie… Now for those of you how don’t know Julie… She is the Dog Warden and very close friend of mine for Allen County. I sent her this link to this topic and she reviewed it carefully.

She is headed over to their house as I type this up. No muzzle fine in Lima. Ohio? $750.00. Not able to control your pet? $500.00. I guess there are a few other things that she was saying...


Morel of the story here: Don't be a dick!

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At least you're up in the civilized part of the states - down here in the Old South if I were to call the police on someone, it wouldn't be uncommon to have them setting in my front yard with a gun in hand!  Along with all the language which you cleaned up I'd be called everything in the book while the idiot was waving his "penile substitute".  That said, just be real aware of your surroundings for the next few days at least - there are all too many certifiable idiots out there.


I hadn't commented earlier since everyone else was saying what I would have.  You did nothing wrong, in fact you handled the situation a lot better than I would have - I'd have probably given the pitt a taste of my size 9's

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Just FYI... Muzzle law is only for; PIts and Rots are mandatory OR any other agressive animal. Basically it is up to the discression of the owner, but if your animal bites someone you will get the $750 fine + $1250 fine + all medical related bills. I don't want anyone thinking that every animal around here has a muzzle on it. In fact I have only seen one since I have been here and it was on a Jack Russel.

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At least you're up in the civilized part of the states - down here in the Old South if I were to call the police on someone, it wouldn't be uncommon to have them setting in my front yard with a gun in hand!  Along with all the language which you cleaned up I'd be called everything in the book while the idiot was waving his "penile substitute".  That said, just be real aware of your surroundings for the next few days at least - there are all too many certifiable idiots out there.


I hadn't commented earlier since everyone else was saying what I would have.  You did nothing wrong, in fact you handled the situation a lot better than I would have - I'd have probably given the pitt a taste of my size 9's


Thanks Al,

It is VERY, VERY hard, since I contribute to the FBI here in Ohio, I have to be very careful of my duties as a civilian. BTW did I mention it was VERY HARD? Anyways, for the surroundings part is covered as well... Here are some screen shots of my video surveillance system around my house...







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You defo handled it better than when Khaleesi got attacked, my boyfriend had to boot the other dog (his brother's dog) to get her off Khaleesi. One day she is going to bite the wrong dog or person and get put to sleep :( but he doesn't care.

We had a situation with a pitbull cross on my estate and through Facebook and the local paper, everyone took to the streets (minus dogs as it wasn't safe for them) and they found the owner and I believe they were prosecuted.

Glad your situation was resolved well. X

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first of all: That's a really nice ending :D happy to hear you managed to keep it civil. Even happier to hear that the guy got fined! Should add another hundred bucks for being dumb in public  :angry: a Pit owner in my mind is a dog owner that is the least judgmental because their dog kept being misunderstood. I think I sorta lost half of my sympathy towards Pit owners now! 


second of all: wow. That's a nice car  :o

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