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When Do Huskies "fill Out"?


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Chula is definitely looking more grown up these days, and is definitely a bit poofier around her chest/neck - but I'm wondering when your husky stopped changing physically? Her ears still seem a bit big, but her head also seems really small compared to other grown huskies that we have met. She was the same height as a male husky we met at the dog park, but he was bushier and his head was bigger.

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I've noticed Elka is starting to fill out a little. She has broadened across the shoulders. Her mother is a slender Husky and small in size but her father is a a big broad chunk so will be fun to see which Elka follows. Chula is getting pretty, always though she has amazing eyes lined heavily with black liner :)

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Aww what an adorable pup.. I remember when Elai was still so little..

He's now one year and almost 4 months old. I've noticed that he lost his babyfat in the last couple of months and now has a nice, grown up body :)


Here's a picture of Elai when he was 10 weeks old.




And this is my little boy now :) 1 year later



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Dime was 14 months when I adopted him but he's still going through minor changes. I barely noticed but when I take a look at some old photos I realize that the marking around his eyes change. I think he completely stopped changing at age 18 months, or maybe older. 

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Panda seemed to have stopped growing at 20 months now, he is filling a out a bit more in terms of his waist, he is around 58 lbs. He is very active though, and i'm feeding him at 3% of his ideal body weight. He should be gaining but he is steady around 58-60.


I find huskies come in all shapes and sizes, a lot comes down to genetics. I've seen 3 year old males that are smaller then females. Males that are the same age as panda that tower over him. Females that are bigger than the males from the same litter.

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I'm sport of in teasing mode, Em, so bear with me.  Hm ... When do Huskies fill out?  Isn't that kinda like asking "When is Johny ever gonna stop growing, he's 6'6"" now! (My 15 year old nephews name isn't Johny but that's what we keep asking!!  'Course most of my uncles / great uncles were 6 feet or better.) (( get back on topic before she says you high jacked her thread! ))


Seriously, haven't you noticed my comment "Husky's come in all sort of shapes, sizes, colours - just like people do; some are short and round and some are tall and skinny" (and then there's the short and round [sasha!])


Sasha, since I had her spayed has gone from being solid to being (no way to get around it) FAT!; she's all too content to just lay in the house when I'm on the computer and even getting just a cup a day maintains a "too heavy" - about 70 pounds! - weight.

Avalanche is my tall skinny teen-ager (at least that's his disposition) a good dog, but a pain in the butt!  He was born on Sept 17, 2010 so he's coming up on three years old and is literally a tall, skinny pain!  He gets free fed - probably eats about 2 cups a day and then runs 3 cups of it off!


I don't think anyone can really say what this dog will turn out to be, even when you have a racing line, long, lean, thin - you get the occasional chunky sport. When do they fill out? They may be their most roly-poly as puppies and never see that again; they may be thin and fill out at 3 - 4 or they may stay thin all their lives, course they may be like Sasha and go from solid to chunky.  Go find yourself a really good fortune teller - maybe they know!

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It really depends on the lines they come from.  Denali's dad and grandsire both hit their peak forms at 4-5 years old.  The girls have the same sire as Denali's grandsire and bitches tend to develop slower than males I'm anticipating a slow growth from them as well.  Juneau really hit her stride between 2-3 years old but I don't know a whole lot about her lineage-

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Oh I know it depends, and maybe mine will always be kind of lanky, was just curious of others experience. She's only just over 9 months so I'm not expecting her to be fully grown yet. Though if you could wipe the doofy look off her face she almost looks like a majestic animal these days. :)

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It depends on every pup - pups from same litter can be different. Mainly depends on diet, activities - and yes that stuff called genes or something.


Bella is from the winning lines with all her parents and grandparents with awards... She is the smallest from her batch still. I am expecting her to grow by 2-3 inches in the next 5 months.

Hunter is three months short of turning two and still is packing weight and muscle...


Till 9 or 12 months I have seen significant growth - after 14 or so months, it is just the packing of weight and leaning of bodies - or fat in some cases... and a few inches here and there...


p.s. to let them grow to the max and strong, we avoid strict training (physical - they never do weight pulls - max they do it lose bike joring and very slow treadmill) until they mature - simply to let the body structure build strong with good diet without pressure.

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I was going to ask a similar question cos we went to the dog show at the local rescue centre and saw a few huskies. There was one who was a month younger and while Khaleesi is all legs so she was a bit taller, this pup was quite a lot stockier than her. Her owners have been walking her for 5 mins a day though, which I think explains it as Khaleesi is really active. She weighs about 15kg at 5 months but she's so skinny. Although the vets check her regularly as we pay for a healthcare plan, they say she is perfect.

There was one lady feeding her husky donuts though :(

I suppose you just have to get to know your dog and so long as they're not being starved (which mine definately isn't!) I think they'll be fine x

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Blizzard is now 21 weeks and I've noticed his neck fur getting more bushy and head starting to grow bigger, but then he's a boy. I can't wait to see what he's like fully grown :) aww chula is adorable, I'm sure in a few months time you'll soon notice a big difference! :) xxx not sure y my pics appear sideways lol x


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