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Gonna Lose It Very Soon


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OK, I've already had issues with my neighbors when we put our fence up, claiming we went over the property line when we actually had 6 ft more to spare. Since they are trying to sell their house, they are getting 'serious' about fixing it up. (Aka, 10-15 people sitting on the porch smoking all day while maybe one person actually does something but for only an hour.) I can't find peace in my own home. I constantly have people coming over knocking on the door to borrow tools or for me to charge power tool batteries for them, because they turned off the electricity. Or, i go to let the dogs out, and i have an audience, seriously they all STARE at me. They are there every single day doing this from 6 am to 6-7 pm. I am still super pissed about how they treated me about the whole property issue. Why on earth would I want to do ANYTHING for them?!

Now for the 2nd issue. They bring their kids and grandkids over. These kids range from 5-9 years old. They are stuck there while the adults are working on the house and there's no power. If its not the grownups knocking on my door, its the kids. They are not nice kids. They've made my kids cry very nasty kids, destroyed my property, do not listen, just rotten kids. I frankly want nothing to do with them. No matter how many times I say no to them coming over or wanting to play, they don't get it. I took a shower the other day and came out to one of these brats raiding my fridge because they were hungry and later peeking in my windows when I was ignoring the constant knocking on my door. And just Saturday, one came over 9 times asking to come over. Finally she said it was hot out and grandma wanted her in my house to cool off. EXCUSE ME?

If you are ill prepared to work on your house, its not my problem. My house is not the home depot or a city cooling center for the public. Don't bring your kids out in the heat with no electricity. And lastly, I am not the neighborhood babysitter. I have my own kids, errands, and jobs to do in my home. Your kids are not my responsibility. Quit trying to send them over to me to watch for you. I won't do it and will continue to say no and shut the door in these kids faces. I have a backbone, and won't be walked on.

What can I do to get left alone?! I hate being at home anymore.

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I very much doubt the police would do anything around here. It would probably make it worse. And my husband can't really talk to them because they are usually over when he is at work. I guess I should be thankful that they don't live there. But its so annoying that they come out to "work" on the house, but don't really do a thing! Just all sit outside complaining about everything. And they aren't exactly quiet and drop the f bomb every other word. Can't even let my kids out due to all the language.

Anymore, I just lie and say I don't have what they want or that its the husband's and I'm not allowed to borrow out without his permission. The kids I have to be mean with unfortunately. I have to say no, and because I said so alot while shutting the door. They just won't get it and keep coming over, and ask why constantly. (Ugh! I don't owe you any explanation of why you can't come over. I say no, that means no.)

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That sounds hellish. Police won't do nothing? Send Gloria and Luna out and let them bark or howl a bit. Such noise scares kids. Or at least that's the trick in my area.

Tried the dog thing. Didn't work so well. The kids came over and weren't exactly nice to the dogs, Luna got hyper and mouthy and nipped one of the kids. It wasn't a big deal, just a mouthy warning like hey, stop that I don't like...

But she ran back like Luna ripped her arm off! I don't need those issues. These nasty people seem like they'd be lawsuit happy.

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I would still call the police. They are being a nuisance and trespassing. And I would be mean to them. Tell them to leave and that next time you are calling the police. Those people obviously don't have any respect for people or property.

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I'd also call the police, worth trying, or, like Jason mentioned, threaten to call the police.. And maybe adressing the owners of the house and talk to them, explaining that you don't want to be bothered might help..


We had this at our previous house. Kids kept throwing mud in our windows, throwing fireworks at the house, even continued their soccer game when the ball frew onto our backyard.. like what the fudge! But than my dad went to their parents and told them their behavior was just not from this world and that it kinda stopped..


So.. hope it gets better for you soon, good luck!

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Well I have called the police. Got nothing out of it. They said if they aren't threatening me or causing harm to me or my property, there's not much I can do but politely decline and walk away. They said in a nice way that pretty much the police department has bigger issues to deal with than playing parent between neighbors. Which I figured as much.

I just wish the house would sell fast and they go away! I hate to say it, but they are just trash. I'm pretty sure when they still lived next door they were dealing or something. People were coming over all hours day and night, scary looking people. And they're moochers. Can't give them an inch cause they'll take a mile. My other neighbors warned us about them when we moved in 7 years ago. No one else likes them either.

I just need to win the lottery so we can moved out to the country with a big house, lots of land, and NO NEIGHBORS! LOL

Forgot to mention, they are pigs. Like disgusting trash hoarding pigs. Since they have been cleaning house, they called an exterminator to get rid of the roaches that have severely infested the house. All the exterminator did was drive them out of their house and into my house and the neighbors on the other side of them. Now I have this problem on top of everything else, and frankly, its a living hell.

Edited by love4Luna
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Wow Amber! That sounds like hell. I really hope you get new neighbors soon. Is there a city housing authority or city ordinance / code enforcement line you can call?

I don't think so Ed. I mean I could call, but I don't know if it would do any good because they are "cleaning" house. I'm just so frustrated with all the issues they are causing me. I feel like a shut in with my doors & windows locked and curtains drawn to just try to keep them at bay. Not to mention all the money I've spent to control this cockroach situation they put me in. Once they get in your house its near impossible to to get rid of them...

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That sucks. I've had issues with one of my next door neighbors in the past. After a few chats and even a few heated arguements I finally called code enforcement. I found out that there was already an open case against them and they sent a code enforcement agent over. Not sure how things work where you live...but hey it's worth a shot right?

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bloody ell that lot would tip me over the edge, don't you have any rights in the u.s you're being harassed and intimidated in you're own home. this is typically a family from hell in fact hell probably threw them out that's why they live next to you. one thing you could do is act very strange and odd they may people seem to be a bit scared of strange people.or next time when someone knocks the door open it with a blood covered knife in your hand.

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