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Diarrhea Disaster- I Just Don't Know What To Do Anymore....

Kayla's Misha

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I've had Misha for about a month and a half now and since I have had her, her bowels have not been normal.  We started out with an eating rock phase that ended.  Then eat everything in site that ended.  Then a few weeks ago she had liver flukes in her stool, first treatment completed.  I changed her food from Science Diet to Taste of the Wild the other day.  And she STILL has diarrhea.  And yesterday it got worse.  Now it's very mucusy, very little amounts at a time but she is having a hard time going outside in time.  And it smells like fish.  I don't know what to think.  Even her breath smells like faint fish and she didn't eat her poop that I saw!  Maybe she has another new worm??  I don't get it.  So frustrating and I feel so bad for her.  I've addressed this with every vet visit and no one seems to be worried except me.  They did blood work and she was ok.  And now I probably have some kind of nasty worm living in my carpet that she pooped on twice last night!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

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Did the vet do a fecal test to rule out worms?  If she has been tested and nothing is wrong it could be a few things.  When I got Nikko I battled runny poop for months it seemed.  

The number 1 cause of diarrhea seems to be too much food.  It took me a month to get his feedings right.  How much are you feeding her?  I only give mine 2 cups total per day.  Also, the amount or type of treats could do it too.  I had to try many different treats, and especially during training while they are getting more treats, I had to adjust their food at meal times, and find a treat that didn't give him diarrhea.  


A few things that can help with the diarrhea is raw chicken wings.  The bone helps to firm up the poo.  Also, I always have canned pumpkin on hand.  A few tablespoons per day will firm up the poo as well.  If it is severe then you can put them on a bland diet for a few days with just rice and boiled chicken.

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I was feeding her 2 1/2 cups now I'm doing 2.  2 is slightly over the guideline but I was told to do that bc she is underweight.  She is a little over 4 months and just hit 20lbs.  But she looks thin....


I was hoping switching to grain-free diet would solve this since she has had the med for the fluke.  It's only been a couple days so I'm sure I have to be patient, but now it's mucusy and smells like fish which it wasn't like before so I'm worried.  And she has a hard time making it outside.  Has had a few accidents in the house and drags me outside when she does make it.  Which isnt her norm.  I just want this to be over.


I remember someone telling me about the pumpkin trick so I'll get some of that today.  And if it isn't better I'll try the chicken and rice. 


I'm going to get her checked again this week for worms.  Something isn't right....

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First - going back to edit - if she's still on the worm medicine, she's probably going to be loose until the worms are all taken care of and she's off the medicine - diarrhea is normally one of the side effects of worm medicine.


If you're trying to put weight on her by feeding her more dog food, you're probably the cause of the diarrhea; sorry, but I had to say it.

Generally, as a breed, most of (qualified that enough?) these guys do best on LESS than the recommended (sometimes considerably! less) and will be really loose if they're getting too much.  How about posting some pictures of her - first a side shot and then one from overhead?  What you (and ???) are seeing might really fall well within the "right weight" zone for a Husky!


If I were in your shoes I'd go with the chicken and rice for a few days to let her stomach settle and her feces firm up; then I'd gradually introduce her regular food - in significantly less quantity - at her other meal.  Then gradually keep adding more and settle on what she will eat without getting loose again.

As far as her being underweight - these dogs are what they are - Sasha stays overweight no matter what or how much I feed her (short of starving her, then she finds anything she can!)  Avalanche is probably 4 inches taller than Sasha and, I'm guessing today, probably weighs 20 pounds less.  This is getting to be another of my favourite lines "Sibes are like people, they come in all different colours and sizes; some are tall and skinny, some are short and, well, beyond svelte." Eventually you're going to realize that you got what you got ...

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She could have a chicken sensitivity too. That's not uncommon in huskies. I would try the pumpkin and see if that helps. If it doesn't then maybe try a bland chicken and rice diet. If she's still loose on chicken and rice then she's likely either got a parasite or is sensitive to chicken.

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ok, so I'll cut her food back then.  And I can see your point with you get what you get because this is the 3rd food I've had her on and she still is very slender.  But now she's growing and has always had good appetite and a lot of energy so I havne't been worried with that part.  At first I thought she was really small, but I guess it just took her a little while to grow because she is def hitting a growth spurt now!

And I will try the pumpkin and chicken/rice for a few days and then start over with smaller amounts of food. 

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Ice had diarrhoea for pretty much the first year of his life, he was so skinny it was reciculous. But around that time I finally found a food that he could handle and now I'm trying to stop him from putting on too much weight! I personally found that the expensive foods were too rich for him but once I tried a bland cheap one he was fine. That said I would definitely reccomended a grain free kibble for a husky as a wheat intolerance isn't uncommon.

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I agree that you need to take a sample in and tell them you want it tested for everything some things like coccidia and giradia aren't normally ran the way they run it for worms, parasites, etc. and has to be done a special way. Tell them it smells like fish and is bloody and mucousy. If they still aren't concerned or aren't willing to run the tests that I would switch vets.

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Oh hi :) 8 week puppy with diahorrea but I'm to blame gave her tinned food through her dry to try entice her to eat :) as I thought she didn't like it turns out she just wasn't hungry and she was pining for her mum :) <a href="http://pitapata.com/"><img src=" IsgBb5a.jpg" width="100" height="80" border="0" alt="PitaPata - Personal picture" /><img src=" IsgBp1.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="PitaPata Dog tickers" /></a>

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Female Siberian Huskys should be slender.   With regards to stool samples,  they should be tested when warm and fresh.  That's why the vets usually do it there, rather than just ask for a sample.  The reason being, that any parasite can die off as the stool ages.  I believe I am right on this - anyone feel free to correct me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, sorry I don't come on here that much.  So...update:  I brought her to the vet and she tested negative for everything.  BUT they found she had a lo of bacteria in her stool, more so than normal.  So they put her on an antibiotic along with a probiotic to get her GI back and running more normal.  It has helped a lot.  She's done with the probiotic and still has a few days left of the antibiotic.  Her stools are formed, I still see a little mucus in it at times though.  She told me that if I don't think it works to call back and she will change to another antibiotic.  I also asked her about her weight and she thinks Misha is no longer underweight.  She is now at 22lbs and does look a lot more healthy than she did when I first got her.  So I am pleased   :D

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Glad to hear your Pooch is getting better!!


Before I read most of the posts I was also going to suggest having her tested for "Giardia". Glad she does not have that.


Although that can be a very hard parasite to detect since it is not always present in their stools.


Capo had Giardia for about 4 months before he finally tested negative!! I was the one by luck and chance that asked the Vet to check for it! It is a terrible parasite with Yellow like Diarrhea. I was at the point where I did not want him to take anymore Antibiotics[Metrodiazanole] and the de-wormer "Panacure".


Capo takes Probiotics now for his Teeth!! It is mostly for dogs digestion but my Vet noticed that it also helps remove plaque and tartar from Dog's Teeth!!! It works!


Anyway, I hope your cute pooch continues to get better and it may not be a bad idea to keep her on probiotics for her digestive health. I have such a knowledgeable, caring vet that is concerned about Capo and not money! He suggested that I go to a whole foods store and get the probiotics instead of buying them off of him!! I get a 60 day supply for $22 compared to a 30 day supply for $28!!


Ciao,,,,,Roberto "The Elaborator",,,,,among other things!


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  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone! I was thinking about this topic the other day.  Thought I would come back with another update.  So our diarrhea days are finally over.  It took months!!!!!!!!  I don't even know what changed or how she really finally got better, but it's been over a month since she has had diarrhea.  Thank god....   :)

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