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Feeling Scared Right Now :(


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Last night my husband was complaining of a hot sensation around his left eye and distorted vision, he decided to get an early night in the hope that it would be better by morning but it wasn't.  I had to go to work but left him strict orders to take himself down the local hospital asap to get it checked out.  He did and at 5pm today I had a call from him at the hospital (south London health care trust, say no more.  lol) the doctors think he's had a minor stroke and needs to be seen by a specialist in the next couple of days. 

Now, Paul's only 34, he's 3 months younger than me for god's sake.  How on earth could he of had a stroke?!  Now my minds running in overdrive trying to remember stroke facts and so far I remember this, small minor strokes are usually only the start.  You usually get a series of minors in the run up to one full on major stroke.  How can this be happening to him?  Am I going to wake up one morning and find him seriously ill or worse?  ok I'm panicking myself now.  He seems fine about it, just laughing and joking about it.  Found it quite amusing when I told him I wish I'd taken out life insurance on him.  lmao.  Only I seem to be thinking ahead to all the what ifs and it's driving me crazy.  I just don't know what to do! 

Sorry for going on but it feels a bit better to offload the thoughts and images that are swimming  in my head down onto something else, gives me a chance to breathe a bit.

Thank you for listening to me.....xxxx

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Calm down, so you don't pop a vessel.  That's first.  Take it one step at a time, one day at a time.  I work with two people who both had strokes, and you cannot tell.  They had to go through some rehab, but you'd never know it.  Besides, the doctors "think" he's had a stroke.  Until they are sure, and provide you and your husband with a game plan . . .  well, try not to worry too much.  Easy for me to say I know.

Edited by Mazz
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That is scary - but I assume he hasn't had a CT scan or MRI yet?  Until he's actually been diagnosed, I wouldn't panic too much yet. I hope you can get into a specialist soon and they can get to the bottom of it. I also have a coworker who had a stroke, and you would never know it. He's fully operational on both sides of his body. He had to change his lifestyle to bring down blood pressure, but other than that, he's pretty normal.

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Thanks everyone. Yeah I'm panicking ahead of time. He's been seen by four doctors as they kept wanting a second, third, then fourth opinion. Finally the top dog there says he's fairly confident that there's been a minor blood clot that is now dispersing itself, a minor stroke, probably caused from the accident he had at work a while back (think ive mentioned that incident before on here a few times?) and no Chula you are right the imaging scans haven't been done yet but I'm guessing that's what the future appointments are for? Yes lee it's scary but to be honest I'm just shocked, can't really believe its true?! And Mazz thank you so much, you have no idea how much of a calming effect your words have had on me. I'm feeling a bit stronger now which I have to be so I can support and carry my family through this. Paul may be laughing now but at some point it's gonna hit home and that's when I need to be there there, strong for him and ready to fight on his behalf. I can't really do that when I'm flapping like a flightless bird.

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I am sorry that you are going through this stressful situation.


I believe that many people can have minor strokes without even knowing. The point I am making is that from my understanding is that a minor stroke doesn't necessarily mean there will be lasting effects or further incidents. 

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Oh, I didn't know he had a work accident! Well hopefully if it was related to that, then the clot is resolving itself and won't cause lasting damage. Did they use the term TIA? My grandfather has had several TIAs and never had a major stroke. They scare my grandmother, but they haven't affected his quality of life.  Obviously it is important to take the doctor's advice seriously and get the follow up. I am sure I would be very scared in your position too. 

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hope everything is ok. If it turns out it was a mini stroke, it's not the end of the world as the doctors will give him any medication and lifestyle changes which will help. It's better to get a small warning one than a major one.Although it is rare even young kids can get strokes. Keep us posted on his progress.

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Ouch, I'd be worried too.  I can't say much, 'cause I honestly don't know anything about strokes (okay, I've had friends and relatives who've had them - but *I* don't really know anything.)


Like you said yourself, you need to be able to stay calm, cool and collected for him - 'cause no matter what it is, it's eventually going to sink in that something isn't right and then he's going to come looking for support.


Take care of all ...

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Emma,  have you thought about getting in touch with the experts ?  Not the Drs, but what about the stroke association ?  I know there is one, my mate works for them.  I can't do much at half past midnight, but could give her a call tomorrow, there might be a helpline or advisor in your area.  Just let me know honey it's not a problem. ( she still owes me a couple of dozen favours lol)

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Emma,  have you thought about getting in touch with the experts ?  Not the Drs, but what about the stroke association ?  I know there is one, my mate works for them.  I can't do much at half past midnight, but could give her a call tomorrow, there might be a helpline or advisor in your area.  Just let me know honey it's not a problem. ( she still owes me a couple of dozen favours lol)


Thank you so much for your very generous offer but today we've received an appointment at the stroke clinic for this Thursday for several tests to ascertain exactly what's going on internally.  He's fine in himself but unable to return to work due to it apparently being illegal to drive until the results are back.  Really?  Not good, he only started this job in July and really can't afford to lose it, he's still on his probationary period. Of course his health is paramount but as I'm trying my best not to stress him out or excite him, I think the prospect of losing your job could do just that!   

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Update:: Had a phone call early this morning from the hospital saying they had a new appointment available for today if we wanted it. So Paul went for blood tests, ECG, and cat scan (think it was cat scan he just told me it was a scan) and the final verdict is he hasnt had a stroke! They said there is swelling somewhere in his head that is putting pressure on his optic nerve and causing the problems he described. So yay! :yahoo: I'm off to make up for all the excitement and stress I've been trying to keep him from! I'm thinking running around the house naked whilst spending too much on Internet shopping ought to do the trick! ;). Lmao.

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