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Ugh I Really Hate Some Dog Owners...


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I really hate some people ._. 


Some people don't understand dogs items in ANY way even though they HAVE a dog.  I can understand more if you never had a dog but people that OWN a dog should already know these things imo...


Although there are so many pros to having a husky the cons are just horrible. (The cons are me just getting aggravated and it's a human problem, not the dog itself.  The cons of owning a husky, well there is none. They're perfect to me.)


1. Every time I go to petsmart I get people who want to pet Jelly which is totally fine, she acts totally fine... except for the fact that if it's a kid, most of the time their parents are like, "Don't touch her, she's a wolf." 

Seriously? How stupid is that.  

THEN I buy a gentle lead collar to help with her pulling since she's used to running with a harness and this gentle lead collar fixed it and she walks perfectly now.  I usually have it on her when I go to Petsmart now so she won't pull at other dogs and just pay attention to me and now I get people saying, "She's aggressive, don't go near her. She has a muzzle"  SERIOUSLY?  IF MY DOG WANTED TO BITE YOU SHE COULD EASILY DO IT BECAUSE IT'S A WALKING COLLLLLLLARRRRRR NOT A MUZZLE. Why would any logical person bring a DANGEROUS dog?  If my dog was dangerous or even slightly dangerous, I wouldn't be bringing her to a public place where she could possibly attack someone and get taken away from me...


2.  I can't believe how many people say rude things about Jelly (thinking I can't hear them when they talk so dang loud on the walking trail)

"Oh my god I can't believe she owns a fox. That is illegal and dangerous!"  (I can't tell you how many times I've heard this... It's annoying -_____-)

"Why does she have a wolf.  I bet it's aggressive" -- Wow really? Can people not distinguish between wolves and huskies?  There's an obvious difference.  The size for one thing, wolves are MUCH bigger than huskies.   Also, it's illegal to own a wolf? (I think)  Like seriously? The stupidity... I swear.


I don't allow her to sniff people on walks or runs, everything is focused on me. She doesn't bark at other dogs, doesn't even look at them while on lead unless I allow her to.  If someone wants to pet her she's submissive and that's it.  

It's just so frustrating that every time I take her out in public I get crude comments about Jelly. I purposely trained Jelly to walk very well on lead(Meaning I focused on this part of her training the most) in hopes of getting people to shut up with the comments.  My dog walks better than most, if not all the dogs at the trail.. and I still get crappy comments. Half the dogs there people LET their dogs sniff other dogs and run up to other dogs... UGHHH . I just wanna punch people in the face sometimes.. 

Of course I don't and just ignore people but I feel like one of these days someone's gonna get it.


I hate people who judge a book by its cover. . . 


I've basically had people saying this to me ever since I got Jelly -_- even my Aunt.  My cousin gets in trouble for hugging Jelly.."Don't put your face near Jelly you never know one day she's going to rip your face off" Sigh, whatever auntie. We would never put our face to Jelly unless we were entirely sure she was welcoming us to do it.  Sigh. It's good to get this off my chest.  Been holding it in since day 1.



Do you guys ever have problems like this?


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Yeah, we've all experienced this to some degree or other.

The ignorance of the general public (or the great unwashed as I call them) is legendary.


Just ignore them they are as dumb as a bucket of spanners.

Full of half misheard rumours and old wifes tales.


As long as YOU have all the facts them spouting their nonesense will have no effect.

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Luckily I do ignore it since my personality type is to keep things to myself.  Thank goodness I'm not an outgoing person to lash out (except occasionally family :P....) 


I just expected more from at least DOG owners.  It may also be because many huskies in Houston where I live are untrained. I saw a guy own 3 huskies/husky mix at Petsmart and his dogs were just lunging at every dog they saw and the guy didn't even correct it. He just let them pull him to wherever they pleased.   People who don't know how to take care of them own them because they're a pretty face.  But I supposed they have this everywhere. I wish there were some sort of screening process before ANYONE could own a dog to see if it fit the lifestyle :\.

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I always get the 'he looks like a wolf!' comments, anywhere I go. I've just learnt to ignore them, or atleast correct them if they are within speaking range. Also, my uncle said...and I quote... "Don't let him taste blood! Once these animals taste blood, they hurt people." 

Like...seriously? I don't even know what to say to that. 

I've stopped taking my boy inside PetSmart. As much as I love it (and I know he likes picking out his own treats), I've learned the best way to avoid stupid people is to not give them any reason to talk to you. 

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I don't know, I very seldom get those kind of comments, usually the question is, "Is that a Malamute?"

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I get a lot of comments similar to this. Cloud's been an arctic fox, Link is a wolf somehow, Yuki is a wolf puppy or sometimes a wolf. Cloud and Yuki hate people, so I don't mind people who stay away if they're not going to benefit my training. It's the people that come up behind my dog and go straight for her head without asking permission and persist to try to pet her even when she runs away that tick me off, because it only sets her back in her training. But it is annoying when we see children and Link obviously wants to go say hi and their parents immediately whisk them away like they saw a killer bear.

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I always get questions asking.."Is that an alaskan husky?" or "IS THAT REALLY A WOLF?"



I guess I should stop taking her to Petsmart.  Usually whatever I buy she's content with anyways x_o

Just feel like I should cuss them out for being so dumb and clueless.  Or maybe I should just make some crude comment about their dog if they have one. 


But then again, I don't wanna stoop down to their level of stupidity x_O.

A Texan talking is about as bad as Texan road rage lol.

People talk so badly to one another x_o.  Eh. 

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one of the perks of being a husky-owner, eh? I hear that ALL the time. But the best thing about a small neighborhood is that at some point everyone gets to know you and the questions stop. I still occasionally meet outsiders who throws the "is that a wolf" bomb but IMO #1 most annoying question is "how much is he". That is not only annoying, it's also offensive =\ 

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I usually get the wolf thingy. Many of the people prefer to sidestep as Ares looks quite big for his age; now add the crazy pulling and he probably looks like the most furious killer you'd ever see. I don't mind it anyway though, he's my little furbaby that would do anything to get some belly rubs and cuddles :wub:

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Why do you let it bother you?

It's them that are stupid, not you.


When someone asks me a stupid question like that I just let them live in theire stupidity!


1. Of course, the wolf question.

Hell yeah she's a wolf, a big bad wolf, I feed her with Little Red Riding Hoods every day!

or if it's someone I know just say: She's a as much of a wolf as any other dog, anything else you hear is just idiotic.

They stop asking after that :lol:


2. Does she bite? (I was asked that after 2 minutes of tail wagging and kisses to a friend by his girlfrend, what's even worse, she owns a samoyed)

Of course she does, how else would she eat?



What I'm saying, people are stupid, don't take it to your heart. It's the same prejudice bullcrap for almost any other dog breed owner too.

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I wish people would ask before petting Elka. She loves people and jumps up to lick their faces which i have to then stop her from doing and tell her off for. If people ask i hold her harness and get her to sit nicely and she gets a treat. I do hate telling her off for something that was caused by a person. Elka is an unknown dog to them and could actually be a dog that bites rather than wants to lick them to death  :angry:

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Why do you let it bother you?

It's them that are stupid, not you.


When someone asks me a stupid question like that I just let them live in theire stupidity!


1. Of course, the wolf question.

Hell yeah she's a wolf, a big bad wolf, I feed her with Little Red Riding Hoods every day!

or if it's someone I know just say: She's a as much of a wolf as any other dog, anything else you hear is just idiotic.

They stop asking after that :lol:


2. Does she bite? (I was asked that after 2 minutes of tail wagging and kisses to a friend by his girlfrend, what's even worse, she owns a samoyed)

Of course she does, how else would she eat?



What I'm saying, people are stupid, don't take it to your heart. It's the same prejudice bullcrap for almost any other dog breed owner too.



Oh my god, I love you.


Must start saying this all the time when people ask...

I read it like 15 times and I'm still laughing :D.

Thanks for the cheer up.. now I can definitely have fun when people ask me dumb questions :DDDDDD


-can't wait for someone to ask me now...- 


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I hate that, I know it shouldn't bother me but it really does.

Somebody came up to me whilst walking Asha the day before yesterday with a rifle on his back (that alone terrified me) and told me she needed to be on the dangerous dog list! She hadn't done anything, I was just walking past and she hadn't made a noise!

People have told us that Huskies are illegal, they're half wolf, they're killers (I'll partially agree with that, in the sense that ALL dogs are natural born killers)


Since adopting the furbabies I've developed a rule: I don't trust anybody who doesn't like/doesn't know a lot about dogs!


 - Caity

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I also always hate it when people say Balto is a wolf especially when their kids want to pet Balto which we are fine with but they say no he is a wolf and will attack you. That makes Balto seem like he is a danger to others and Balto is the biggest baby I have ever met, he has NEVER snapped at anyone and to be honest I would be so shocked if he did. He loves everyone and when we go to the dark park he has to go to every person there to be petted and then will go and play and as soon as someone new comes in he has to run over real fast to be petted by them and then continues play. Heck Balto comes to other owners there when they call their dog just in the hopes they will love up on him.


I also really hate other dog owners that think they know all. There is some lady who lives by us who has two golden Canadian retrievers (something like that they look like golden retrievers but lighter in color and she said they were bred in Canada and are special Canadian breed). Anyways she is always trying to tell me what is wrong with my dog and that my dog should be left off lead and that the reason he would run off is because I don't have any rules for him. She is not the only one but I hate it when people think they know everything about dogs or about any breed in dog as just like people dogs vary even within a breed. IT DRIVE ME NUTS!!!


Oh and don't get me started on dog owners who let their dogs off lead around other dogs when they clearly attack other dogs (not like playfully but with the intent to do damage).

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I really hate some people ._. 


Some people don't understand dogs items in ANY way even though they HAVE a dog.  I can understand more if you never had a dog but people that OWN a dog should already know these things imo...


Although there are so many pros to having a husky the cons are just horrible. (The cons are me just getting aggravated and it's a human problem, not the dog itself.  The cons of owning a husky, well there is none. They're perfect to me.)


1. Every time I go to petsmart I get people who want to pet Jelly which is totally fine, she acts totally fine... except for the fact that if it's a kid, most of the time their parents are like, "Don't touch her, she's a wolf." 

Seriously? How stupid is that.  

THEN I buy a gentle lead collar to help with her pulling since she's used to running with a harness and this gentle lead collar fixed it and she walks perfectly now.  I usually have it on her when I go to Petsmart now so she won't pull at other dogs and just pay attention to me and now I get people saying, "She's aggressive, don't go near her. She has a muzzle"  SERIOUSLY?  IF MY DOG WANTED TO BITE YOU SHE COULD EASILY DO IT BECAUSE IT'S A WALKING COLLLLLLLARRRRRR NOT A MUZZLE. Why would any logical person bring a DANGEROUS dog?  If my dog was dangerous or even slightly dangerous, I wouldn't be bringing her to a public place where she could possibly attack someone and get taken away from me...


2.  I can't believe how many people say rude things about Jelly (thinking I can't hear them when they talk so dang loud on the walking trail)

"Oh my god I can't believe she owns a fox. That is illegal and dangerous!"  (I can't tell you how many times I've heard this... It's annoying -_____-)

"Why does she have a wolf.  I bet it's aggressive" -- Wow really? Can people not distinguish between wolves and huskies?  There's an obvious difference.  The size for one thing, wolves are MUCH bigger than huskies.   Also, it's illegal to own a wolf? (I think)  Like seriously? The stupidity... I swear.


I don't allow her to sniff people on walks or runs, everything is focused on me. She doesn't bark at other dogs, doesn't even look at them while on lead unless I allow her to.  If someone wants to pet her she's submissive and that's it.  

It's just so frustrating that every time I take her out in public I get crude comments about Jelly. I purposely trained Jelly to walk very well on lead(Meaning I focused on this part of her training the most) in hopes of getting people to shut up with the comments.  My dog walks better than most, if not all the dogs at the trail.. and I still get crappy comments. Half the dogs there people LET their dogs sniff other dogs and run up to other dogs... UGHHH . I just wanna punch people in the face sometimes.. 

Of course I don't and just ignore people but I feel like one of these days someone's gonna get it.


I hate people who judge a book by its cover. . . 


I've basically had people saying this to me ever since I got Jelly -_- even my Aunt.  My cousin gets in trouble for hugging Jelly.."Don't put your face near Jelly you never know one day she's going to rip your face off" Sigh, whatever auntie. We would never put our face to Jelly unless we were entirely sure she was welcoming us to do it.  Sigh. It's good to get this off my chest.  Been holding it in since day 1.



Do you guys ever have problems like this?

Hi, sorry that you have to go through that. Sounds like a lot of uneducated, uninformed and ignorant people! I have never had those responses with Capo except once and this was funny!


A little boy about 2 or 3 saw Capo and said, "Mommy look a wolf"!!! He then started to cry and ran away!!!!


I have been fortunate, regardless of where I go [around my Home] Lake Placid, Mts. of Pa,. Capo gets SO MANY compliments about how beautiful he is and people want to pet him. One thing I wish I could change about him is he is very skeptical, shy and skittish if he does not know you. So, most people never get the opportunity to pet him unless I pick him up and hold him like a Mother holds an infant!


As far as the ignorant people,,,"Ignore ignorance with compassion!!"


take care,ciao,,,,,Roberto


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Hi, sorry that you have to go through that. Sounds like a lot of uneducated, uninformed and ignorant people! I have never had those responses with Capo except once and this was funny!


A little boy about 2 or 3 saw Capo and said, "Mommy look a wolf"!!! He then started to cry and ran away!!!!


I have been fortunate, regardless of where I go [around my Home] Lake Placid, Mts. of Pa,. Capo gets SO MANY compliments about how beautiful he is and people want to pet him. One thing I wish I could change about him is he is very skeptical, shy and skittish if he does not know you. So, most people never get the opportunity to pet him unless I pick him up and hold him like a Mother holds an infant!


As far as the ignorant people,,,"Ignore ignorance with compassion!!"


take care,ciao,,,,,Roberto




Haha Thanks.  I do get a lot of "She's gorgeous" but with that I also get "Is she a wolf?" or people asking "What breed is that?" (With the assumption of some sort of wolf dog at first)

As I'm not a very social person with people I don't know -- I don't really care about compliments about her (because I don't like responding lol) I just get pent up anger when people say she's a wolf dog or something of the sort :P.  But Jelly's extremely submissive to people then become playful (because most people talk in a cutesy voice and she gets excited)

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I hate that, I know it shouldn't bother me but it really does.

Somebody came up to me whilst walking Asha the day before yesterday with a rifle on his back (that alone terrified me) and told me she needed to be on the dangerous dog list! She hadn't done anything, I was just walking past and she hadn't made a noise!

People have told us that Huskies are illegal, they're half wolf, they're killers (I'll partially agree with that, in the sense that ALL dogs are natural born killers)


Since adopting the furbabies I've developed a rule: I don't trust anybody who doesn't like/doesn't know a lot about dogs!


 - Caity

Wow that is definitely scary.  And I thought people here were ignorant... seems like your case is far worse lol.  Never have I had anyone tell me it was illegal to own huskies and I hope that situation never arises as that would definitely put me over edge :P.


I also always hate it when people say Balto is a wolf especially when their kids want to pet Balto which we are fine with but they say no he is a wolf and will attack you. That makes Balto seem like he is a danger to others and Balto is the biggest baby I have ever met, he has NEVER snapped at anyone and to be honest I would be so shocked if he did. He loves everyone and when we go to the dark park he has to go to every person there to be petted and then will go and play and as soon as someone new comes in he has to run over real fast to be petted by them and then continues play. Heck Balto comes to other owners there when they call their dog just in the hopes they will love up on him.


I also really hate other dog owners that think they know all. There is some lady who lives by us who has two golden Canadian retrievers (something like that they look like golden retrievers but lighter in color and she said they were bred in Canada and are special Canadian breed). Anyways she is always trying to tell me what is wrong with my dog and that my dog should be left off lead and that the reason he would run off is because I don't have any rules for him. She is not the only one but I hate it when people think they know everything about dogs or about any breed in dog as just like people dogs vary even within a breed. IT DRIVE ME NUTS!!!


Oh and don't get me started on dog owners who let their dogs off lead around other dogs when they clearly attack other dogs (not like playfully but with the intent to do damage).

Balto seems much more human-interation liking than Jelly at least :P Sucks that people accuse him of being a wolf.  Jelly won't run to people at all except when on lead and someone wants to pet her, she'll walk up to them and either lay on her back (with calm people -- like me) or come up to them and sit for a few seconds before getting excited (people that act all excited to see a dog...)


I also despise people that think they know it all.   She is clearly very ignorant lol.  Same issue at my dog park -- Huskies tend to play rough, most if not all husky owners know this.  Jelly is a rough houser and especially with dogs that are complete submissive (a person or dog walks up to them and lay down and roll onto their backs) Jelly's been called agressive for playing with this dog (even though I can tell the dog is clearly playing back, jumping back at Jelly to nip the neck area) because she usually makes them tumble while running (She doesn't force them to tumble they just trip most of the time because I never see her run into them) and she plays on top of them and goes for the neck area which apparently

almost all dog owners where I live say Dogs that bite the neck area ARE agressive. There's no such thing as neck biting that is play.  So Jelly gets yelled at by a bunch of people and I have to separate her even though I know both the dogs are playing. 

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