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Does Your Siberian Have A Good Appetite??!!


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Hi, I am  a "Newbie"!!


This seems like the right category,I hope so! I am a writer and sometimes elaborate too much! Bare with me!


Capo was born on 12.26.2010. I got him on 3.18.2011! On the 21st of March I took him to the Vet for his initial evaluation, shots, ect.


It is important to say that this is my first PureBred Siberian! I did things in reverse! I got Capo without knowing the Breed! I live in a condo!! More topics to follow! Bottom line, as difficult and challenging the first year was with medical issues and"just being a husky", IT WAS AND IS WELL WORTH IT! I love him so much!


I remember Dr. Wolstenholme telling me not be surprised or alarmed if Capo skips meals and does not eat for a day or Two! Especially in the summer! He said that it is common with the Breed. He was exactly right! Sometimes Capo has gone 36 hours without eating! Once or twice he went Two days! I feed him twice a day. ALL his food and treats are Grain Free.He gets kibble in the morning and kibble mixed with 95% wet beef at night. When he doesn't eat it or only eats half,,I just put it in the Fridge!


I was initially puzzeled by it [my other Dogs LOVED to eat!] but accepted it and had no worries! I think Huskies are like wolves in a way! They get a kill and munch out. It could be several days before they eat again!


Capo is small for a Male.This lack of eating at times has no way affected his health, weight and energy level! He is a healthy and solid 48 to 50 pounds!


This meal skipping is consistant while he is going through it. Then all of the sudden he will eat ALL his food for weeks at a time!


So my question to all you wonderful Siberian owners is, "How is your Dogs appetite? Does he eat ALL his meals or skip them from time to time like Capo?


Thanks,input appreciated!  :D:hello:post-10891-0-87691100-1379603427_thumb.j




p.s. When he was 7 months old he "Destroyed" his crate!! I don't think that had anything to do with hunger!!   lol   lol! That is another topic there and was great challenge for me!

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Ice eats as much as he possibly can at all times. Bear however is more like a husky and will often eat little or none of her meal. She eventually realises she's not getting any better offers and eats a big meal to make up for lost time. Lol.

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Ice eats as much as he possibly can at all times. Bear however is more like a husky and will often eat little or none of her meal. She eventually realises she's not getting any better offers and eats a big meal to make up for lost time. Lol.

 THANKS for the input.


Is Bear a GSD? I also LOVE German Shepherds!! I grew up with them!


Have a greta day,,ciao,,,Roberto

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My echo will be three in four days and every since he was a pup he has skipped meals...he does it when its hot or if he just dont want to eat..but you bet he acts like hes starving after a couple of days lol..my two girls will skip their meal but want to come back to it in a couple of hours..meeka did go three days without eating but that was when she had her surgery and she only wanted to sleep

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What you're seeing is completely normal for the breed - and it seems to scare every new owner who comes along.

I have an Alaskan who nibbles at his food -he's free fed so I really don't know how much he eats - when his bowl is empty I put more food in it, a couple of days later we do it again.

My Sibe is my problem, she eats once a day - in the evening (and that's her choice, not mine -she has food in her bowl now) but like Kapo ( a handsome gentleman, btw ) she'll sometimes skip a meal or five (and is still overweight!).

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What you're seeing is completely normal for the breed - and it seems to scare every new owner who comes along.

I have an Alaskan who nibbles at his food -he's free fed so I really don't know how much he eats - when his bowl is empty I put more food in it, a couple of days later we do it again.

My Sibe is my problem, she eats once a day - in the evening (and that's her choice, not mine -she has food in her bowl now) but like Kapo ( a handsome gentleman, btw ) she'll sometimes skip a meal or five (and is still overweight!).

There is a bug crawling around my screen!!! i can't seem to catch it!


Your right! even though the Vet told me that it[skipping meals] is normal for thier breed, I still was concerned and worried in the beginning for no reason! I walk Capo[means Chief/Boss in Italian] 6 sometimes 7 miles a day! If I did not do that, he would be over weight! I Rarely take him to the Dog park for many reasons,none have to do with his behaviour. He is well socialized!



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Daughtry wolfs down every bit every meal and is always looking for more.

Darwin Will skip a meal a couple of times per week, and will only eat as much as he needs

leaving the rest in his bowl.

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Storm eats everything on offer within 10 seconds, and then starts licking the floor around my other dog's bowl, I think in the hope that she will move off her food so he can finish that too. So far, he's never had any joy on this front, but he still licks her empty bowl once she does move away! Neither ever leave anything.

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Mine eats all his food - doesn't leave a single thing left. Although, like you said, its common in the breed to skip meals....so I wouldn't worry about it. As long as he is happy and healthy, that's all that matters. 

By the way, welcome to the forums! :)

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There is a bug crawling around my screen!!! i can't seem to catch it!


Your right! even though the Vet told me that it[skipping meals] is normal for thier breed, I still was concerned and worried in the beginning for no reason! I walk Capo[means Chief/Boss in Italian] 6 sometimes 7 miles a day! If I did not do that, he would be over weight! I Rarely take him to the Dog park for many reasons,none have to do with his behaviour. He is well socialized!




Actually, I found a bug I liked better, but couldn't get it to upload ... oh well.  It's fun for a while.


I meant to say earlier, that if your vet knows enough about the breed to realize that not eating is normal, hang onto him!! Vets who know anything about the breed are rare!  As you're finding out, they aren't just another dog

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Your vet is AMAZING  :o  :o  :o how do we find breed-specific vets in this day and age?? Seriously though I'd freak out if Dime skipped a meal for 2-3 days. Longest he has been without food is a "mere" 24 hours. Looks like Capo is special  ;) And as for the question: No, Dime doesn't have a good appetite either. Until I bought him TOTW, that is. Now he wolfed down his meal every dinner. Before TOTW it'd take him at least a full hour to finish one bowl. I also used to think Dime wouldn't give a damn even if I forgot to feed him, but after TOTW he actually guided me outside and danced around his bowl. Dinner was only 15 minutes late  :lol:

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Actually, I found a bug I liked better, but couldn't get it to upload ... oh well.  It's fun for a while.


I meant to say earlier, that if your vet knows enough about the breed to realize that not eating is normal, hang onto him!! Vets who know anything about the breed are rare!  As you're finding out, they aren't just another dog

Thanks!! Unfortunately he retired in July of 2012! He sold his practice!


He was my other Dog's vet in the 80's and 90's. His[Dog] name was "Cochise"!! I have a pic. of him in the gallery. Cochise was a MALAMUTE mix, found him near Camp David in the Mts., and he lived to 15 after being, shot[that is when I found him] and hit by a car at 3 years old!



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Your vet is AMAZING  :o  :o  :o how do we find breed-specific vets in this day and age?? Seriously though I'd freak out if Dime skipped a meal for 2-3 days. Longest he has been without food is a "mere" 24 hours. Looks like Capo is special  ;) And as for the question: No, Dime doesn't have a good appetite either. Until I bought him TOTW, that is. Now he wolfed down his meal every dinner. Before TOTW it'd take him at least a full hour to finish one bowl. I also used to think Dime wouldn't give a damn even if I forgot to feed him, but after TOTW he actually guided me outside and danced around his bowl. Dinner was only 15 minutes late  :lol:

He was not breed specific but he did know alot about Husky's and it was his favorite breed! The first day I took Capo[ he was a mere 13 lbs.!] to see him Dr. wolstenholme kissed him on the head! :)


What does TOTW mean??!! Is that specific to the UK. or dog internet lingo that I do not have a clue on!!!??



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mine tend to pick at kibble but wolf down there raw meals  lol xx

That's Darwin too, Lurves his Raw Chicken wings.

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He was not breed specific but he did know alot about Husky's and it was his favorite breed! The first day I took Capo[ he was a mere 13 lbs.!] to see him Dr. wolstenholme kissed him on the head! :)


What does TOTW mean??!! Is that specific to the UK. or dog internet lingo that I do not have a clue on!!!??



TOTW = Taste of the Wild Kibble


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He was not breed specific but he did know alot about Husky's and it was his favorite breed! The first day I took Capo[ he was a mere 13 lbs.!] to see him Dr. wolstenholme kissed him on the head! :)


What does TOTW mean??!! Is that specific to the UK. or dog internet lingo that I do not have a clue on!!!??




TOTW is a food brand, stands for Taste Of The Wild. If it's available in my country, it's definitely available in The U.S :) best food ever (according to Diamond)!

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mine tend to pick at kibble but wolf down there raw meals  lol xx

That makes sense!!! Better quality.


Capo is definitely picky. He was on that for a while, same results,if he was not hungry, he would not eat. I must have tried 8 to 10 different foods before I settled with what he eats now and ACCEPT the fact that if he is hungry, he will eat. The Vet has always said that he looks GREAT!


Even when I fed him Hamburger and rice for once in awhile digestion problems, most times he would wolf it down, but sometimes if he was not hungry he would eat half, a couple bites or none at all!


One thing he has NEVER turned down is his two favorite treats!! I think that is pretty normal! lol!



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