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Siberian Communication: "quiet Or Noisy"??!


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My internet provider[Comcast] has all different kinds of topics and info. to read.


I noticed that on many occassions They have ones regarding Dogs. Ones like most popular Breed, Most Quiet Dogs, Loudest dogs, ect.


I was SURPRISED to see that out of 15 with 1 being the loudest, the Siberian HUSKY was number 11.


Maybe Capo is not the norm?? He is very quiet! I can be in the Kitchen and all of the sudden he is there and I did not know it or hear him come in! I realize that is a different kind of quiet!!


In regards to Talking, Barking and Howling, he is also very quiet. HE rarely barks! The only times he barks is when he is excited or wants to go out or if someone knocks on the door. The knocking on the door and him barking surprised me.I was told that Siberians are not good watch Dogs!


Capo is a bit shy and skittish. He will also bark at people he does not know, like or trust if they are too pushy to pet him.It takes time for him to know and trust people.He likes woman[i am serious] better! Smart Dog!He has NEVER barked at a woman, regardless of age.I wish he was not so skittish.


When kids or people want to pet him, I just pick him up and hold him like a Mother holding a Baby!! Then he just relaxes or freezes[!] and they pet him!


I walk Capo about 6 miles everyday. Three different walks. One of which is through neighborhoods where there are other Dogs.Naturally MOST Dogs bark when another goes by. They are only protecting their property and I believe[lots of them wagging tails when barking!] they are saying hi!! Capo has never barked back at these dogs! He actually ignores them and does not even look their way!!Some of these Dogs[usually the smaller ones] are annoying to me!! They are like clockwork every time we go by their house! I am SO HAPPY that Capo only Barks when he wants something or if it is necessary.


Capo talks!! Most Siberians do! It is cool! When I am on the phone he sits there and starts talking ! I think he wants attention and with real long conversations[been known to do that!] he gets annoyed and tries to tell me , "get off the damn phone and pay attention to me"!


Did you ever see that video of "Mishka"? She is awesome.  She tells her parents that she loves them and it sounds SO REAL!


As far as howling, Capo has done very little of that. I think that most Siberians howl, that is how they got rated # 11 most noisy Dog!


So, I have a quiet Siberian and I like that!! Although, I do wish he Howled at times. I love Wolves and that reminds me of them!


Please, ladies and gentlemen around the world, tell me about your beautiful and special Siberian Husky and how He/She communicates with you and the rest of the World?


I forgot to add this!! I call it "the run arounds"!!


After a long walk when I am sure he is tired and thirsty, a lot of times when we get home instead of running to the water bowl, he runs around the family room, down the hall back to the family room under the coffee table!! He barks when he is doing tHIS!! He does it several times! I have it on video!




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Darwin Howls at me for walkies.

He barks at Echo to play with him in the Garden

Daughtry says " I want one. . . or it may be . . . I'm Batman"

When she is Hungry

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Keiko is pretty much silent, although she will sometimes howl which isn't very loud anyway but that's only when our other dog goes out. Although last night/this morning (5:30am) she was wooing and howling for some reason.

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Both of mine are generally quiet - of course that last until they want something.


Avalanche will whine at me when he wants something, other than that he's absolutely quiet - unless I'm playing a vid where a Sibe's howling, then he joins right in after looking at the monitor with a "What's that?" look on his face.


Sasha, too, is generally quiet but when she wants something it starts off with a chitter - best described as a very low level, very short howl<?>; when she really wants something, she comes up to me and flat out barks!!

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My two used to be quiet but then Wodak entered the scene and it's now a fanfare when they are excited. When I'm delivering the post I often stumble upon Ruth walking the dogs and they go absolutely mental when they recognise me. They always make sure the entire street knows they're happy  :rolleyes:


Here's a previous video where all three show their excitement of going outside for walkies:



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mine are very quiet when we're home most of the time but when Ice hears that ice cream van coming down the road he howls his head off.  He also barks a bit like a chicken noise when he hears the neighbours out in the garden.  lol.  and when we come home from a day out all 3 make so much noise i'm surprised the house is still standing!  lol.

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All of mine can be pretty loud and times. Nikko usually has a higher pitched talking, Yukon has a very deep growl like noise and Kodiak is in between. Nikko will only talk when people come over and if he meets other people or dogs or if he wants to play. The other two will talk when hungry, meeting people or when I come home from work.

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guess I gotta agree with that list. Huskies ARE noisy and chatty. But they're not THAT noisy so rank 11 is actually right on. Dime is very quiet and chilled, but show him that leash and he'd start "talking" endlessly. He can also howl, just like any other huskies. He rarely howls now, but when he does, he wakes up the entire neighborhood!

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Balto is also really silent unless someone knocks on our door, he sees another dog but is on lead, or sees a person far away who he wants to come and pet him other then that he is generally quiet. I think it really just depends on the dog.

Balto!! I like the name!!!


Balto has a great history that made Siberians recognizable for their amazing feat in 1925!!



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Chula talks when inciting play. She also woos when she stretches or if you talk to her. She barks if someone is at the door and she didn't see someone coming up the walk through the window. If she saw them coming she doesn't bark. Just sits in front of the door waiting. She's a pretty quiet dog all in all.

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Chula talks when inciting play. She also woos when she stretches or if you talk to her. She barks if someone is at the door and she didn't see someone coming up the walk through the window. If she saw them coming she doesn't bark. Just sits in front of the door waiting. She's a pretty quiet dog all in all.

Seems like a beautiful dog!!Looks a little like my son Capo!! She is a lot like Capo in regards to being relatively quiet and barks when someone is at door!


If you take her for walks does she bark back at other dogs when they bark at her?? Capo NEVER does,he just ignores them!! I walk him at least 6 miles a day. the morning walk is through neighborhoods,at night in the wilderness with deer, racoons, foxes and my high powered LED Flashlights!!


I will post a few picks below when capo was a puppy! One as an adult!!


thanks for the input!   Ciao,,,Roberto


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Tuff never barks at other dogs on walks either. He looks at them funny and looks at me like "mom why are they barking"? Ever since he was a puppy he was quiet until recently. He now barks at me when I work (I work from home) and he is tired. He has to sleep I. His crate with the door closed so he barks for me to follow him. He used to come and grab ur hand and pull you where he wanted you to go. Yesterday I brought home a new husky pup and Tuff is barking 100% more but I know it's because he wants Aspen to play. We have been working on it all day.

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 but show him that leash and he'd start "talking" endlessly.


Oh, yeah forgot about THAT.

When I pick up the leads for walkies.

Bedlam !!!

Echo starts a whiny whistle noise

Daughtry starts a very loud "I'm Batman"

and Darwin just runs around woooooooing his head off :)

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Huskies as a rule don't generally bark, they can but it's more of a juvenile trait they do as pups/youngsters

Darwin Still Barks but only occasionally at Echo to get her to play in the garden and he's 4 1/2

Oh I know blaze n skyla still do occasionally when wanting to play but that's why I said they do it more as puppies then adults

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