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Husky On The Loose!!??


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Does this title run chills down your spine?


Has it ever happened to you?


Or, are you one of those rare husky owners who can let their Dog loose on hiking trails, the Mts. or other any other place out in the open without any modern electrical devices?


Personally , I did the opposite of what we should do! I got Capo, then I researched the breed!!! I assumed [you know what they say about that!] he was like "Cochise", who was mostly a "Malamute" mixed with German Shepherd and maybe a little Collie.     WRONG Roberto, Dead wrong!!!


I use to take Cochise off leash everywhere. Parks, the Mts., The Appalachain Trail,he would always stay near buy. He chased Deer numerous time but would always come back. I believe one reason he always came back was the fear of being abandoned again. I found him[with a bullet in his hip] in the Catoctin Mts. near Camp David inThurmont, Md. in 1983. To end Cochise's story I will never forget a cold March day at the Jersey Shore. We were taking my Dad's boat out in the intracoastal waterway. We were about 300 yards out in the Bay and there was Cochise[a dog who DID NOT like water] chasing after the boat! He did not want to see me leave!


Within the first week that I got Capo I was walking him on a trail at VFCC[Valley Forge Christian College] and a Woman passed me and said,"Good luck"!


For the next 15 minutes until we crossed paths again I was thinking, What is she talking about? So when I saw her again I said what do you mean good luck? She told me that her and her husband use to live out west and they had a six[6] foot high fence on their property. The Dog climbed the fence and escaped and luckily someone found the Dog and they got him back. He was 30 miles away!!!


I am sure all of you know and have heard of a lot of stories. NEVER LET A SIBERIAN HUSKY OFF THE LEASH!! THEY ARE RUNNERS!


Being that I have the time and interest, I was able to learn a lot about Siberian Husky's. I could share so much that other Siberian Husky owners have told me!! Owners who have had this breed for 30 or 40 years!


About Three[3] weeks ago Capo was playing with his favorite Girlfriend! Both on leashes of course! Somehow Cherubs collar unhooked the clasp/button on my leash and Capo was loose!! I was scared to death but did not panic! For Seven[7] or Eight [8] minutes[seemed like a lifetime!]  Capo ran circles around Cherub, as She was still on a leash. Finally I got down on the ground and calmly said "Capo, Sit! To my amazement he did. I was so happy I kissed him on his head! The few times I go to the Dog park he ignores me when it is time to go! On the other hand, for about Three[3] weeks when Capo was about Eight[8] months old, I worked with him on having him come back to me. His trainer told me that work paid off, even though it was two[2] years ago.


Now if Cherub was not there, I believe the story may have had a different ending.


So Ladies and Gentlemen,,the time is yours!!! What are your experiences with this topic?


P.S The Two pictures I posted on this thread are my late and great Dog "Cochise". For anyone who does not know true American history, Cochise was a great Apache Indian Chief. My Cochise lived to be 15! He was 13 in the photo. Got Shot. Got hit by a car at age 3 which almost and temporarily paralyzed him, yet he proved the vets wrong and lived another Twelve years! I have more than 100 pics. of Capo and only about 6 or 7 of Cochise.


We all have wonderful Dogs who are special in their OWN WAYS!





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off-lead/on-lead topic has been long debated in this forum... but mostly we agree that they should never be let off-lead. Personally I believe there are no "exceptional" huskies that can be walked off-lead. Their prey drive is just too strong. One look of a fast-moving small animal and whoosh! there he goes. It only needs that one chance for everything to go wrong :( I think up to this day Diamond has escaped about 10 times. Or more. I know that worried feeling all too well. Definitely won't risk it so he's staying on-lead :)

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off-lead/on-lead topic has been long debated in this forum... but mostly we agree that they should never be let off-lead. Personally I believe there are no "exceptional" huskies that can be walked off-lead. Their prey drive is just too strong. One look of a fast-moving small animal and whoosh! there he goes. It only needs that one chance for everything to go wrong :( I think up to this day Diamond has escaped about 10 times. Or more. I know that worried feeling all too well. Definitely won't risk it so he's staying on-lead :)



There are two things I learned about Husky's in the beginning that I won't soon forget.


1.They are escape artists!

2. They have a VERY HIGH prey drive for small animals!


SEE PHOTO!! This was a tag team effort while Capo was on a leash!! We blind sided the Rodent!![AN adolescent Ground Hog!!]


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I did the same as you when I got Balto and got him thinking he would be like a lab, etc. WRONG!!! IT has been a HUGE learning experience but one that has been really worth it. Balto has only been off lead once and that was on accident. My husband was coming home and I was home before him and usually Zach will knock on the door for me to let him in and we open the door and Balto runs and jumps on my husband and then my husband grabs him and brings him inside. Door is never opened wide enough for him to actually get out and my husband is always ready for him, WELL one day he was bringing the garbage can up from the street and I didn't know this but I thought that the garbage can being put against the house was my husband knocking so I opened the door and Balto took off out the door thank goodness Balto was too involved in seeing Zach since he hadn't seen him in almost three days that he just went barreling for him and Zach grabbed him and brought him inside. I have never been so scared in my LIFE and if someone else had been out there or another animal Balto would have been gone. Balto goes to the dog park where it is fenced in really well and we let him off lead but his recall SUCKS!!!! No matter how much we try and work on it he has better things to attend to then coming to us, so there is no way we would EVER let him off lead in an unenclosed space.


There is a member on here who had a dog they trusted to return until they didn't return, hopefully he sees this and posts about his experience with that. That was a really great story for me to hear personally and quite eye opening about the breed

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I did the same as you when I got Balto and got him thinking he would be like a lab, etc. WRONG!!! IT has been a HUGE learning experience but one that has been really worth it. Balto has only been off lead once and that was on accident. My husband was coming home and I was home before him and usually Zach will knock on the door for me to let him in and we open the door and Balto runs and jumps on my husband and then my husband grabs him and brings him inside. Door is never opened wide enough for him to actually get out and my husband is always ready for him, WELL one day he was bringing the garbage can up from the street and I didn't know this but I thought that the garbage can being put against the house was my husband knocking so I opened the door and Balto took off out the door thank goodness Balto was too involved in seeing Zach since he hadn't seen him in almost three days that he just went barreling for him and Zach grabbed him and brought him inside. I have never been so scared in my LIFE and if someone else had been out there or another animal Balto would have been gone. Balto goes to the dog park where it is fenced in really well and we let him off lead but his recall SUCKS!!!! No matter how much we try and work on it he has better things to attend to then coming to us, so there is no way we would EVER let him off lead in an unenclosed space.


There is a member on here who had a dog they trusted to return until they didn't return, hopefully he sees this and posts about his experience with that. That was a really great story for me to hear personally and quite eye opening about the breed

It seems like Capo and Balto share some of the same Husky traits!!


  I am sure you love Balto like I love Capo! I am so over protective I only let my Girlfriend walk him. I am even nervous when she walks him because one millisecond of not paying attention,and he is gone!! A squirrel, a Rabbit anything where he may have a sudden outburst of energy!




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Yeah, Roberto

You're preaching to the choir

99% of us on here will never let them off leash

Unless it's in a safe enclosed area.


Because we've all experienced that heartstopping moment when they either

Get off leash or escape through the door.

The resulting hours of searching and chasing is not fun

Until it happens we all assume we have the ONE husky

That can be trusted.

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<< snipped >>


There is a member on here who had a dog they trusted to return until they didn't return, hopefully he sees this and posts about his experience with that. That was a really great story for me to hear personally and quite eye opening about the breed


That, of course, was me.  I had the most beautiful, loving Husky anyone has ever seen.  For something like two years she lived mostly off lead.  She'd come when I called - even when it took her time to get home from wherever she was.  I figured there wasn't too much trouble she could get in to "out here". Misty was normally home at night, cuddled up with me reading a book.


Then one day she didn't come back - I looked and searched and listened but no Misty - to this day I have no idea what happened to her.  I pray that someone picked her up as a stray (with collar/tags and a chip??) and she has a good home somewhere.


Believe me, there are no exceptions in the long run and it's definitely not worth the heartache .....

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I was up at the cottage and i was really skeptical about letting Panda off leash.

His nose guides him far away. He has an immense high prey drive and once he knows it's there the hunt never stops.


However while i was knocked out my girlfriend let him off and he ran off with one of my friends dogs into the neighbors cottage. He did come back eventually.

For the next 2 days i let him off leash BUT i would never have done so if i weren't with all of my friends dogs. There were about 8 Dogs there and they often ventured together as pairs or in groups of 3-4.


He did come back when i called him and he was on the other dock about a block away. Took him a while to find the right path back.


I would NEVER let him off leash in a city like environment. Only at the cottage with other dogs as there is nothing but forest and a lake.

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That, of course, was me.  I had the most beautiful, loving Husky anyone has ever seen.  For something like two years she lived mostly off lead.  She'd come when I called - even when it took her time to get home from wherever she was.  I figured there wasn't too much trouble she could get in to "out here". Misty was normally home at night, cuddled up with me reading a book.


Then one day she didn't come back - I looked and searched and listened but no Misty - to this day I have no idea what happened to her.  I pray that someone picked her up as a stray (with collar/tags and a chip??) and she has a good home somewhere.


Believe me, there are no exceptions in the long run and it's definitely not worth the heartache .....

Sorry to hear that Al. I understand. In the late 70's we had a family Dog that was a GSD mix,,,,,maybe with Husky and Collie. We had 4 acres out in the country and always let him loose,he always came back,then of course there was a day that he did not and we never knew what happened to him.


There are Three Husky traits that I learned that seemed to be common where ever you got your info.


1. Escape Artists!! I experienced this and I am sure most if not all of you have to!


2. High Prey drive for small animals! Absolutely true!

3.Professional Landscapers!!! absolutely true!


Here is one of the First pictures of Capo that my Brother took on 3.20.2011,,,,,,,,,his second day home!




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