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Don't You Hate It When Your Dog Is Smarter Than You??!!


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This is dedicated to my Friend Harold "Moulton" Davis. He is dying from Alzheimers disease.


He was an Electrical Engineer, his Father was a College  Math Professor at several American Universities, one of which he had Einstein come and speak! Hal's family was originally from England.


Hal would always say, "Don't you hate it when your Dog is smarter than you??!!"


Can any of you relate to that? Please share your experiences in that regard!!


Capo is my first Siberian Husky. As I have mentioned before in other posts, I did the opposite of what you should do!! I got the Dog, then researched[did I ever!! lol!] the breed.I assumed that his disposition/characteristics would be like my Dog "Cochise" who was a Malamute mix,,,,,,,wrong!!!


Most if not all of this is nothing new to Siberian Husky owners. Here are a few of my stories in the first year of Capo's life.The first year was chaotic and I was always trying to outsmart him. He won just about every time!


Our Dogs have the skill and talent of being "Escape Artists!!


Capo escaped his crate several times. So, I said, ok,,,,,,,,I will outsmart him!! The crate had Two latches that he could open. So I put "Vice Grips" on them so there  was NO WAY he could open it!


I guess a week or so goes by. I get home from dinner with my Brother and his wife. There is Capo at the top of the steps!! I laughed [even though I was dumbfounded and beaten!] and congratulated him!! I went in the kitchen where his crate was and it was DESTROYED!!! He could not get the vice grips off so he just grabbed the front panel/door and pulled and pulled until the crate was bent, useless and destroyed! He was 7 months old and about 33 pounds!


So, the trainer says, "No more crates"!! No fooling! She said, "confine him to a room".

The kitchen is a great room,,that is where his crate was and I can block the doorway.


I used Two sheets of plywood vertically and horizontally,Refrigerator on one side 4" from the wall and a 75 pound bar table with two 35 packs of spring water[70 more pounds] on top and a piece of flagstone at the base of the table weighing about 40 pounds on the other end!  I said there is no way he is getting out of here!!


A few days go by. I come home and Capo is at the top of the steps!! I am saying WTF, how did he get out??He yanked and chewed on the plywood and moved the refrigerator about 6" and the table about a Foot and got out!


I am already Gray!! He outsmarted me again! What am I going to do with this Dog when I am at work??!!  Answer: Doggy Day Care!! That helped boost my first year expenses up to $5000!!!!


So, Doggy Day Care 3X/Week and chance the other Two days!! All in all he did remarkably well the two days he was roaming my Condominium  alone. Very little damage, nothing significant.


We are talking about a 7 to 11 month old puppy being left alone.I was proud of him in that respect. The following winter I just kept him out on my enclosed[i live on the second floor] balcony. That is where he stays when I am not here. In the summer when it gets too hot I bring inside in the Air Conditioning.


So, the time is yours!


Can you relate to, "Don't you hate it when your Dog is smarter than you??!!"


Please tell me your HUSKIES SKILLS in regards to escapability and OUT SMARTING YOU!!!









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I'm sorry to hear about your father. :(

The first and only time my boy was left alone, I locked him in my room. I left the window open because it was a hot day and the air conditioning isn't that great. I was (and still am) his favourite person so I figured he would be okay in there. 

No. No he was not.

We came home to an empty room. The carpet in front of the door was shredded up (we later discovered he was trying to dig under), and there was a dog sized hole in the window screen! Nothing else in the room was damaged, he had just wanted to escape. And escape he had!

He chewed or clawed through the screen, went out onto the roof (house is 2 stories), and somehow jumped off the roof. We went out and searched for him; we found him a street over. Words cannot describe how happy we was to see us. We took him to the vet, and as it turns out he was in perfect health, he wasn't hurt.

To this day, we have no idea how he managed to get off the roof without hurting himself. We have bushes along one side, and the rest on concrete. Surely he must have been smart enough to land in the bushes, but they showed no sign of being bothered. I suspect he must have teleported down. :rolleyes:


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I'm sorry to hear about your father. :(

The first and only time my boy was left alone, I locked him in my room. I left the window open because it was a hot day and the air conditioning isn't that great. I was (and still am) his favourite person so I figured he would be okay in there. 

No. No he was not.

We came home to an empty room. The carpet in front of the door was shredded up (we later discovered he was trying to dig under), and there was a dog sized hole in the window screen! Nothing else in the room was damaged, he had just wanted to escape. And escape he had!

He chewed or clawed through the screen, went out onto the roof (house is 2 stories), and somehow jumped off the roof. We went out and searched for him; we found him a street over. Words cannot describe how happy we was to see us. We took him to the vet, and as it turns out he was in perfect health, he wasn't hurt.

To this day, we have no idea how he managed to get off the roof without hurting himself. We have bushes along one side, and the rest on concrete. Surely he must have been smart enough to land in the bushes, but they showed no sign of being bothered. I suspect he must have teleported down. :rolleyes:


Great story!!!!! I have a friend whose Dog saw a squirrel on the roof, jumped through the screen and fell 3 floors!! He got hurt a little but it was amazing he lived!


Thank You. He is not my Father, but a good friend as I indicated in the first line of my thread.


I am fortunate in my family there is longevity. 104 is the record with 101 and 97 year old relatives in Italy alive today!




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Great story!!!!! I have a friend whose Dog saw a squirrel on the roof, jumped through the screen and fell 3 floors!! He got hurt a little but it was amazing he lived!


Thank You. He is not my Father, but a good friend as I indicated in the first line of my thread.


I am fortunate in my family there is longevity. 104 is the record with 101 and 97 year old relatives in Italy alive today!




Oh, I apologize. I'm not thinking straight today! 

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Oh, I apologize. I'm not thinking straight today! 

I know the feeling!! That is ok,,it is the thought that counts,,,,,,,a very nice gesture on your part. :D




p.s all you other members have Automated pics, with your post. I don't have that which is fine!! I just post a variety of pics. of Capo/Mom/Dad and friends!


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I enjoy the pictures you post. :)

What we have is called a 'signature'. I can make one for you, if you want. I'd just need some pictures of Capo, and your favourite colour. :)

Thanks, I will think about it!! :)


I kind of like variety and posting a different combination of pics. for each post!! That way my Husky friends can see Baby Capo, adult Capo, Capo's Mom/dad, Other sibe friends and the "GREAT COCHISE"!!!





p.s. the one pic. of Capo w/ the pretty blonde is one of the Three best pics. I ever took of him!

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Solo ate my lunch once. It was on the side in the kitchen and he left it alone until the moment I left the house. Realised I'd forgotten it as I got to the car so came straight back in, in 20 secs he had known id left it and grabbed and gobbled half of it. The look on his face was classic lol.

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Solo ate my lunch once. It was on the side in the kitchen and he left it alone until the moment I left the house. Realised I'd forgotten it as I got to the car so came straight back in, in 20 secs he had known id left it and grabbed and gobbled half of it. The look on his face was classic lol.

Solo definitely "Outsmarted" you!!


What about when he was young? Any crate escapes or destructions? Escape artists adventures?




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Solo ate my lunch once. It was on the side in the kitchen and he left it alone until the moment I left the house. Realised I'd forgotten it as I got to the car so came straight back in, in 20 secs he had known id left it and grabbed and gobbled half of it. The look on his face was classic lol.


Haha - mine always waits for everyone to leave the room before he swipes something off the counter or table. It's a running joke in my family: a few times in a row, Suka stole my brother's breakfast, prepared by my Mom, before he could come down to eat it. My brother had thought Mom didn't make him any breakfast, but in reality, Suka stole it. We only found out later because there was a tomato and an olive on Suka's mat. :P

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Haha - mine always waits for everyone to leave the room before he swipes something off the counter or table. It's a running joke in my family: a few times in a row, Suka stole my brother's breakfast, prepared by my Mom, before he could come down to eat it. My brother had thought Mom didn't make him any breakfast, but in reality, Suka stole it. We only found out later because there was a tomato and an olive on Suka's mat. :P

Capo is an exception in that regard. unlike the food stealing German Shepherds I grew with! One time our GSD ate a whole bucket of Kentucky fried Chicken,,bones and all!! He had an excuse,,,he had worms!!


Capo has NEVER swiped any food off the table or counter.I have left my lunch on the kitchen table and have been gone for about 10 minutes and he did not take it!


Another subject! I love these night time walks I take every night. It is getting cooler and we see tons of deer, some racoons and foxes every night! Capo goes ballistic when he sees deer,,,even more than squirrels or rabbits which I guess he is so use to. 2 miles from my house is all rolling hills, creeks and farm land.


Roberto is too sensitive!! I can not take looking at the posts in Rainbow Bridge section,,,,It can be inspiring by the way people express themselves and their love for their dogs,,but I am not afraid to admit that I get emotional!




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I still don't know if Diamond can open doors to this day, but I always *think* he can. Diamond has never had a crate. He's very laid-back and well-behaved (most of the time LOL) so we didn't bother to buy one. Back then, we just leave Dime at the living room without chains or anything at night. But I guess he dislikes being left alone. I have two rooms; one is my original room with a broken bed and the second is my current room which was originally a guest's room. I slept on my second room that night and when I woke up I found him upstairs in my first room. The door was CLOSED  :o no damage or accidents whatsoever. He just sits there and looks at me like: "hi! Good morning! Ready to walk me?" while I was like :jawdrop: I adopted a genius! that's the first and last time he did that though. 

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I have a gate set up in Casper's room so when we need to punish him we close him there. So he often gets mad when we close him and he decides to push the door and come out. The next day i close him and put his head through the bars and pull backward and he opens the door and just comes walking like nothing happened and I'm standing there trying to find out how he did it.

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My boy Darwin learned how to open windows.

Got a call that he was loose.

After about an hour collard him and brought him home

front window was open.

OK I figured I must have left it open.

Two days later call from the Dog Warden they'd picked him up running around.

Got home Window open again!!

Was pretty sure it HAD been shut.

A week later Call from dog warden AGAIN picked up running around.

Got home window open and this time I was 100% SURE it had been shut.


Turns out he was nudging up the bottom locking bar then doing the same with the handle and 'bunt' with his head, window open and off on another adventure.


£170 (about $250) in Dog wardens fees later and I screwed the damn windows Shut !!!

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Bear had terrible separation anxiety and would literally destroy my beds, carpets etc. on a daily basis. Tried crating her and then she destroyed herself so went back to having the carpets torn up daily instead. Total nightmare! Lasted about a year or so, the worst was when she ripped open my leather sofa twice in one week. Leather is very hard to sew back together!

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My boy Darwin learned how to open windows.

Got a call that he was loose.

After about an hour collard him and brought him home

front window was open.

OK I figured I must have left it open.

Two days later call from the Dog Warden they'd picked him up running around.

Got home Window open again!!

Was pretty sure it HAD been shut.

A week later Call from dog warden AGAIN picked up running around.

Got home window open and this time I was 100% SURE it had been shut.


Turns out he was nudging up the bottom locking bar then doing the same with the handle and 'bunt' with his head, window open and off on another adventure.


£170 (about $250) in Dog wardens fees later and I screwed the damn windows Shut !!!

Now wonder you named him Darwin!!! lol! Very smart Dog!!


Capo kept unlatching his crate[ two latches] so I put vice grips on it!! A week later,,,he destroyed his crate!!!!




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Now wonder you named him Darwin!!! lol! Very smart Dog!!




We didn't name him it's the name he came to us with.

We rescued him at 1 year old.

It was too good to Change   :up:

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