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Do Huskies Protect


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I'm curious to know whether your Husky has ever protected you in a 'situation'? Whilst I know they make rubbish guard dogs, don't generally bark and would lick an intruder to death, I wondered whether if any of you have had first hand experience of this.


I live in an isolated part of France, house is on its own, surrounded by fields. Last night Harry (my Husky) was very restless, then began growling at the door. this only lasted a few minutes and was most likely an animal of some description but it got me thinking. If I were to be in trouble would he come to my rescue.



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Lick an intruder to death.

But. . . .

That's not a problem for me because I have an Echo

Echo is my white German Shepherd.

A fearsome beastie to behold, all teeth and gnashers to strangers. :)

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Any dog can be protective when they feel their owner or their territory is threatened. But some lacks the instinct to tell them that something is not right. And that's a husky right there :lol: 


But even if Diamond makes the worst guard dog in the world, he is definitely one of the best watch dogs. Every time a stranger rings the bell, he'd run outside and stare at the stranger (poor pizza man LOL) until he/she left. It's kinda like he's making sure that guy won't do anything weird. He also hates aggressive, off-leash dogs. When a dog like that is running towards me he'd try to protect me :wub: 

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i know huskies are supposed to  be useless guard dogs, but a few years ago a local teen said to me "nice hat" (i wear a cowboy hat) to which i replied thank you. he then said "it makes you look like a c**t".  So being fed up with teenagers and their manners i said "nice fat suit, it make you look like fat bas***d" (he was very large).  the teens friends all laughed at him, so in a bid to save face i guess he started towards me and Micha bared her teeth and growled nice and loud the kid backed down and even apologised at a later date.

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As long as you give mine chicken and belly rubs, you'd be best friends forever....


Although one time we were at my friend's house in the country and I was walking Nikko and Yukon and the neighbors mean dog started running towards us and the fur on Nikko's back stood up and he started growling and snarling at it.  Looked like he would have protected us but the dogs owner came running to get the other dog, so luckily I didn't have to find out!

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don't know, never had anything happen to find out.


I'd like to think so, but then again i'd rather they didn't get hurt lol


there's a video posted by someone on here about people hiring a fake thief just to find out how will their dogs react to a stranger entering their house. The "thief" is wearing complete schutzhund decoy suit and he will be touching drawers, cupboards and such to mimic burglars searching for valuables. Of course the whole house would be covered with surveillance cameras :) it's pretty interesting LOL because there is a Rottweiler in the video and he couldn't care less about the fake thief :lol: and yet they're named the world's number one guard dog! 

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Mine hasn't protected me per say, but he's alerted me to bears and other such dangerous wildlife just by how he acts and his body language. I'll never forget that one time at the cottage; he was acting so tense, looking one way and then the other, very out of character for him. We were eating fish, so the bear must have been attracted to the smell. There were twigs snapping in the woods, sounded as if something was coming. So I went inside.

The next morning, I went back out, and I saw bear tracks.

I don't think that, if the bear were to come any closer, he would actually attack it to defend us. He'd probably run the other way, the coward!

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Mine hasn't protected me per say, but he's alerted me to bears and other such dangerous wildlife just by how he acts and his body language. I'll never forget that one time at the cottage; he was acting so tense, looking one way and then the other, very out of character for him. We were eating fish, so the bear must have been attracted to the smell. There were twigs snapping in the woods, sounded as if something was coming. So I went inside.

The next morning, I went back out, and I saw bear tracks.

I don't think that, if the bear were to come any closer, he would actually attack it to defend us. He'd probably run the other way, the coward!

Having been chased by a bear in your fair country

I can safely say that going inside was a wise choice :up:

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Having been chased by a bear in your fair country

I can safely say that going inside was a wise choice :up:

It was probably only a black bear (judging by the size of the footprint), but still...the blackies can get pretty dangerous when your between them and their food! 

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Bear's a bear.

When they are mauling you.

You don't stop to think. . . "Oh, it's only a black bear" :eek:


It was probably only a black bear (judging by the size of the footprint), but still...the blackies can get pretty dangerous when your between them and their food! 

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Bears?  :o   I've only seen them in a zoo!  I'm glad we don't have that kind of wildlife roaming about here!

Mine hasn't protected me per say, but he's alerted me to bears and other such dangerous wildlife just by how he acts and his body language. I'll never forget that one time at the cottage; he was acting so tense, looking one way and then the other, very out of character for him. We were eating fish, so the bear must have been attracted to the smell. There were twigs snapping in the woods, sounded as if something was coming. So I went inside.

The next morning, I went back out, and I saw bear tracks.

I don't think that, if the bear were to come any closer, he would actually attack it to defend us. He'd probably run the other way, the coward!

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Skyla , i dunno probably not

Bings and Blaze - yeah , i had someone walk up behind me before asking if i 'wanna buy some mascara' n both the boys started growling at him , he made a hasty retreat 


is bings a pit?



As for my dog protecting me, never. Zoey is the friendliest dog in the world. Weve had total strangers in our house (for service calls on cable/internet) and all zoey does is want to hug and kiss them. Shes never growled at a stranger, never barked. Im 100% certain she would not protect me lol.

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My dog has barked at one, and only one, person in "defense" in all the time I've had her. I have no idea why she was so terrified of this guy, but she had her hackles up and barked like a maniac. It was crazy to see.


Other than that, I don't think she would really every protect me. But I do think that the fact that she jumps and licks any time someone opens the front door that it might convince a person that she was going to do something mean. Huskies are rare enough in my area that most people are still kind of scared of her, especially teenage boys for some reason.

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Many thanks, some interesting comments. From this I think I can deduce that Huskies make crap body guards :) Saying that I've not got Harry to protect me, more like the other way round :) When strangers see him, they either say 'is he dangerous' or 'what a cute dog'. I just smile :)

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I wouldn't say Panda has protected me but he will have a very scary bark if someone unknown comes into the house.


I only time i have seen him be protective is towards my little Yorkie which happened a few days ago. My yorkie has a slight limp on one of his front legs that day, and a poodle kept bothering him consistently.

Every time the poodle would try to come close Panda went in between my Yorkie Mason and the poodle and would snarl. This happened 5-6 times. However when the poodle wasn't close to my yorkie he did not.

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If I invite someone close to me Tuff is fine, however if I seem uneasy Tuff will stand all puffed out between me and whomever is getting close.  He is very protective of me and my mom.  The meter reader came into the back yard while Tuff was out there and started barking at his and backed him into a corner.  When I went out to get him, Tuff ran right in front of me and stood there until he left the yard.  I am often at the house with just the dogs and I feel safer knowing that Tuff won't let anyone near me.


Also if he hears something at night, he will get up and jump on the bed and lay on top of me until he doesn't hear the noise.  He also did that when we had a service person in the house, I went to sit on the couch and tuff came with me and layed across me and stared in the direction of where he was working.  

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It's a bit odd with my two.  When a car comes down the road they both run to the door to see who's going past.  When one pulls in, Avalanche wants out, generally to make friends.  Sasha's content to stand in the door watching.

One time a friend and three others came over and Avalanche stood back, hackles up, growled a bit till he recognized the friend. As a guard dog, they're both the utter pits - as watch dogs Avalanche has told me several times that "something" (coyotes most likely) that he doesn't like is around.

On similar note, I have some birds that nest in the overhead (water catchment roof) - something hit the end of the trailer the other night (I can picture a bird flying into it bonk!)  Avalanche headed to the door of the end room, hackles up, barked a couple of times and stood there for several minutes (waiting for someone / something to come out?). But then again, Avalanche is an Alaskan not a Sibe - I don't think I've ever seen a Sibe who wasn't friendly first!

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