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Help: Feral Cat Gave Birth In My Yard


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We had these decorative clay barrels in our yard and a feral kitty used it to gave birth  :o  :o three kittens, two B/W and one ginger. Probably born this morning at 4 because Diamond suddenly howled and begged to go outside at that time this morning. Today at about 8 AM I heard a noise coming from the clay barrels and my maid said Diamond is trying to knock them over. Apparently he caught an eye on these little guys!



I know Mama Cat for as long as I can remember. She just roams the neighborhood and because I see her often I named her. Plus, Two-face often hangs around my house to steal food/water from Diamond's bowls (that useless dog LOL). I did all I could to shoo her away but she just kept coming back. And now she has kittens. What do I do? Two-face hisses and bares her teeth whenever Diamond--or anyone--comes close to her kittens. I don't want anyone to get hurt so now Diamond is locked inside the house. I hate seeing him being a prisoner in his own palace but I also want the best for Two-face and her babies.


It's not looking good btw. The kittens have been screaming bloody murder and Two-face is nowhere to be seen. She has been gone for more than 3 hours now. I read online that when a kitty is crying it means Mama Cat is not taking care of them  :S so I took out some spare clean cloths and put it inside the barrel as a bedding. I also plan to buy Two-face some wet food and provide her with a clean, fresh water. I just hope I can get a hold of this cat and spay her...  <_< this is probably her 3rd litter. I'd hate to see her having a 4th one. Especially if they're gonna be in my yard!


UPDATE: Two-face has returned. She doesn't seem bothered with the "bedding" I provided and the kittens have settled down. For now. 

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Do you have an animal shelter they can go to ??

We have an organisation called the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

they take in stray and injured animals.


Do you have anything like that. ??

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no unfortunately not :( mom said Two-face and her kittens would stay here 7 days max because feral cats always move their kittens but I can't be sure


EDIT: wait, I have just realized that is not Two-face. That is another cat I also named. She's Duo, Two-face's daughter  :o no wonder this cat is not used to my presence... 


EDIT #2: I mean... we do have animal shelters but there are only three of them. Two is in Jakarta and one in Bali :facepalm: all too far from where I live

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Cats will usually move their Kittens every few days to a new location 

To avoid predators.

Even if they are a pet and live in your house where it is safe

They will move them it's instict

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so upset. My dad walked in and literally asked me who put cats in the barrel. I told him it's a feral cat and she got there on her own, and then he says he wants to toss the barrel somewhere because it has cats in it :( if Duo doesn't find another place to stay within the next 2 days or so I'm afraid my dad is really going to throw the barrel away. Literally throwing it. I don't get him sometimes :( it's not like the cat is causing damage or anything why not let her stay for a few weeks she's only occupying a useless decorative barrel??? *sigh*



don't worry though of course I didn't talk back. I'm just a little upset with the way he treats animals...

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It's night-time here. Temperature is dropping rapidly and the wind is certainly freezing. I thought Duo is gonna stay with her kittens all night long, but she just went out again. The kittens are quiet, but the clay barrel is wide open and I'm afraid the cloths I provided as bedding won't be enough. My phone's weathers app says that today's coldest temperature would be 22 degrees, but do you think the kittens need more bedding? If Duo is still here tomorrow, I got the :up: from my mom to provide her with some wet food and fresh water. My dad won't be happy, but hey we want all the best for Miss Duo. After all, she did start tolerating my presence. I took a peek inside the barrel every 2-3 hours today... :P and guess eventually she decided I'm just a harmless, curious observer. 

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Do you mean degrees Celsius? That's fairly warm for a night time, plus they have shelter and blankets already. She's probably just foraging for food as she needs plenty more now she's nursing three kittens. The thing that concerns me most is as she's a feral cat, if you were to keep placing your scent on to her kittens then she could possibly become spooked and end up rejecting them. My advice would be to leave them to it as much as you can, only intervene if absolutely necessary. Easier said than done when they're in your back garden though! :eek:

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yea I know that.. the cloth I put down has never been used so it has minimal, if any, human scent. I only put it down because they're very young and the soil they're laying on is dirty. I don't want them to get sick, so decided to give them some bedding. 


And yes, that's in Celcius. It's warm alright but the wind made 22 feels like 18! 

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Duo made her way into the house when I was at school today. Unlucky for her she encountered my dad and her presence infuriated him :( he took the clay barrel and put it beside the trash can outside. It was over 30 degrees and the barrel is wide open receiving direct sunlight. I don't know how long does the barrel sit there but then my mom moved it to a shady place under a small tree in our yard. Then my maid made an impromptu roof to protect the kittens, and proceeded to tell our local "crazy cat lady" about what happened. Being a kind-hearted crazy cat lady she then showed up with some cat food for Duo. Nice to know I have such nice neighbors :)


so the good news is: Duo doesn't mind her "den" being moved around. But the new location might take some getting used to, so she started hissing at me again. Well actually, she was totally fine with me taking a peek until I took the camera out. I think the clicking noise spooked her... :(


another good news: now that the kitty family is not within Diamond's eyesight, he regained his freedom to roam the front porch a.k.a his play area. That fuzzy little four-legged clown literally refused to come back in now :lol: 


The best pics I can get. It's dark here already, so... yeah. That light is from a lamp in the garden and those red fabrics are "beddings" I gave them yesterday.





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sorry for bumping this non husky-related post all the time but... another UPDATE:


Kittens are still here. They're growing larger now, although just a tiny bit. Bit worried though the ginger one is literally skin and bones :( I don't know which one was born first, but if I have to make a guess I think it's the piebald one. She (I think) is the most active out of the three. She crawls around, climbs on top of her siblings and even tries to climb out of the barrel (!!) once :eek: Ginger one is a total drama queen (or king? I read that most ginger cats are males). Even the slightest move or noise makes him cry, and boy can he cry. I thought he cries just because he's hungry or cold, but sometimes he cries even when Duo is with him :huh: black/white one is totally the sweetest. Quiet and laid-back, she's (I think) so still I thought she didn't make it last night. But then Piebald climbed on top of her and she moves a tiny bit  :lol: here are some clearer shots of the babies. Duo was out when I came home from school, so managed to get these nice pics :D





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aww do you think so? :( I saw Duo nursing them last night and all three are drinking well... but it's dark and she's hissing so not 100% sure. How many nipples does an adult cat usually have anyways? I thought the benefit of a small litter is they won't fight for nutrition :(

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aww do you think so? :( I saw Duo nursing them last night and all three are drinking well... but it's dark and she's hissing so not 100% sure. How many nipples does an adult cat usually have anyways? I thought the benefit of a small litter is they won't fight for nutrition :(

Usuall 6 or 8 nipples (not sure which)

So while there's "plenty" to go around

They do fight each other to get at the feed.

So the ginger one might be being kicked back by the other two

Being smaller and weaker he/she can't fight his/her way to the front

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i agree with andy the other two kittens may be stopping the ginger one from getting any food, it doesn't matter how big or lil the litter is (unless there is only one baby of course) there may always be one that is pushed away from things like food etc.  Love the newer pics by the way they look so adorable :-) 

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It's good that you are able to protect the kittens & Duo - I am a little concerned about the ginger one, it does sound like the runt of the litter & may be getting pushed back. But that is Nature, I suppose. Is there anyone who may be able to relocate them & help all the kitties? I know you say there are no local rescues, but are there any knowledgable cat people to help?

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It's good that you are able to protect the kittens & Duo - I am a little concerned about the ginger one, it does sound like the runt of the litter & may be getting pushed back. But that is Nature, I suppose. Is there anyone who may be able to relocate them & help all the kitties? I know you say there are no local rescues, but are there any knowledgable cat people to help?


yes I have a neighbor that might not mind some extra kitties, but since they still have their super protective mama I don't take that step. But I read online that at 4 weeks old feral cats abandon their kittens and if that happens I'll take them to my neighbor :) 

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UPDATE (again)


Kittens are still here :lol: maybe because I started feeding Duo? Idk but I'm glad she's eating the food I put down. That gal must be hungry. She eats a LOT. Hopefully it helps her produce more milk for the kittens...


EDIT: orange kitty is still the smallest of the bunch. He barely moves around whilst his siblings explore the barrel from side to side all the time :( but then again they're only four days old... maybe moving around actively is just too much to ask? these kittens also cry somewhat frequently. It's not a continuous cry, just some loud "mew mew" before they shut up for the next three hours or so. Not really sure what else they need? Oh btw I can't really figure out how to provide fresh water and keep it clean...after all the water bowl would be put down on the ground in an open yard. Suggestions? :) xxx

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It rained today... It's highly unexpected. We're way past the monsoon now! I totally freaked out. The kittens are only 5 days old today, cold temperature could easily kill them :( but luckily 5 minutes later the rain stopped. Even if so, it was quite a downpour :eek: the kitty barrel is positioned right beneath a lowering branch of a small tree in my yard, but small trees don't make good roofs do they  :( arrived home only to find it didn't rain in my house... it was just my school area :lol:  


So Duo and her three babies are still here. I watched her nursing the babies and phew! orange kitty is now drinking without interference from his two B/W siblings. 30 seconds later Duo lifted her head, saw me and immediately hissed. I was about to put down some food for her, so I just decided to be cheeky and said "hey, don't hiss. I'm feeding you!". She's still glaring with  :angry: expression, but at least she didn't hiss any more. Usually she'd hiss again and again until I leave. 


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call the "power of catnips"  B)

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Not much to say today except orange kitty is gaining weight  :D :D look, he's now the same size as the other two! And he starts moving around too! I know every kitten and puppy their age likes to crawl, but seriously I've never seen this orange one moving about before today. 




A student that attends my competition preparatory class told me that "in every feral cat litter, one always dies. It's just survival of the fittest". But nope I don't think orange kitty is leaving any time soon. Take that, nature! :lol:

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