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Is Ur Dog An Alarm Clock In Morning!


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I don't have a clue I think he wants to go to toilet but when I let em out he stands sating at me ha as if what u doing??


No, what he's really saying is "Aren't you coming out to play, too?"


Mine are pretty good; If they have to go out overnight, they'll wake me up ( FINALLY! and I know I just jinxed myself! ) otherwise they wait till the sun comes over the mountains - or is getting close to coming over the mountains - then it's time to get up 'cause they both have to go.

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I guess I am lucky because mine don't howl in the morning..but then again they sleep in my bed with me LOL.


But they do wake me up at 6am sharp everyday by walking on me...I try to ignore them on the weekends but they are persistent.  However since I usually stay up later on Saturdays I can get an extra hour or two on Sunday mornings :D

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Sasha just wanders between me and the door - and I've become attuned to that so get up and let her out.  If she *really* needs out she'll bark at me.


Avalanche has got it down to an art - he gets about an inch in front of my face and just breathes - real heavy breaths!  It only takes a couple of those and I realize he's telling me something!!


But like I say, they're good about waiting till the sun comes over the mountains ... most of the time.

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mine has a few routines, either not get up until i do, or pace around the bedroom until i get up, or comes over to give me a quick small lick on my nose...although this morning strangely she started howling at 630am... does anyone know why huskies howl? 

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Chula used to whine in her crate in the mornings. The other half gets up for work at 5:45 and used to let her out to take her on a wee walk and then put her back in, but she never wanted to go back to sleep so she would cry and bang on her crate door. That got old really fast, so I told the OH to stop waking her to go out in the morning and that I'd just get up around 6:15-6:30 and be up. 


Except then she wanted to do the same thing on weekends. One time several months ago OH got really frustrated and chucked a flip flop at her crate while she was whining. She hasn't whined since. Now I wake up and she is just sitting there, quietly, staring at me. I still get up by 6:30ish each morning at the latest to give her a good three hours and a good long walk before she has to go in the crate for the day. 

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I think they do that just because it's their routine. Do you wake up at exactly that hour on your work days? Well dogs don't read calendars. All they know is: hey! It's six! Don't you always wake up at six? Wake up and walk me then! 


I used to wake up at six every Sunday morning to walk Dime and during that time, if the clock strikes 6:30 and nobody is awake yet, Dime would howl the house down. And no LOL he doesn't read the clock! I conducted a little experiment by pretending to be asleep, and surprisingly Diamond never missed a second. He howls at 6:30 on the dot. It was fun to watch but then school work start piling up and soon enough I don't have the energy to wake up at six on sundays anymore. After a while my accurate fluffy alarm clock stopped ringing, just because he knows the routine has now changed. 


So if you don't want your husky to wake you up at 6 on weekends, set up a new routine. For example you want to walk the dog at 8 on Sundays so ignore him until the clock strikes eight. Repetition is key :) but if it's a puppy I think it's just because they can't hold their bladder that long yet...

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Athena is always up between 7-8. She doesn't howel or bark, but she wakes up our German Sheperd and then they play....And play loud until we go take them outside... Then our German Sheperd decides he is outside so he can be as vocal as he wants and we end up having to get up because we can't sleep through the barks ha. Our poor neighbors (;

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I've always had the dogs on a schedule and they let me know if I am off even by 5 mins.  I work from home and they nap on my lunch, so they will come nudge my arm when it's time.  Oh and lordy when it's quittin time and I'm late, then I'm in BIG trouble.  Why?  Well cause that is there long nap.  I have LOVED having that schedule cause I work at 5am, so Aspen and Tuff are up at 4:45am on the dot every morning.  On the weekend they will go outside to potty and then back to bed.  

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Don't have a problem here either they would sleep all day if it wasn't for my making them go out..half the time when I let them out their cages they run to spare bedroom and jump on bed to sleep I gota drag them out..meeka and larka only carry on when they gota take a crap they can't hold. Learned that one night when I stepped in it when getting up..never again did I ignore them! But there rather quiet

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