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Had A Smashingly Good Time...


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*start whining*

So, yesterday I whacked my head pretty hard on the floor...I fell backwards. I felt a little dizzy afterwards, but since I didn't have a bump/wasn't bleeding or anything, I brushed it off as I had to go to class that night.

Fast forward to this morning: I woke up with a very sore neck and an achy head. The back of my head hurt to touch. So I went to the hospital, just to make sure I didn't have a concussion. Turns out I don't have a concussion, as I passed all the neurological and balance tests with flying colours. All my blood work, and etc were normal. 

I also know why I hit my head - I passed out. The doctor doesn't exactly know what its from, and he said something that I don't quite remember, but he said its common in young adults such as myself....and that it "probably won't happen again". 

Anyways, yeah...I'm okay. Relatively - still feel like I truck ran over my head, but I don't have a concussion so its all good. Just wanted to tell somebody - I refuse to tell my parents, they'll be worried sick over nothing! I would have told them about it if I had actually got a concussion, though, as my Mom got one when Suka pulled her down. They aren't fun at all...

So, I had a head-smashingly good time. (lol, sorry! Been wanting to say that to someone all day!)


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Sometimes just standing up quickly from sitting can cause a loss of blood pressure to the head and. . . Blackout.

Hope you stop feeling sore soon

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Hope you OK 

I know where you coming from in telling anyone in your case they worry in my case Sue does my head in nagging E.G last saturday night a lets just say heavyweight kid of about 20 fell into me playing a game and hit my knee and yes it f.... in hurt a lot to the exten I thought the kid had broke my leg at the time, for the next couple of days limping around with Sue doing my head in saying I should get it checked out we had a bit of a do where I shouted and I not been nagged at since :)


Now the bad news my leg although it feels much better its black and blue and Sue is going to kill me if she sees it before its gone :(

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wow, consider yourself lucky if you landed on your head & not have major probs. I read an article  a few days ago, about a young teenager who got tazered by a police officer in the states, who  fell on her head on concrete, from the muscle spasms, & is now brain dead in hospital on life support....


i have never heard of young ppl, passing out for no reason. although i can understand running basic tests wont neccesarily come up with any abnormalities, just have extra care in mind, in case you driver etc. just rmb it could happen again.

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that's terrifying :jawdrop: so glad to hear you're alright! I was born with low blood sugar... Passed out once when I was 4 (on stage. In my school's farewell party!) and since then people have been keeping an eye on me. So every time I was about to pass out, people always notice and give me something sweet to drink. I don't remember how does it feel to pass out because of that but I know it's not fun :( 

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Ouch! Glad you don't have concussion but not great you're blacking out. You been eating ok? Low blood sugar can apparently cause black outs. But so can lots of things. Look after yourself Elyse. :grouphug: hope your heads better soon. :)

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Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm being really careful (especially when driving). So far so good though.


I feel slightly better today, but my neck is still killing me. Back of the head still hurts a little, but not as much as before. Feel kinda out of it too.


I do feel lucky, I know it could have been much worse. It took me like 10 minutes, crawling around on the floor, to find my glasses. Apparently they flew across the room and hit the wall - thankfully they are okay and they don't even have any scratches on them. Which reminds me, I really should have a spare pair of glasses in case these ones break...as I'm practically legally blind without them. I got an assessment for laser eye surgery, and my eyes are so bad that even if they do it, I'd still have to wear glasses...though my prescription wouldn't be as strong. 


Anyways, sorry for going off on a tangent. Yeah, I've been eating okay. The doc said it could have been because I was dehydrated, but I've been pretty dehydrated before and I've never passed out.

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Hope you feel better, it's gotta be terrifying just going like that without knowing the cause :(


I know pretty much every time I stand up I get blacked out vision and ridiculous head rush, and that's caused me to hit the floor a couple of times, but my blood pressure is erratic at best! 


 - Caity

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