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Help! Oh Bringing A Puppy Home!


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Some time ago I asked for advice on having another dog so soon after rescuing Harry. We've had him nearly 4 months and all is going really well, he's coming up for 2 years old and he's neutered.


We talked about getting another dog, though I said next year, better weather and all the other stuff associated with introducing a new dog to the family.


Well, just had a call from OH to say he's only gone and rescued a 4 month old puppy!


Half of me is really excited and the other half is panicking big time! I've not had a puppy of any description before, always rescued dogs that were more mature. He is a GSD/Husky, I'll pop a picture on when he arrives. So need some advice re feeding, toileting, though believe he's house trained and OMG, how is Harry going to react?  This is my main concern as he is my baby and I don't want him upset!


OH said it was just criminal seeing this little fella being locked away, he's under nourished and under weight. He said we could give him a good home and life.


think it's time to open a bottle of wine!

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Thats such a lovely surprise! Really makes me wish I had more time to spend with my pup!


He'll probably have an upset tummy/runny stools - if he does i'd start him off on plain boiled rice n chicken! Then slowly switch him to whatever you'd like to feed.


Toilet training is simples, you should spend more time outside than inside, just make sure you praise him like crazy when he goes outside, and tell him a firm NO when he goes inside. You can pick him up and he will stop peeing, then carry him outside to finish. Consistency is key here really. If he is already housetrained, he may still have accident seeing as he is so young, if he is desperate he will go, so don't set him up to fail :)


Im sure Harry will especially seeing as your new addition is a Husky x :)

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Congratulations. Bit of a shock I bet!

Feeding wise you'll need a separate bowl, may need to feed in separate areas, do you know what food the pup has been eating as you'll want to continue feeding this until you can gradually switch over.

Toileting in a new house can sometimes cause relapses in even a mature dog. It would be a good idea to take the pup outside regularly and praise if they do their business, lol.

Main thing is to introduce Harry to the pup carefully. On a lead can help to control interactions. Pup would probably benefit from having somewhere quiet to escape to as its a big change and they'll likely get overwhelmed quite easily.

Good luck! Xxx

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Good luck! Such a short time to prepare! If you have any questions you know where to turn to ;). You are going to have to puppy-proof the place, and make sure you have a crate ready and get ready for some sleepless nights lol

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I would introduce them to each other outside with both on leash.  Be relaxed, don't hold either leash tight and let them explore each other.  When you see that they are getting along go ahead and bring them in 1 by 1.  Still leave the leash on but let them drag it around.  That way if one attacks you can grab the leash and pull them apart easier.  They should be fine tho.  Tuff was 2 yrs old when I brought Aspen home, she was 12 weeks old.  I did what I stated above and they are bff's now.  Hope everything works out great!

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Thank you.


I've moved Harry into the house, usually he sleeps in the conservatory but the area we are going to put the puppy is next door to it, so trying to keep the dogs separated as much as possible to begin with. Plus its a big treat for Harry, he doesn't really like being separated from me and as my bedroom is next to where he'll be sleeping, he'll be chuffed :)


I've just made a bed up for the puppy as he will be arriving in the next hour or so, after a 500 mile drive. I'm hoping he'll be cream crackered and we all get a peaceful nights sleep.

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I really haven't thought this through. I had my human babies at a young age, so I didn't have to have sleepless nights as I got older!


Haven't even considered the puppy will be awake at night and needing to go out, or that he's going to chew the place to bits!  Just as well our house is what you'd call basic and I'm not house proud!

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I'm glad you like the pictures.


The boys seem to be getting along fine, though Snowy is a bit snap happy and today I think Harry said, enough is enough! First time I've ever heard him growl and show his teeth, though his tail was wagging all the time :) He is such a gentle giant and so patient!


Snowy whilst I think happy is clearly having some issues. Since my OH picked him up, he's had a terrible runny bottom. On top of that, I've found 5 teeth in the past 2 days, so clearly teething. Also even though he was house trained, or allegedly, he has taken to peeing and pooing in our conservatory where the boys sleep, eat and play. He hasn't given us any warning he needs to go, so got our work cut out there too. I think the upset tummy has gone on too long, so will take him to see our vet tomorrow. Having said that, he seems to have lots of energy, alert and happy.  I've been feeding him 4 times a, just a spoon full of kibble and a few spoon fulls of boiled rice, he's very hungry and under weight, so it's tricky not too give him too much. I've found out he was originally bought from an online puppy farm and he had a terrible fighting dogs name, which I refuse to repeat. He's very sweet most of the time and loves a cuddle, but whilst he gives Harry a hard time, I think he's already looking up to him!


They are so funny to watch, it truly is 50-50 as to who instigates the rucks. Harry will proudly flaunt his chew, so that Snowy will try and steal it from him, then continue to barrel roll him onto the floor. I do kind of feel sorry for Harry, to have to share our love and time, though hoping having a little bro will more than compensate.

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Raw chicken wings, or canned pumpkin will help with the runny poo.  It is difficult getting their weight up!  When I got Kodiak I tried feeding him more and he got runny poo, but if I didn't he wouldn't gain anyway weight.  It's a fine line indeed!


You will probably have to go back to potty training 101 with him though.  Taking him out every half hour, after eating, playing, etc. 


Glad all is going well tho!

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diarrhea is not uncommon when a pup (or a dog for that matter) has been rehomed.  As Jason says, you'll probably want to go back to "toilet training 101" at least for the first few days until you all figure out what he does and doesn't know.

I'll expand a bit on his comment, one of the biggest problems people who are new to the Husky breed have is that they look underweight and they'll eat anything they can get their teeth in so people think they're hungry.

Husky's, in a lot of ways, act as if they're a lot closer to the "wolf ancestor" than they really are.  They were domesticated and lived in Siberia and related country for years (centuries).  However, they were used as working dogs primarily in the winter and allowed to roam during the summer - so they did have to get their own food during the time they were loose - and like most wild animals, it was either feast or famine, so they still have the tendency to scarf everything they can.

That said, you'll find that the recommended portion on most (all??) dog food is way more than the Husky you have will need - and if he doesn't need it, he gets rid of it in the most inappropriate (to us) method possible. 

Assuming that you've had this little bundle of fur by the vet and he says that his health is good then again, going back to Jason's comment, try a little raw (no sugar, no spice, plain raw canned) pumpkin.  That should help.  If you're still having problems cut him back to about half of what you're feeding him, if that firms the stool up then you can gradually increase the amount.  If that doesn't work then starve him for a day and then give him some rice and chicken (sounds good, I need to think about dinner).  That's pretty much the fall back for those of us who have had dogs who seem to have upset tummies.

The other thing you want to watch is switching food from one type / brand to another.  When you make the switch, do it gradually, over the course of a few days. 

On the topic of food and runny poo - some of our dogs have very sensitive stomachs, if you get him firmed up on rice and then gradually work in his "normal" food and he again loosens up, he may be sensitive to what he's being fed.

Don't mix soft food and kibble at the same meal, leave several hours between meals if you feed both types. 

And I'm rambling ......

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Snowy and Harry are still getting along well and Snowy is now less aggressive when they play. Harry has become much firmer with him and won't take any nonsense! They do keep each other occupied all day, and look for each other if one has gone into another area of the house.


Snowy still had an upset tummy, so I took him to the vets on Sat morning, he seemed to be in good health. He's been given some antibiotics, worming tablets and something to bind up his poo and coat the inside of his intestines. So far so good, it seems to be working and his toilet is almost normal now.


He seems a much happier puppy, we are also giving him a food for sensitive stomachs, which costs a small fortune, but hoping it will help. I know it's still early days but we are having some problems with him going to toilet in doors.  Both dogs live in our conservatory, though they do come into the house at times. During the summer the door is left open so Harry could come and go as he pleases. Now it's winter I have to keep it shut as it's not heated, so I am a bit cut off from the dogs, unless I let them in the house.


I've been taking the puppy out every hour or so for a wee, but sometimes he goes in the conservatory in the same place every time, he also poos there too. Up to now I haven't said anything to him, told him off etc, but now I think he has to learn. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Also I have been feeding him 3 to 4 times a day, though over the weekend cut it back to 3 times. Am I better off feeding him just twice a day now, will this help with his pooing? Also if I feed him early, say late afternoon, will he be ok to go through the night without feeling too hungry? It's now its dark so early I have to walk the dogs before it gets late as we live in the country, so no lights.


Sorry for war and peace, l look forward to your advice :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update on the new puppy.


His toilet is normal and has been for over a week now, hurrah! 


We seem to be over the pooing inside thing, but still having wee accidents, at least once a day. I'm taking him out every 1 1/2 - 2 hours to try to show him outside is good :) I've been rewarding him too with a piece of kibble, just to try and get it into his head that going outside is good. He still isn't really telling me when he wants to go though will sometimes sit by the door.  This morning we had to get up extra early and I raced to get him out before he needed to pee, whilst popping on my trainers at the door he started to pee right next to me, I guess he was sleepy and forgot, or at least that's what I'm hoping.


Harry is still continuing to accept the puppy, which is great! Last night they both slept in Harrys bed, which is a first :) They have started to share a water bowl and the puppy has begun to clean Harry up, by this I mean licking the insides of his ears, nice!


I still can't walk them together as Harry is a nightmare on the lead and with the added distraction of his little bro, would be impossible! So I'm walking between 5 and 7 miles a day! I'm bloomin knackered!


So far so good!

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