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Big D Has Gone Over The Bridge

Val (Zebedee)

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This is the hardest topic I will ever start, but Diesel has gone to sleep today. I am absolutely numb.


I can't believe I am having to post this.


The vet wanted to get him in before next Tuesday (should have gone in yesterday but the little bugger ate in the morning so couldn't go under anaesthetic) so they made space for him today for his ultrasound & x-ray. He was dropped off at 9am.

I got a call at 3pm, he was under & the scan revealed a mass in his abdomen but they weren't sure how far it had spread, so I had 3 options. Put him straight to sleep without bringing him round, bring him round so he could come home for his last few weeks / months and leave it to Mother Nature or operate to see the extent & take it from there.


I opted to operate but was called back within 30 minutes to say his spleen & liver were riddled with tumours and it wouldn't be fair to bring him round, the tumours were inoperable, so I have made the heart-wrenching decision to let him go to sleep. I could have been selfish & brought him home to spend the last weeks with him, but I know in my heart I couldn't do it to him.


I really don't know how I am going to get through the next few weeks without him; Mysh & Kaviq keep looking for him. I still think he's going to walk in through the door any minute, but he's not.


I know a lot of you met him (and fell in love with the gentle giant) and even those in other countries fell under his spell - I'm sure you'll all miss him nearly as much as me & Grumpy! So please, remember Diesel as he waddles his way over Rainbow Bridge where the big lad had better be waiting for me when it's my turn to pop my clogs.

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Val, there is no way I can say what I'm feeling right now ... I think we all hoped and prayed that you'd tell us he was home and good ...

Besides not being able to say what I feel - and I too, have tears in my eyes - I know there's little that anyone can say that will make it any better.

'D' be nice to the others while you wait and enjoy the good health you now have again.

Val, all my love and I'm so very sorry .... //al

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I never met big D but was a fan of him. I'm sat here in tears,I'm so sorry for you loss Val I can't even begin to understand how you must be feeling.



Run free Big D you will be missed by all xx 

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I still can't believe i'm never going to see D again, i know he was your baby Val, Steve but i just can't stop the tear's and i'm so sorry for my reaction on the phone, it's the last thing i expected.


For those who never met D he was a very special boy with a huge heart and lot's of love to give, an no one could help falling in love with him.


He had a cuddle for every one children adored him and he loved them, D's passing has left a huge hole in a lot of peoples hearts and he will be sorely missed


I'm just so thankful i was one of the lucky people to met and loved this gentle boy, he'll never be forgotten ever and i know this is a heart wrenching time for his oh so proud parents but Val, Steve as always you put your feelings aside and did what was best for your lad.


Adored by all who met him RIP D  we'll meet again one day, look over your mum and dad till your all together again but for now run free and give all that special love to the unfortunate dogs over rainbow bridge. 


An Lord your a lucky man enjoy this boy whilst you have him but remember your just his foster dad he's only visiting till his parents come to claim him back 


Love you D now go play xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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Oh, Val & Steve.


I am so sorry to hear this.

Big D was a legend in his own lifetime.

D was the gentlest Husky I ever met.

i am going to miss him so much.


RIP big boy. :(

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Oh Val, I am so sorry. My tears are running free, just like Big D is now. It's never easy. They are so much a part of our lives and we somehow become so attached to them, and then they cross over. Zoya and Eisa send you all the Husky Hugs you may need. Sometimes, no matter how much we pray for something, no matter how much we wish for something, things don't always go the way we want. We will continue to keep you and Steve in our thoughts and prayers.

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Absolutely gobsmacked. Very few huskies as well known by everyone as Diesel, or that have been known on here as long as the forum has been in existance. D is just one of those dogs, everyone who met him remembers. :( Sad day.

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Val I am so so sorry for your loss having been thru this recently myself I know what your going thru, always here for ya if ya need a shoulder or an ear you have my number use it anytime, one thing you must remember is he had a very happy life with you, you should be one very proud fur mummy

Run free now big D gone but never forgotten xxx

We will have a drink to you at husky camp big D xx

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Our hearts are with you Val, Steve & Adam, RIP Beautiful Diesel, thank you for all the kisses  :wub:

I  can't find the words, I am so sorry. Diesel was the most amazing furboy xxxx

The Last Battle


If it should be that I grow frail and weak 
And pain should keep me from my sleep, 
Then will you do what must be done, 
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. 
You will be sad I understand, 
But don't let grief then stay your hand, 
For on this day, more than the rest, 
Your love and friendship must stand the test. 
We have had so many happy years, 
You wouldn't want me to suffer so. 
When the time comes, please, let me go. 
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, 
Only, stay with me till the end 
And hold me firm and speak to me 
Until my eyes no longer see. 
I know in time you will agree 
It is a kindness you do to me. 
Although my tail its last has waved, 
From pain and suffering I have been saved. 
Don't grieve that it must be you 
Who has to decide this thing to do; 
We've been so close -- we two -- these years, 
Don't let your heart hold any tears. 

Author Unknown  

Edited by Lisa (Fragglebabe)
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I haven't seen much of Big D neither I ever had the pleasure to meet him. However, just as every other dog on this forum, I felt related to him and I myself feel sad to see this topic. I don't think words can do anything at the moment. Run free, Big D, hope I will get to see you at some other world. Hugs, Val.

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