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My Rescue Jango


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Well everything was going smoothly today till 15 minutes ago...He was laying by the couch asleep and I was sitting on it typing a paper. He swirled around and started to bark and carry on and growled and barred his teeth at me then bit my ankle. Drew blood and would not let go. im home alone and the three kids jumped up and got him off me. Hes in his cage now and im heading to get it checked out...i dont know what the deal was :(

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Searra, he's just beautiful!


It's a wonderful thing that you're doing for him, and that's something you'll need to remind yourself when he's having a bad day, or the others aren't as patient with him as they could be.

When I lived at home we adopted a mistreated GSD, he's still with my parents but he's still not completely right, and he's been there 5 years now! I don't say that to scare you, on a whole he's a wonderful member of the family, just certain things set him off, mainly pedal bikes for some reason :huh:


You clearly know what you're doing, and Jango will be able to sense that. Rescues are hard to break in, I now know first hand with Asha, but knowing how you've turned an animal's life around is the best feeling :)

Keep going sweetheart, it'll be worth it :)


 - Caity

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Well my ankles fine I'm on antibiotics for swelling...found out he hasn't had shots since 2011 :0 ...took him and larka to vet...larka was haven a shot and antibiotics for the bite from Jango...told vet everything about Jango and what he's been doing...he's keeping him and running tests for parvovirus and distemper and something else as he's been coughing a lot..also doing X-rays for some reason? I'll know more tomorrow on him.

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If he had shots in 2011 he should still be good - almost everything is good for 3 - 5 years.


In a way, I'm with the vet - simple things shouldn't draw bad actions, but then you really don't know what the things are that will trigger him. 


I've told this story before but at one time I had a lab who had obviously been kicked repeatedly.  I'm thankful that her reaction was simply to "get out of the way", but it took a long time before anyone could move their feet around her with her freaking out and running to hide.  (( it sounds like your sitting on the couch near him and then doing something was enough to cause him to react in old ways ... the disadvantage to that is that he's big enough and strong enough to "bring it to you" when you don't even know what it was you did ... if you did anything at all ))  My inclination is to think that he's just reacting in his known fashion to things he's uncomfortable with - - - and regrettably that's going to take time to work out.  (( Like a year with me and Sasha ))


Parvo, possible but not likely if he's had past shots; distemper, possible but even less likely; bordetella (kennel cough) is probably the other thing he's looking at but only because of the cough.  I'd bet the x-ray is for brain tumor ... hopefully not a problem but something that he's probably considering.

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That's weird, I don't know what could have set him off....and why he would have went for your ankle. 

He may have been abused in the past, and something he heard set him off and caused him to be defensive? Or, maybe he heard you typing away on your computer, saw that you were near him on the couch, and didn't like it so he bared his teeth...and when you didn't leave he bit you? Just speculating, I didn't see what happened. 

I hope everything turns out okay at the vet..

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well everything came back as ok..the only thing he told me was that hed advise I leave my other dogs outside till i get him out of his attack mode or possibly give him to a family member or friend that can work with him till hes over it because hes not going to come out of it with other dogs around...he said to do behavioral techniques on a dog that has been abused in the past its best to work with them as an only dog.

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This is only a partial comment but it's the best I can do at the moment.

There was a point with Sasha and her biting that I was about to take what I call a tough love stance with her.  In my case, since I have the back yard (and plenty of it) I would have tied her out and left her there.  She'd have water and shade.  everything and I mean everything (yes, that includes food) she would have to earn by good behaviour. 

I learned this when, as a teenager, my cousin left his very aggressive German Shepherd with us (he either had to get it out of the city or they were going to put her down).  Kim got tied to the laundry pole outside and I got the pleasure of feeding her.  Literally no one could go near her without taking the chance of being bit and she did bit a couple of us (yes, she bit me!).  Working with her started from the basics.  I bring food out and walk to the limit of her chain, call her over - if she didn't come, I took the food back. Once she came the next was sit ... you don't want to sit then you go hungry.  (( okay, it's cruel, but there has to be a way to get through to them and food is a great enticement. ))  Then it was "sit" and wait for me to put the food down (admit it was put it down and slide it into her circle with my foot), if she got jumpy I'd pick it back up. 

Eventually I'd walk into her circle with her food but she still had to behave.  She, thankfully, didn't have a food aggression, she'd just been teased to death by the kids going past her run going to and from school.

We also had two other dogs - who had free run of the farm (something like 500 acres with adjoining vacant forested land).  Baron was an Irish setter who would occasionally go out to sit with her - and you could tell it was an emotional war for both of them.

Eventually I was able to take Kim on a leash and walk her (and she almost took my arm off when a car went past).  When I spent part of the winter on my own in the woods she was my companion - but she was MY companion - no one else could get close to her and she'd almost tolerate people around me.

You're fighting a real rough battle here and I'm not sure what to suggest ... you want a normal "family" and you don't want a dog who's going to constantly and unpredictably disrupt it.

My tough love routine for dogs will work - but it's rough on everyone, human and dog - it's the ultimate in NILIF and it's rough.  But then at the moment it might be something to consider.

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aww Searra I'm sorry to hear about the attacks :( don't have much advice, but I can say he's undoubtedly 100% husky. Facial features, as far as I can see, show no signs of a malamute. You can see that he's a product of careless breeding though which might be why he's so large. Don't worry though my baby is also a BYB product and at 4 years old he only stands at a mere 40 centimeters from the ground. BUT he's very healthy :)

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Searra Rae and I have exchanged a few PM's thorugh this and in the last one I got she said Jango had been passed on to a fellow who had no live-in family and should make a much better home with less disruption. Beyond that I'll let her explain.

She tried, she did keep him from being put down but "things" just weren't working.

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Ok everyone I am sorry for my complete absence. Have had family here and still do but need to explain to everyone and share with what has happened. Jango is no longer in our home. He is now with a friend that has no children and no other animals. But other dogs still come over when friends come over so he can still get some of that pack ordinance. Things were not working here. I did not want to get rid of him and there was NO choice fo him being put down as he will be a great dog when he overcomes whatever fear he has. He lunged for my four month old nephew when he cryed and it took us all we had to get him and my sister in law behind closed door and Jango outside. No one was hurt dramatically but hubby was got a couple times. We should have known better than to have him in the house with them here but we had no history of is background so we did not know he would do this. I didnt want him to go. I wanted him to stay outside while they were here but to be worked with. My hubby was scared, very scared for me to be here alone with him. He was frightened for our pack and children. We plan to have kids some time but we have tons at the house all the time. And he didnt want an accident to happen to where he had to be put down and us lose the rest of our pack. So it was put down or new family. Our friends wanted him so badly as they can not have kids and they even knew how he acted and witnessed some attacks he had on me. So they are working with him. I am kept up to date and recieve photos. Jango has got my friend a couple times but he said he can hold it that Jango just needs shown who is dominant and that the attacks will not bother him. I hope he comes out of this. As I KNOW he will be a fantastic dog. He lives maybe forty minutes from me so I can still see him also. We are going in a couple weeks to visit.  Thank you for everyone that followed his story. Im trying to get my friend to join here so everyone can keep up with him. Hes just no all that big on the interent thing..heres a photo I recieved..The all white is Echos son Kato from the March litter :)


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Well done for trying. I've no doubt you've made the right choice for you, your pack and Jango. It's sad that he has come to you in this damaged state, and I would say that you have given Jango the absolute best chance with his new home. Fingers crossed that all works out there.

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Yeah I think you made the right choice. Sadly sometimes it just doesn't work out just like people. You have to protect yourself and family first. You did the responsible thing by finding another place for him rather than just dump him off or to a shelter like other people would do. You'll find the right dog to add to your pack ;)

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