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Best News Ever!!!!!/needing Immediate Advice


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Ok best news first: She is HOME!!!!! She was able to come home with us yesterday. We were so excited to have her finally at home with us. Although it is a learning experience, as she has days and nights confused so we had little sleep last night :(


Ok now for the I need advice ASAP part. Charlene has been in NICU for 16 days before she was able to come home and we have been bringing clothes, blankets, etc. that smell like her home to Balto for him to smell and have laid it by his crate and he would sniff and then trot away or become completely uninterested. Well yesterday it was time to bring her home so we came home and introduced her to the cat first who was excited and really liked her until she cried and then she freaked out. So next we got Balto on a really short leash, husband had a hold of him while I sat on the couch with her. He looked at her and  I guess thought she was a chew toy as we had him sit politely and just look and then out of no where he lunged and tried to bite her face. So we removed him and put him in time out and decided to try it again this time we stepped on his leash and made it shorter and he lunged every single time trying to bite her and would growl with hair standing up on the back of his neck. He was then put in his box for an hour before he was let out with a leash but could run the house. We put Charlene in her crib as it was nap time and I was sitting there on the couch and I guess I smelled like her and he growled and bit my hand (no blood was drawn but it was a bite) so he was put in his box for the rest of the night. Any ideas on what we can do to make this easier on him? I don't personally want myself to be bit, but I am willing to work through this, however, I am not in any way shape or form ok with him even wanting to attack my child. He has never attacked anyone in his life and is usually extremely submissive to EVERYONE even little kids but for some reason he does not feel the same about his sister.

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Ok it seems like hes acting like.a dominant dog would when you bring another dog in.

Absolutely this is not ok in any shape or form.

When you tell him off make it clear that behaviour is not acceptable.

When i had to protect the pup from angel i would declare it was MINE and that was it. She belonged to me and angel was not allowed to hurt her.

But i havent had it with a baby :(

Sorry i cant help more x

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Since I don't have kids and dogs, and have never had the opportunity to have one around a baby I'm completely clueless. I'm also not going to make any suggestions since this is way to touchy for even the smallest mistake.

I really hope you can get a good resolution to this challenge quickly without anyone getting hurt.


BTW ( d'oh ) congratulations on getting the little one home, progress in even little steps is wonderful!!

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Since I don't have kids and dogs, and have never had the opportunity to have one around a baby I'm completely clueless. I'm also not going to make any suggestions since this is way to touchy for even the smallest mistake.

I really hope you can get a good resolution to this challenge quickly without anyone getting hurt.


BTW ( d'oh ) congratulations on getting the little one home, progress in even little steps is wonderful!!

Thanks Al!!! Does this sound like maybe we may need a professional

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Thanks Al!!! Does this sound like maybe we may need a professional


For me, the potential downside of trying to make any suggestion is too severe - it scares the bejeesus out of me to think I might suggest something and then have Charlene hurt. 

If he doesn't settle within about 24 hours - personally - I'd get him someplace out of the house so there's no possibility of a problem.  Then gradually, safely re-introduce him and her.  That may be a bit extreme, but there are situations that call for extreme measures.  If you have a professional within reach, it would be worth a try ... but I seriously think that for everyones safety you need to find him a safe place at least for the short term.


(( I know, definitely not what you wanted to hear .... ))

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Sounds like he's not best pleased at this new addition to his life. Agree with Louise that you don't want him associating time outs with your daughter as that will breed more resentment and make matters worse. What you were doing keeping him in a short leash (hes not leash aggressive though, is he?) and getting him used to this new person gradually sounds like what I would be doing, if he's not used to babies it could be quite a shock for him initially until he realises these tiny humans aren't about to murder him in his sleep. :rolleyes: If you have a baby gate where he can watch the baby from a safe distance that would be good too, although its important not to just leave him there ignored all the time or again this will breed jealousy.

Honestly, you're not having much luck ATM, get over one hurdle only to be faced with another! So glad she's home now though! And hopefully he'll get over his grumpy protests soon. :D

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Sounds like he's not best pleased at this new addition to his life. Agree with Louise that you don't want him associating time outs with your daughter as that will breed more resentment and make matters worse. What you were doing keeping him in a short leash (hes not leash aggressive though, is he?) and getting him used to this new person gradually sounds like what I would be doing, if he's not used to babies it could be quite a shock for him initially until he realises these tiny humans aren't about to murder him in his sleep. :rolleyes: If you have a baby gate where he can watch the baby from a safe distance that would be good too, although its important not to just leave him there ignored all the time or again this will breed jealousy.

Honestly, you're not having much luck ATM, get over one hurdle only to be faced with another! So glad she's home now though! And hopefully he'll get over his grumpy protests soon. :D

No he is not leash aggressive, he loves his leash as that usually means walks (and he will not pass one of those up unless it is raining). We have 3 baby gates so we may need to reposition them in the house so he can watch her safely from a distance.

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Congrats on having your little one home! 


I second getting a good behaviourist immediately - maybe ring your vet to get a recommendation. I would try to get someone today, if you state the urgency of your problem then someone might be able to squeeze you in. I know that some can do phone consults that might help if they can't come immediately.

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yaaay welcome home Charlene :D finally! xxx


as for the lunging, I think Balto is just a little perplexed. Does he still act that way today? I wish I have something to suggest but the situation made it almost impossible to give out any advice... after all, I'm not there in person :( if he's usually submissive I expect to see him simmer down within the next few days but if nothing changes, maybe it's time for a professional to step in

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Josh was 1 when we got Eika as a pup, so it's really hard to try and think of any advice.  But something that may help, is it possible to take him on a really long walk and make him really tired (plus getting some 1:1 time) and then try introducing again?  And definitely keep on a short leash for now, which i can imagine is difficult.  Goodness, doesn't rain but pours hey.


And as others have said, a professional, if you can get a good one, sounds like a must.

ps, really glad she's home xxx

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Okay, Carrington, it really hasn't been that long since you posted last but since I've admitted I'm concerned how are you faring?

Well we called our vet for a behaviorist and we got the number for one and she can't come out and see him until Tuesday of next week but she said during that time when Charlene is sleeping in a separate room he can come in the house and run and we have one on one attention with him and do some command training and just resume normal function with him but when Charlene is awake and is out of her room then he is to be outside on a leash (which we set one up with a large thing of water that won't freeze, a dog house, a really long lead, and tons of toys) which she thinks would be best until she is able to come and see his behavior first hand as for now she isn't comfortable having them in the same room or area of the house until she has been able to evaluate him completely.

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Glad to hear Charlene is Home :)

But sorry to hear Balto is struggling with the adjustment :(

I'm not sure if this will help but I vaguely recall someone using a doll dressed and smelling of the baby as a safe way of introducing a dog to a new addition. I'm not sure if this is something you could try?

I really hope you can work through it, you've had such a difficult time recently and don't need any extra stress.

But just remember you've been away from home for a while now and Balto will be feeling pushed out xxx

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Congrats on Charlene being home, sorry it is not good for Balto. Sounds like you got a handle on it, try to be relaxed (though watchful) when they together, he will pick up on your emotions. My experience of introducing baby and dog was with a collie x gsd, we had no problems so cant offer advice, though never left them alone ( know I don't have to say that), time is a great adjuster, xxx

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Carrington, you've been too quiet for about 3 - 4 days now - what's going on with you all???

Well first my husband got sick with the stomach flu so there was vomit everywhere and our daughter is constipated from her vitamin with iron so she has been screaming the last few days as we have been trying to get her to go and as for Balto things are actually going well.

We had to bring Balto in a few days ago from being outside when she was out because the weather was kind of nasty and gross around here so we brought him in and let him see the baby with a baby gate up and he just sat there and watched and we praised him for sitting quietly with no growling or barking but just sitting there watching. We showed him attention as well so he didn't think the baby took up all our time and he did really good. So we brought him in again on a short leash and praised him for walking nicely and just went really slow, we would go a few feet forward and if he didn't growl get on edge, etc. he was praised and actually he made it all the way to her and sniffed her and has since then warmed up to her nicely. They are never left alone and never will be, but he is able to be out with her in the room with us. She was in her swing yesterday and he went up sniffed her and gave her a huge wet kiss which she did not like. The only problem we have now is him being a bull in a china shop and when he gets excited he jumps up on the furniture (he has never been allowed on furniture) or on us and sometimes he doesn't think and he puts his paw on her like he does us when he wants us to pet him but he is told no and moved back but other then that he loves her.


The cat is another story, she is over protective of the baby, she will go in her room at night and sit in the rocking chair and watch her, and she will not let any other animal back there near her room or else she will attack them. She always watches over the baby kind of like a mother hen.

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