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Being Bit


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okay so the other night Luka got ahold of something and was tearing it up (honestly i don't even remember what it was) and i took it away. He usually never destroys anything as i've been not crating him lately. He's slowly working his way into being left out all the time.


Anyways I was telling him No and he took off running. I went to grab his collar as he was sitting on the couch and he turned around and bit me! and i mean hard enough to break the skin and bruise my hand. he has never done this to me before and he automatically went into his crate and looked all sorry.


It hasn't happened since but when my roommate was trying to get him to move over on the couch he did try to bite her. Obviously, this is unacceptable behavior  and i need to stop it immediately. Any suggestions? It's probably partly my fault because he's seriously a spoiled brat. He runs the house but he's never tried to run me.

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No advice but Chula did the same thing to me a few days ago. I tried to take a blanket she was chewing out of her mouth and she snapped at me and bit my hand. She didn't break the skin but she bruised it up pretty good. I felt so betrayed!


Hope someone else has some advice. I don't want to be scared of my dog.

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The best thing is leave a leash on , maybe a shorter one that you can leave on while in the house, that way if you need to remove him from the couch your hand wont be right there to bite, and I know you want to put him in the crate , but if he is put there when bad, that may turn out where he hates to go in there anytime, so maybe put in a room for a time out I guess, and see how that works. but anytime you grab a collar it can turn out bad if its something he dont want to do at the time. hope it helps

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The best thing is leave a leash on , maybe a shorter one that you can leave on while in the house, that way if you need to remove him from the couch your hand wont be right there to bite, and I know you want to put him in the crate , but if he is put there when bad, that may turn out where he hates to go in there anytime, so maybe put in a room for a time out I guess, and see how that works. but anytime you grab a collar it can turn out bad if its something he dont want to do at the time. hope it helps


thanks. yeah i wouldn't even have put him in crate but he went straight in there like he always does if he's in trouble. i tried to get him to come out and he growled at me. He's never had a problem with me grabbing his collar because it's not like im yanking it. i may actually leave a harness on him instead of the leash and use that instead as he can't bite me that way. thanks for your advice!

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I've forgotten how old Luka is (sorry) but they often reach an age where they begin testing the rules. Typically at a few months of age and then again at about 1 1/2  to 2 years (or so went the "schedule" with mine) I suppose 'testing the rules' is not the term I'm actually looking for, it's more like 'spreading their wings and pushing the humans buttons' - it's like they forget who is in charge and what the ground rules (such as 'No Bite') are.


Ryn went through this and if she disciplined herself for her erring ways, all the better. If she didn't, well, I did. With Ryn, if I am very serious about a correction, I will place one hand on each side of her face (no force used, just be firm) - so she has to look at me, and state the offending action. For instance "NO Bite!" 


Growling at me is also considered a broken rule. And she knows it. (We're going through this one with Petunia now!) Again, I hold her face and tell her 'No Sass'. I know it sounds silly, but it works for us. Now, if Ryn growls at me, she'll discipline herself. And if she growls at me from inside the crate, I go inside of it. The crate is also mine when it comes right down to it.


However you chose to handle this, the one thing to remember is not to show fear or anger. It's just a simple "This is my rule. You will follow it. No exceptions." Then, be sure that you take that same stance each and every time this situation arises. One growl that you let slip by you without addressing is approval in their eyes. Consistency, and nipping it in the bud are the keys.

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(I've forgotten how old Luka is (sorry) but they often reach an age where they begin testing the rules. Typically at a few months of age and then again at about 1 1/2 to 2 years (or so went the "schedule" with mine) I suppose 'testing the rules' is not the term I'm actually looking for, it's more like 'spreading their wings and pushing the humans buttons' ) some call it, the honeymoon is over LOL

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I've forgotten how old Luka is (sorry) but they often reach an age where they begin testing the rules. Typically at a few months of age and then again at about 1 1/2  to 2 years (or so went the "schedule" with mine) I suppose 'testing the rules' is not the term I'm actually looking for, it's more like 'spreading their wings and pushing the humans buttons' - it's like they forget who is in charge and what the ground rules (such as 'No Bite') are.


Ryn went through this and if she disciplined herself for her erring ways, all the better. If she didn't, well, I did. With Ryn, if I am very serious about a correction, I will place one hand on each side of her face (no force used, just be firm) - so she has to look at me, and state the offending action. For instance "NO Bite!" 


Growling at me is also considered a broken rule. And she knows it. (We're going through this one with Petunia now!) Again, I hold her face and tell her 'No Sass'. I know it sounds silly, but it works for us. Now, if Ryn growls at me, she'll discipline herself. And if she growls at me from inside the crate, I go inside of it. The crate is also mine when it comes right down to it.


However you chose to handle this, the one thing to remember is not to show fear or anger. It's just a simple "This is my rule. You will follow it. No exceptions." Then, be sure that you take that same stance each and every time this situation arises. One growl that you let slip by you without addressing is approval in their eyes. Consistency, and nipping it in the bud are the keys.


this sounds exactly what he's doing. and he will be 2 in March so he's right at that age. I will def. try that command when he growls at me because i don't want that type of behavior encouraged. thank you for the advice! it's been super helpful. lol

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Yikes!  Sorry, I don't have suggestions but as you know Nikko is just as spoiled as Luka.  He's never bit me on purpose, it has only been play biting (mouthing)...I really haven't noticed him change at all during the 1 1/2 - 2 year mark, but then again he just turned 2.  The only time he did growl is when I allowed rawhide, but hasn't done it since I banned it. 

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I'm pretty much with Becky on this.  Remembering that Sasha did bite me a few times as we were working on her food aggression I was concerned that she was going to seriously bite me (( okay, translate that as scared of her ))


Now when she gets into one of her "it's mine" moods, she gets told off and whatever she has gets taken away from her - I'm not afraid that she's going to bite any more, but it did take some time for each of us to build up the confidence and trust in each other.  Since I don't crate, I don't have that option ... but she definitely knows the meaning of "No! Back up!" (back away from whatever it is you have).


Good luck and take care of yourself - the short leash in the house comes in real handy at time, btw!

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I'm pretty much with Becky on this.  Remembering that Sasha did bite me a few times as we were working on her food aggression I was concerned that she was going to seriously bite me (( okay, translate that as scared of her ))


Now when she gets into one of her "it's mine" moods, she gets told off and whatever she has gets taken away from her - I'm not afraid that she's going to bite any more, but it did take some time for each of us to build up the confidence and trust in each other.  Since I don't crate, I don't have that option ... but she definitely knows the meaning of "No! Back up!" (back away from whatever it is you have).


Good luck and take care of yourself - the short leash in the house comes in real handy at time, btw!



thank you! yeah he's never been aggressive about anything. but i also do wonder if he's picking up nasty habits from Tahoe? is that even possible? anyone know?

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thank you! yeah he's never been aggressive about anything. but i also do wonder if he's picking up nasty habits from Tahoe? is that even possible? anyone know?


Is it possible - sure is!  The easiest way I've ever found to teach any dog anything is to have another dog who knows how to do what I want show them.  Want to teach a dog to speak on command - get one who already knows and will speak, you dog will get the idea quickly!


They definitely are quite capable of learning good and bad habits from each other!!

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Blaze was the same but was slightly younger I used to be scared of going near him if I needed him out of a room etc but now I don't let him get away with growling if he even so much as grumbles at me in that way he's told off he doesn't do it anymore but also n I know this doesn't work for all but neutering helped too don't be scared of him tho he will know n take advantage ov that took me a few months to get over my fear of him now he's just back to being a cuddle monster

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Blaze was the same but was slightly younger I used to be scared of going near him if I needed him out of a room etc but now I don't let him get away with growling if he even so much as grumbles at me in that way he's told off he doesn't do it anymore but also n I know this doesn't work for all but neutering helped too don't be scared of him tho he will know n take advantage ov that took me a few months to get over my fear of him now he's just back to being a cuddle monster


he's already neutered. yeah i think i just need to stand my ground and be firm with him. thanks Nix!

Is it possible - sure is!  The easiest way I've ever found to teach any dog anything is to have another dog who knows how to do what I want show them.  Want to teach a dog to speak on command - get one who already knows and will speak, you dog will get the idea quickly!


They definitely are quite capable of learning good and bad habits from each other!!


yeah i'm starting to think it's a little of him picking up habits from Tahoe and then him going through the "teenage years". Unfortunately for him, i run my house so he will learn haha

sounds like you need to be the master in the house again maybe hes just trying to show you hes the boss and now you need to show him who is the boss body language is one thing every dog understands hooooo and a stern voice


def. what i think too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've Always had dogs but this is my first husky. The same rule has applied throughout. "I'm the daddy" lol my girl is nearly 14 months and I know there is still time but I will not take any shit from her. When she does wrong she knows it before I do, I see her looking all sorry then I find out what's wrong, damn have to go tbc


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We had the same problem with Harry, though we've only had him since he was 18-20 months old, (he's a rescue and we don't know his exact age).


Once he had settled in, he became quite a handful, mouthing us all the time and becoming almost aggressive when told to leave a room. He would then get onto the sofa or beds and when told to get down he would just stare at me. When I took him by his collar he would snap his head round and I really thought he was going to bite me. From that moment on I began to feel a little scared of him and really worried when it came to chastising him.


Up to that point he basically ran the house, I was so worried with him settling in I let him get away with most things. I then decided he needed some tough love and so became a lot firmer with him, making him sit before we went out for walks, or giving him his food. Stopped his access to the sofa and beds and basically treated him more like a dog than a big baby. I'm happy to say it worked after about a week, gradually he was allowed to do the things he could before, though now it's only with my permission. I'm not scared of him anymore and I think he respects me more for the tough love I gave him.  He now knows who's boss :)

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I've Always had dogs but this is my first husky. The same rule has applied throughout. "I'm the daddy" lol my girl is nearly 14 months and I know there is still time but I will not take any shit from her. When she does wrong she knows it before I do, I see her looking all sorry then I find out what's wrong, damn have to go tbc


yes you definitely have to let them know who's boss for sure lol

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Sorry lift was there, as i was saying right frim the 13 weeks old she has been shown/told whos daddy without me ever raising a hand, i can take raw sirloin steak from her without batting an eyelidthe grandkids ride her like a horse shes the absolute perfect husky and im so proud and happy. Got sidetracked lol, no! Never bitten, never wille4epajat.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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