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Introducing A Second Sibe Into The Pack?


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Hi there once again!

It will soon be two years since Luna came into our lives and what a wonderful experience it has been!

We have been so impressed that we are now considering the introduction of a second Sibe which, (in principle), would not be a major issue, (if Luna was our only dog), but we also have a 'doo lally doodle', (Labradoodle), and a 'Sprollie' all of whom have come from various rescue centres around the country.

It may sound like a little 'favouritism' but Luna is definitely the least trouble of the pack and we have been so very impressed with her that we are now considering taking on one additional Husky.

It is a very unfortunate fact that there are a vast number of dogs, (of all breed types), desperately looking for that special place called 'home' and we are now prepared to give another Husky the chance of a loving home - the only proviso being that the existing pack 'status quo' is not disrupted.

We are well experienced with the introduction of a new dog into the existing pack structure, (including a Husky), and we are prepared for some hard work during the first few weeks.

The rest of the pack are females and we have already 'met' a very charming young male Husky but I am not sure whether the introduction of a male will create additional problems as opose to introducing another female?

I have read many articles some of which state that females can, potentially, adopt a more hostile attitude to other females whereas other articles have not laboured this particular point and I would welcome my fellow forum members comments, (other than the, obvious, fact that we must be mad)!

Our family home has been the home for a great number of 'rescue' animals over the past 25 years and the current pack will probably be our final 'Swan song'!

Apologies for yet another lengthy post.

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Not sure how the 'F' crept into the title - but I will blame it on my Samsung Tablet that is now getting a little 'long in the tooth' and has a strange habit of re-arranging the letters as I type them - strange but perfectly true, (must be a keyboard buffer issue)!

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Well, the "F" is now gone from the title. Welcome as well. I think in general, that perhaps females are a bit more difficult to deal with, but it really boils down to the individual dogs.

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Many thanks for your response as that would seem to reinforce the general consensus of opinion that I had picked up during my continued research although I also fully agree, (with your counter statement), that the individual dogs character must also be taken into account.


We have already 'experienced' the introduction of a Sibe, (into our previously established pack), as well as the later introduction of the 'Sprollie' and on both occasions there were a few resulting kerfuffle's, (all of which can be reviewed in one of my earlier posts within the 'Introductions' section), just search for posts relating to 'Luna'!


All three dogs now get on very well together and they are all in receipt of equal amounts of fuss and attention and I am hoping that we are not pushing our luck with one final addition.


We have provided homes for a number of unfortunate dogs and our initial introduction to the Siberian Husky breed was purely accidental, (although I had undertaken some considerable research several years previously), as Luna was in the same rescue centre as the GSD that we had gone to view.


Upon arrival we were told about some slightly concerning traits, (displayed by the GSD during the past few days at its new foster home), although I would still have considered giving her a home if we did not already have an 'established pack' at home - needless to say we then took a look at some of the other dogs in care and took an instant liking to Luna and arranged to pop back two weeks later to bring her home!


We currently have our sights set on a two year old male dog which was, (according to the fostering centre), on its way to the local vet to be 'put down', (despite having no problems), and the vet refused to do so, (quite rightly)!


My wife and I spent about twenty five minutes with him, (in a very large enclosed pen), where, initially, he showed little interest in us, (as he preferred to check out all of the interesting smells all around the compound), but he showed no signs of aggression or insular behaviour during this time.


After a few minutes I was able to catch his attention and slowly introduced myself to him with occasional physical contact and simple one word commands delivered in a firm but not overly domineering tone and he would come to me, sit and lie without any trouble.


It was not long before he was jumping directly onto the high climbing frame/tower where he would then stop and sit at command although, (being a mere youngster), his attention span would soon begin to waiver and his playful nature re-emerged and he, literally, jumped into my arms on one occasion, (I was covered in mud after our encounter)!


I also attempted to encourage a little play fighting by continually pushing his muzzle away from me, (thus disassociating his eye contact with myself), and, (after a few such moves), he playfully took my hand in his mouth but he made no attempt to close his jaws - not even to the point of the 'bite point' that all pups should learn in their formative months of development.


Therefore I am sincerely hoping that there are no 'hidden' undesirable tendencies and that my initial 'gut feeling' is an accurate assessment of his character.


If all goes to plan we should acquire him, (a week before the festive season), so I am hoping that his arrival does not cause too much disruption to the planned festivities - we will have to wait and see!


Therefore I will now be looking for, (another), large Crate, Collar and Lead and add his name to the, (ever growing), list of names on the pet insurance policy!


I will now do a little more research on the GPRS Tracking Collars as this would appear to be an excellent idea - should one of our dogs slip the lead, (my worst nightmare), as it should provide a real time indication of exactly where the dog is and that must surely assist owners with the safe recovery of their errant dogs, (although ensuring that leads and collars are in good order and fitted properly is an even better preventative measure)! 





I will attempt to post some pictures of the entire pack, (during the course of the next few days), as well as a few videos, (there are a couple of short videos of Luna speaking to us on YouTube - as well as a couple of Luna and Cassie play fighting - very roughly)!!

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I constantly bring huskies into my pack as i foster. My routine is as follows: Bring the new dog into my backyard through the gate. I don't let the dog come into my house yet. i then let Luka my male husky out. Then I add Knox my pitbull. He's nervous but is comfortable with Luka. Luka likes everyone generally so when Knox sees Luka being fine he is too.


I currently have 2 male huskies, 1 male mix (my roommates no idea what he is), 1 female husky x, and 1 pitbull x. It's challenging at first and there are disagreements but it's not that hard to introduce.

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I have 2 females and they've never so much as raised a hackle to each other.  I think this is because I have 2 submissive females and they're no competition for each other, They're actually very much like mother and daughter albeit a very little, old mother and a supersized daughter!  

Ice has had a couple of scraps over stuff he's found that we didn't realise we'd left out.  Usually it was the unsuspecting Brooke who would slowly waddle along and walk over something he's found and put down, he'd spot her standing on it, run over quickly and growl and bite her.  She'd yelp and run off all confused, we'd tell him "NO!"  remove the toy, check on Brooke ( she was unhurt but very confused what was going on) and by the time we'd finished checking on her, Ice was slowly sniffing round her and licking her gently to say sorry.  :rolleyes: .  

Even the best of friends will have the odd arguement from time to time but as a general rule of thumb it's easier to only have one dominant dog at a time.  Usually the males in the pack are the alpha's but that's not always the case 100% of the time, occasionally it can be a female dog who's in charge.  It really does depend on the dog in question, 


Good luck with adding to your pack, hope it all goes well!  :)  

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Currently have 1 x GSD (F 5yrs),  2 x Husky (F 4yrs & 1yr), 1 x Husky (M 8yrs) plus 1 foster Husky (F 8 mths) and they all get along very well (all in my sig)


As we regularly go on walks with our Husky rescue group they're all very well socialised and introducing the new rescue into out home was painless (we just let each dog into the room, one at a time)


Good luck!

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What a super pack!


Many thanks, once again, for the positive encouragement.


Unfortunately, however, the planned 'adoption' may now be in jeopardy as, (without going into detail), the 'owner'/'carer' appears to be playing games and it is currently looking like a 'no go' I am afraid to report.


A big shame as the dog would have been assured the very best welcome and everlasting home!


I am now actively looking for another possible 'rescue' Husky to take his place and will, obviously, keep you all updated.


Such is life.

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