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Well, welcome to the forum, and you're here with one of the most common questions that new people have ...

A few questions:

How much does she eat, how often? What does she eat? At that age, current doesn't apply, but has she had all her shots and when was she wormed last ...

I know, you came here for help and all you get are questions ... so let's offer the most common suggestion.

Typically Husky's don't need as much food as other breeds; most vets and most dog food companies have set recommendations fro all dogs - and as a result, most Husky's get overfed. The best symptom that a Husky is being overfed is that they have diarrhea ...

By no means am I suggesting that's your immediate problem, but it is, probably the most common one.

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She eats 3 portions daily. 2 portions of rice and one portion of 3 boiled chicken legs for lunch

Yes she had all her shots,but i need to re-vaccinate her first one due to some problems.Last time she was wormed was 1 week ago.

And even after she eat all her food,for half an hour she seems hungry again,and will eat whatever u give her. Maybe cos she is active all the time ? 

P.S. I keep her outside all the time.

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Is there any chance she has eaten something she shouldn't.

You say that she's an "outside" dog.

Are there any plants in your garden or yard ???

there are quite a few plants and flowers that can be harmful.

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Hi there! Sorry but I'm going to ask questions too. :)

* has she gotten into something she shouldn't? Puppies are terrible for eating things that they shouldn't do!

* how long has this been happening for?

* is she drinking water? If shes stopped drinking and is still passing watery stools, be ready to get her to a vet. Pups go downhill very fast and can dehydrate rapidly.

* have you switched foods recently or given any new treats?

Huskies are prone to sensitive tummies, particularly when young.

If you are still feeding her lots, try cutting out her meals for up to 12 hours (no more than this as she's still a pup) and then start to feed her small amounts of plain boiled chicken and rice, little and often. Pro biotics are good too, things like natural yoghurt are good but you can get stronger doses online ( I have pro-kaoline for mine as ice has a rediculously sensitive stomach).

Hope she feels better soon. Xxx

Edit: when I was writing this noone except Al had commented. So apologies for any repetition. Noticed you said she was wormed a week ago, has it been happening since then? Wormers can cause diarrhoea.

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@Andy no i don't have any plants or things that she shouldn't eat. I check my yard everyday :)


@emma Same thing,when she is out of her shelter (most of the day) there are always ppl in my yard and 90% of the time we check if she pick up smth from ground,but i will say again,my yard is perfectly clean since i got her.

This was happening since i got her,3 months ago.She was in a very bad condition.I was giving her dog food and she had very bad diarrhea,i switched only to homemade,it went better for 1 months,all was perfect,then the poop's started to go liquid a bit again.And it happens now maybe once or twice in a day.

Yes she is drinking water,especially when she is tired from playing.

Boiled rice and chicken almost 1 months. I want to start to give her dog food again now(cos of the vitamins in it),mix it with the current food something like this:

Day 1 : 80% old food - 20% dog food
day 2 : 70% old food - 30% dog food
day 3 : 60% old food - 40% dog food
day 4 : 50% old food - 50% dog food


I heard that youghurt and milk can cause diarrhea..Should i start giving her yoghurt ?

And can you please explain me these pro-kaolin thing ? Where to buy and how to give her.

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Ok, thanks. Plain bio yoghurt contain good bacteria that can help the bowel restore its supply and improve diarrhoea. Pro kaoline is a paste of the concentrated good bacteria that I use with my dogs that does significantly help if the problem is dietary.

My dog ice had diarrhoea for pretty much the first year of his life on and off, we found that chappie dog food was the only thing he could really handle so we fed him that and do to this day. It took us a whole year to find this out, so I know how frustrating it is!

One more question. Does he strain frequently? And pass blood and mucous? I'm asking as because it's prolonged there's a small possibility it could be a milder form of an IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) but I'm not saying it is this.

To be truthful, I haven't heard of plain yoghurt causing diarrhoea, so not sure what to say about this. If you have any concerns about this then perhaps its best not to try it?

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Marko, one question and a comment.

You say you feed he "a portion" but don't say how big a portion is?

I don't feed raw (or any combination) but others have said that feeding raw and kibble at the same time is a bad idea as they digest at different rates.

I wish I could be more help, but you've been offered some good advice.


Question for the group: We know that cooked/baked bones are bad because they splinter - would boiled chicken splinter as well?

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Okay, one of us is being a bit abstruse ... I'm trying to get an idea of how much you're feeding her.  In different cultures of humans, a "portion" would be considerably different.  I'm thinking in terms of cultures where the main meal is a very heavy meal in the evening compared to here in the US where meals are, generally, of similar size spread across the day - hence a "portion" could conceivably be three to four cups of rice in one culture and 1/2 a cup of rice in another.


The PRIMARY reason that Husky's have diarrhea is that they're overfed - I'm trying to determine if that might be the case here - and you're not helping :) !!!

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This is her normal portion early in the morning and at night before sleep 

Sometimes if i see that she is really hungry and she was active whole day i give her some piece of bread too.

For lunch she gets 3 small pieces of red meat (beef) or 3 chicken legs.V7BI43L.jpg

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<< laughing >> I think it's the rare Husky who isn't always ready to eat - even if they've just eaten!


If that roll is - let's say 2.5 inches (6cm+/-) that means that bowl is about 5 inches (12cm) across and I'm guessing about 2 inches (5cm) deep.  That rice is shiny, suggesting that there's probably some oil in it as well<??>.

Two servings that size plus 3 chicken legs (of only the drumstick - lower portion of the leg) would be quite a bit of food.

It would really help a lot if you could give a weight / quantity (ounces / cups / grams / liters) ...

As I said, that seems from what I'm seeing as quite a bit of food .... others????

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First there is no oil :) Just boiled rice with carrots ant potattoes.

And if you think that this is too much,i will try to lower the portions,but i still worry that she will need more food as she is active a lot trough the day.

Also the chicken legs are only the drumsticks yea 


How about 4 portions daily with less food ? or i should keep it to three,also less food that this ?

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Al I think it's the starchy water we're seeing here. When I cooked up rice for ice it used to look like that, in fact sometimes it was just slop as I overcooked it! Lol.

That's pretty much the same sized meals that I give to ice, twice a day, who is fully grown and just over 30 kg, so is probably a bit big for a seven month pup. Remember that the rice is mainly just a filler, there's not much nutritional value in it, I think.

Personally I would reduce the amount and if you are in a position to feed four times daily for a while then that would be good as little and often is kinder to the stomach. However if you can't then don't feel bad about it, you're clearly trying your best and that's what matters. :)

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Ok, you will want to evenly space out the meals. How about something similar to this....

1. 7-8 am

2. 11-12 midday

3. 4-5 pm

4 8-9 pm

Does that sound reasonable? I'm trying to evenly space things out so she's fed first thing in the morning, then mid morning/ lunch time, then late afternoon, then evening time. You can adjust to what suits your own routine better, this was just a rough guide. :)

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I've been in chat with Marko and he's elaborated on a few things:

The bowl in the picture is 8.7 x 4.5 cm (39ccm) so if a cup is 6.2 x 8cm (48ccm) we're talking a little less than a cup per serving twice a day, along with 3 drumsticks once a day.  This might be (and it is to me) a bit heavy, but that's also going to depend on the particular animal. 

My suggestion - strictly for a test for 3 - 4 days - would be to cut her back to about 2/3 of what he's feeding her now and see if that firms up her stool. If it does, then to increase it a bit as long as she's firm.  If it doesn't then I think it's time to look at something other than food as the problem.

I did suggest, initially, to try a kibble and see if the problem was the rice - but he says that she's worse on kibble.

He commented that "she's always hungry" to which I had to reply "She's a Husky, generally they're always hungry!"


Emma: rice is a starch which is going to convert fairly rapidly into sugar (energy) on the one hand and fat on the other, even in dogs.


I would seriously appreciate some other input here folks!

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