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when can a husky start breeding

BingBlaze n Skyla

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Hi thanks everyone for all the great advice as u all no he is just a pet and companion to us and i wanted more advice about studding before we decide if this is what we want and im thinkin that we are just going to keep his as a companion as i dont want to be held responsible if any of the pups were to be put in a rescue centre and this is the only reason i have decided against it as i think i could do everything else i just dont want to see more animals in rescue homes than needed so thank you to every1 who gave advice i really appreciated it and hope one day i can help some1 else wit a question on there husky thank you every1

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I take on board what you're sayin m8, and want to comment on a few points you've raised:

"More importantly, there is also an injection you can give to your bitch up to a few days after mating which stops pregnancy occurring, so as long as you are aware a mating has taken place, there is no excuse for any "accidental" puppies at all."

This is quite a personal opinion, and in my view, it's the same as an abortion, which i don't agree with, some people may critisie me for sayin this but its my view

It may sound harsh, but if you cannot keep dogs and bitches apart during seasons, then I don't think you should keep entire dogs and bitches together at all.

Like i mention earlier they are pets and always will be, it is virtually impossible to keep saskia and wolf apart as they are so close, i cant take one out without the other as they pine and get seperation anxiety, hence the reason why she's having the injection next time to stop her coming into season next tim.

On Dunc's second point, I don't think we should attribute human emotions/urges to dogs. Dogs want to mate because the female pheromones cause "five legged syndrome" - it's a chemical thing. There is no evidence that dogs who have never "had a shag" miss it at all. If they never smelled an in-season bitch, they would never have the urge to "shag" - it really is that simple with canines.

I love my dogs like my kids and i dont think im the only one who feels like that, it's the peeps that DONT treat em right that end up in the news with animal cruelty cases against em

One further point I would make, based on our experience with SHWA(UK) over the past two years, is that of the 275+ dogs which have come into SHWA(UK) rescue in that time, only 3 were bred by breeders who followed the guidelines I suggested above. All three of these breeders took the dogs back immediately once they knew we had them. All the others were bred by puppy farmers, backyard breeders or naive/stupid/greedy (delete as appropriate) "pet" breeders. So, statistically, dogs bred responsibly, are much much less likely to end up unwanted and in rescue. Something to think about!

I am not to blame for all the dogs that are rehomed in the uk, i know where all the pups are and still keep in touch with the owners if ever any of em couldnt cope with them then they would come back here until i could find a suitable home for them. none of them have come back to me. Who in your opinion do you think is suitable to breed?

I have filled the criteria for breedin my 2 with the kennel club and the pups are loved by us and their new owners, if we dont think an owner is suitable to take the pup then we dont let em have it, i try to be as responsible as we possible can as we want whats best for the pups as well.

Just wanted to get my opinion over without causin ww3 lol, have not posted since this as wasnt sure how to reply at first

Mistakes happen but we are doin our best with the pups and they are very well looked after just as our 2 are

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Hi Dunc

in my view, it's the same as an abortion, which i don't agree with, some people may critisie me for sayin this but its my view

You are entitled to your opinion, as are we all. The answer is to ensure that "mistakes" don't happen and such measures aren't necessary.

it is virtually impossible to keep saskia and wolf apart as they are so close, i cant take one out without the other as they pine and get seperation anxiety, hence the reason why she's having the injection next time to stop her coming into season next tim.

We've got 5 entire dogs and 4 entire bitches and we manage to keep them apart without any problems. All our dogs live in the house and we don't have any outdoor kennels.

I love my dogs like my kids and i dont think im the only one who feels like that, it's the peeps that DONT treat em right that end up in the news with animal cruelty cases against em

I wouldn't suggest for a moment that you don't love your dogs as much as anyone else. I was simply saying that dogs aren't kids - they are dogs and we should understand them as dogs, not as furry people.

I am not to blame for all the dogs that are rehomed in the uk, i know where all the pups are and still keep in touch with the owners if ever any of em couldnt cope with them then they would come back here until i could find a suitable home for them. none of them have come back to me. Who in your opinion do you think is suitable to breed?

Of course you are not! I was simply saying that statistically speaking, dogs that are bred without KC registration, health tests, without proving their quality in the showring and on the trail and by breeders who will offer 24/7 support to the puppy owners for the whole of the dogs' lives, are much more likely to end up in rescue than all the others. In answer to your final point, I think I answered it in the above paragraph - ie people whose dogs have been proven as of sufficient quality in the showring and on the trail, who have carried out all the health tests, who KC register their dogs and who offer 24/7 support to their puppy owners.

Mistakes happen but we are doin our best with the pups and they are very well looked after just as our 2 are

Of course mistakes happen to everyone and in the final analysis, our best is all we can do!!



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Dunc, can I just say, after speaking to a top canine fertility specialist when I went to the Malamute Nationals in the states, the information he supplied is that a bitch that is having seasons, each season she has the uterus deteriates, and consequesntly run a higher risk of pyometra(sp) this is a life threatening problem, spaying bitches ensures they dont run the risk of pyometra, nor tumours in theirr teats, which are all connected to each other so if a tumor appears in one teat it can have secondary in the other teats. this is just some of the risks of keeping a bitch unspayed, of course just for information, also I dont know if you are aware the injections you are talking about can and does make a bitch infertile, not always but in many cases and can have side effects. all my lot are very close to each other BUT I do seperate the girls completely from the boys if a girl comes into season, for one I DONT want an unplanned pregnancy, and two it is very hard on the dog(especially if all ready used) to live with bitches in season, and NOT to breed, it is actually physically painful to the male to have to go throught this , it is not like a man that gets told to sod off by a bird in the pub and his feeling are hurt, I am talking real pain that the male has to endure, all because you dont want to seperate?

PS the KC have breeding guidlines regarding the appropriate ages to breed from a dog/bitch, BUT this has to be a wider age range, simply because they have to take into consideration toy breeds mature earlier than large breeds, therefore the breed club usually suggest the appropriate age to breed from that particular breed, if I remember rightly the KC say that a bitch should have had two seasons before breeding from? yet in my breed the recommended age is no earlier than two years of age, so according to the KC I could breed my bitch after her 2nd season which would make her 12 months of age, but ethically that is sooooo wrong.


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My mom had her birch spayed - and now she has a weak bladder which was a side effect from the spaying! She is know on medication for the rest of her life - she's not even 2 yrs old yet!

So if you consider getting a bitch spayed - please make sure you know all the side effects first - as my moms vet never told them that this could happen!

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Yes incontinance is a slight problem and does not happen to all bitches, but thats not a life threatening illness is it? and can be contolled to a certain degree.


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Hi Dunc

You are entitled to your opinion, as are we all. The answer is to ensure that "mistakes" don't happen and such measures aren't necessary.

If you ensured that "mistakes" didnt happen, then they wouldnt be called "mistakes" in the first place. Shit happens, and with all due respect regardless of peoples opinion on 'It hurts them' and 'Its irresponsible' etc etc nobody can deny that it is something which is a very natural thing for them to do. You specified yourself, understand them like dogs, not little furry humans.

We've got 5 entire dogs and 4 entire bitches and we manage to keep them apart without any problems. All our dogs live in the house and we don't have any outdoor kennels.

First of all congratulations on managing to keep them apart, however please bare in mind you are a lot more experienced that the majority of people on here, therefore personally I would be shocked if you couldnt tbh.

Of course you are not! I was simply saying that statistically speaking, dogs that are bred without KC registration, health tests, without proving their quality in the showring and on the trail and by breeders who will offer 24/7 support to the puppy owners for the whole of the dogs' lives, are much more likely to end up in rescue than all the others. In answer to your final point, I think I answered it in the above paragraph - ie people whose dogs have been proven as of sufficient quality in the showring and on the trail, who have carried out all the health tests, who KC register their dogs and who offer 24/7 support to their puppy owners.

Very true statistic, however the comment was said in quote to someone without knowing the breed quality of their animal. Both Sakia and Wolf have a lot of champions of breed in their bloodline which is kennel club registered, help is offered to any owners of saskia and wolfs litter by both breeders, all owners are fully vetted and every pup is KC registered.

Of course mistakes happen to everyone and in the final analysis, our best is all we can do!!

Er... agreed LOL.

all my lot are very close to each other BUT I do seperate the girls completely from the boys if a girl comes into season, for one I DONT want an unplanned pregnancy, and two it is very hard on the dog(especially if all ready used) to live with bitches in season, and NOT to breed, it is actually physically painful to the male to have to go throught this , it is not like a man that gets told to sod off by a bird in the pub and his feeling are hurt, I am talking real pain that the male has to endure, all because you dont want to seperate?

I believe the comment was mistake, not dicision. Also please bare in mind it is not possible for all owners to completely seperate the girls from the boys at all time.


My comments are purely personal and my own opinion, however on reading it seems that bingnblaze asked a simple question and it has turned into a debate session rather than answering the question which on the question of being responsible toward the breed actually made you all irresponsible. Each will have different opinions and those of you who run rescue centers should know this more than most.

I can also see a lot of feeling in peoples posts with regards to how animals are treated in general, and it seems very quickly people are judge based on a persons experience. We all need to bare in mind that because someone has a different opinion does not make them any better or worse its simply a different way of doing it.

I have visited the websites of you all and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out how well your huskies are loved and looked after. I also know saskia and wolf and know personallly how well they are looked after and very much loved. At the end of the day this is all that it comes down to. A well treated, loved, and looked after animal.

Now please can we agree to disagree and get back to the topic, which was a simple question by bingnblaze asking when a husky can start breeding.


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here here the debate clearly shows how much all our members love their dogs, and want to do right by them, no one's right and no one's wrong, we're all here because we love the breed and want to do our best for them :) xx

So.................................................have i mentioned yet that i'm getting another pup in 8 days!!!! lol lol

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please bare in mind it is not possible for all owners to completely seperate the girls from the boys at all time

I don't want to extend the discussion unnecessarily but I would just reiterate that in my view, if you cannot guarantee to separate girls from boys for a 3-4 week period during seasons, then you should think very carefully about whether you should keep entire males and females together. Not a moral question, just a practical one.

I would also say that none of my comments were aimed personalky at anyone. I don't know the people on this board and I don't know their dogs and their circumstances. My views are based on a lifetime of owning dogs and 15 years experience of Siberian Huskies and Siberian Husky welfare. If I didn't share that experience, wouldn't that be irresponsible?

In answer to the orginal "simple" question - bitches can breed as soon as they have had their first season, dogs from about the age of 6-7 months. However, IMHO no-one should consider deliberately breeding until both dogs and bitches are at least 2 years old.


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Agree with some of the points you've raised on here, this is a forum, purley a place to put our own opinions on, and yes, you would be irresponsible if you were not to share your experiences, i f think we should all agree to disagree, people can take different opinions away with them :)

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OK, the conversation has gone on long enough now. Its doing nothing but going backward and wforward with the same arguments constantly and I've tried to ask for it to be laid to rest once .. Now I'm forcing it to be.

Thread closed.

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