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What Commands Do You Use ...

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and why and how did you teach them.


Since my furry friends are companions and friends my "working set" is fairly limited.

The obvious "sit", "stay" for security.

"Back (up)" I use when it's feeding time or when they're crowding the front seat of the jeep (they're supposed to stay in back)

"Down" get all four on the floor!

"Lay down" (obvious?)

"Drop it" (obvious and how I wish I could get it to work!)

"Leave it" (where "on by" is used) don't even go there!

"Get it" with Avalanche 'cause he will play fetch for a couple of times.  Outside with his jolly ball, he'll wear me out.

"Go around" unique to Sasha when we're walking and she goes around a bush - back track and come my way.


I've never been one to teach a dog "tricks" (roll over, give paw, etc) but Sasha does know a few.  She'll give me her left paw but I can't seem to get her to understand "other paw", she hears "paw" and the left paw is in the air!

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We use:



"lay down"


"wait" (she never got "stay" but understands "wait")

"leave it"

"no biting!"



"high five"


and my greatest accomplishment ever, which is "heel". She will do it about 90 percent of the time on walks now, unless there is a squirrel or cat.


"Come" works sometimes, but what always seems to work is either "Are you hungry" and "Do you want a Cheeto"

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We use:

"Wait" (shorter version of stay, he seems to respond to it better)
"Down" - (lay down)
"Come!" - (ahahaha...funny. :P)

"Go away!" - (leave the room) or (leave me alone)
"5 minutes" - come back in a few minutes, then you can get whatever you want (usually a walk)


"be nice" - be gentle

"up" - (either jump on something, indicated by two pats, or jump over something, indicated by 3 pats on the object)

"Leave it!"- (very useful, use it for items...people...dogs...poles...etc)
"shake-the-other-paw" (beg - he came with that command!)

"high five"


"Be quiet!" or "Shuddap!"

"Ninja" or "Be a Ninja!" - crawls across the floor. Although I don't do it anymore, it bugs his hips too much. 


His release word is "okay". Other things he knows or recognizes, but aren't commands:

"Wanna go..."
"car ride?" (he loves his car rides!)
"Go get [name of person]"

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Keira knows: 

- Sit 

- Down (lay down) 

- Speak (bark once, usually just whines or barely makes a sound lol) 

- Paw 

- Other Paw 

- Wait; release word is "Ok!" 

- High Five 

- Spin (spins to the right only) 

- Back Up 

- Off (used for getting her off of the couch/chairs/bed) 

- Drop (same as "drop it" but without the "it" on the end) 

- Leave It (only used when she is about to pick up something in or outside that she shouldn't have) 

- Roll Over (rolls to the left only) 

- Bow 

- BANG! (Play dead, but I shape my fingers like a gun and say Bang! It took a week to teach this but it's so cute)

- Over (Jump over something) 

- Crate (get in your crate; only used when I need to leave the house) 

- Bed (go to bed)


Then there's the mushing commands I've been teaching and practicing with her on walks when she was 5-6 months old: 

- Hike 

- Gee 

- Haw

- On By 

- Easy 

- Whoa 


I want to teach her a lot more. I've been trying to teach her to weave through my legs as I walk but I'm a little too short and we end up tripping over each other lol. I wish our local dog park still had the rest of the agility equipment they had when they first opened. They only have an A-Frame now but they had some weave poles and a couple different jumping props that I would have loved to practice with Keira. 


Now for Sage, she does a few commands and tricks, but no where near what Keira does yet. So here's Sage's list: 

- Sit 

- Down (lay down) 

- Paw 

- Other Paw 

- Wait (release word is "ok!")

- Crate (get in your crate) 

- Bed (go to bed)


Sage has a very shy personality which is completely opposite of Keira who is extremely outgoing. It has taken Sage & I longer to bond and build trust than it did for Keira & I, so it has been interesting but I think we're doing good. I've also read that it takes shy dogs and timid dogs a bit longer than a more outgoing dog to learn new things and build confidence so hopefully in the next few months we'll make more progress and she'll be a little less introverted. :)

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Oh wow. I wish Zoey knew half of these commands. She is so stubborn!! All she knows is


"lay down"



"get your [whatever toy it is]"



"go bye-bye"

"want a chickie?" (means treat)


and that's it. I wish she would catch onto "paw" "come" and "stay"

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Most of the commands we taught Nikko at his training class, some were more improvised...




Down (lay down)


Front (will go to your front and sit facing you)

Around (from "front" will walk around you and sit next to you)



Leave It (Nikko will leave a treat on his paw)

Take it (take a treat)





Drop it



Crate upstairs

Bed upstairs

Potty outside





On By




That's all I can think of for now

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Champ knows:



Shake (he'll give you only his left paw unless you ask for the other one)

Down (only with hand signal, we're still working on that one)

Wait (he doesn't really understand stay although we're working on it)

Leave it

Drop it

Trade (if leave it and drop it doesn't work asking him to trade with a treat usually does)

Heel (works only part of the time, if he's too excited he won't do it without pulling)

Spin (only spins to the right)

Take it (used with food and treats)

Crate (he'll go get in his crate, sometimes used as a time out)

Bedtime (knows that it's time to go to bed)

Are you hungry?

Is it breakfast/dinner time?

Want to go for a walk?

Want to go outside? (he has a tether at the front of the house that we use when it's too cold to take him on a walk)

Do you need to go potty?

He also knows that two pats on something/on my leg means come here/get up here.

Come here (only works sometimes, if he knows he's in trouble he'll run away instead)

Downstairs (knows to go downstairs, tends to run there as fast as he can without running into walls)

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Lookit all our talented pups :D


Jelly knows:

Sit  (obvious)

Go Potty (obv)

Around/Around me  (When I take her out to potty she tends to run straight towards the grass so me saying around / around me forces her to slow down and walk around me before she goes potty)

Tunnel  (for fun agility :D)

Heel  (training/discipline)

Come/"whistle"  (For off leash dog parks -- comes about 99% of the time now )

Down  (for fun)

Bang!  (for fun :D)

Roll over  (for fun)

High Five  (for fun)

Paw (for fun)

Other Paw (for fun)

Fetch (some exercise :D ... but mostly fun)

Beg (because it's cute -- except Jelly just looks stupid lol not as cute as little chihuahua's doing it)

Speak (Wish I never taught her this one - was for fun though)

Quiet (ish)  (Car rides are annoying -_- still working on this)

Leave it  (distractions other dogs , etc)

Drop it (in case she has something I don't want)

Wait (when we're going on a car ride somewhere she has to wait at the door, then the gate, then the car with all of them tempting -- wide open)

Search (mental stimulation exercises )

Gee  (Hopefully for future bikejoring or sledding.. even though it never snows here)

Haw   (Working on the rest of those commands Gee over, on by,etc)


Up  (When I want her to jump up and put her front paws on me :D)

Off  (when I get tired of her on me :D...)

Crossing the street (Sitting before we cross any street -- she's usually good about doing it automatically though)


Kennel (usually to go sleep)

Limp .  (Almost got it x_o  Right now it's at a running limp though so it looks awful lol  - main reason was so my mom could see it and finally admit Jelly is so cute :D)

Hold this  (Just taught her about a week ago :D.  Now she can hold my crap :D)

Which hand?  (Treat in one hand, she has to put her paw on the hand with the treat in it)

Balance.  (Balance a treat on her nose and leave it)

Back up. (When she's too close to my personal bubble)

Gentle (So she doesn't bite my hand off if I have a treat for her x_o)

Close the door.   (only when she needs to push it to close.  Since all of her tricks are based on target training, this one was extremely easy lol.  Usually make her do this when I don't close the door hard enough and I'm too lazy to turn around and close it hehe :D  -- not sure how to teach her to open doors though..)



Wish I could teach her handstand but we have too many incomplete tricks in progress and I'm not too sure she could even do it or even if it's possible for a husky to do. :P.

pretty good for first time dog owner/training though :)

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Most of what we do is behavior based, so there isn't a command for it. But these are what we do have. 





go to bed




take it

drop it



dinner dance





Let's go








straight on

Line out

come haw

come gee




Fix it (for free stacking)



back up



wait (she hikes in point position, so I need her to stop at times while we scramble over obstacles like rocks so I don't get dragged down a mountain)

pack (stands still while I get things from the wolfpack or while I load it up for the hike)



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Echo~~ Sit Down (lay down) Paw Other paw Up(jumps in my arms) Back up Bedtime(goes to crate) Wait(doesn't work on walks) Ahh ahh(means put slack in lead) Take easy(basically let's you place food in his mouth) Seek [whatever I say, most the time it's justin] Easy(bows to children rolla over or lays there till I say other wise) Come(even works offlead) Dinner(that's when we eat so he backs up from couch to TV so he shows respect and not in our face) Bye-bye Outside(going potty) Leave it(place food on floor and he won't touch it) You can have it(for the above when we allow him to have it) Larka~~ Sit Down(lay down) Back up Bedtime Outside Bye-bye Take easy Ahh ahh Home(when were walking and I want to go home she leads the way) Dinner Leave it Get your [whatever toy] Where's your sister?(finds Meeka) Meeka~~ Sit(works when she wants to as it hurts her leg from her accident) Down(same as above it hurts her) Ahh ahh Dinner Bedtime Outside Bye-bye Vet(she gets very happy) Take easy Where's your sister Back up Cry(results with you whining then she try's to out do you) Home As a pack they will work these together Ahh ahh Halt(stop where you are) On by(when we see other dogs or cats) Lazy(calm down because of children basically proceed with caution slowly) Over(get in grass for car passing) Nothing special just basics

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:jawdrop: wow those are LONG lists, people!


Diamond's basic commands:




Come (surprisingly works pretty often)

Get up (get back on those four paws of yours! this one is important because he's so lazy)

Drop that paw! (when he's pawing on people)



High five

Shake hand

Two paws (it's supposed to be 'beg', but he needs to balance on my arms)

Hi! (I hold one hand up in the air and he'd mimic me)

Bow (as in doggy's play bow)


Circle (which is spin)



Stop (working on it)

Follow (uses it in the house)

Slow down

Faster (I regret teaching him this but oh well LOL)

Up! (as in go up the stairs)

Back off (important, because he doesn't really respect people's personal 'appropriate distance' preference :lol: )


Day-to-day sayings:

Come in

Go eat! (meaning finish your dinner damn it LOL) 

Hey, baby! or Hey, beautiful! (makes eye contact, but this rarely happens LOL)

Hey... (I don't know how did I teach this, but it's a lighter version of "no") 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have many that I use.  I teach him the ones that have a purpose.  (Not a big fan of tricks.)


No (Stop what you're doing)


Paw (For putting on the Harness)


Kennel (I have to leave the apartment for longer than I want to let him roam free by himself, right now half hour to an hour.  He is allowed to roam free all night.)

{A couple pats on thigh along with his name} (come here)

Max (pay attention)

You have your own food.  (Quit begging.)


Still working on:



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I use the usual:<br /><br />Sit (Plus folding hand signal)<br />Down (Plus pointing down hand signal)<br />Come/Come here (Plus tapping my thigh hand signal)<br />Wait (Plus hand in the air hand signal)<br /><br />I also use:<br />Easy - When she gets too excited when we're playing<br />Gently - When giving her a treat<br /><br />There are others but these are the main ones I use on a regular basis.<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />

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How on earth do you get your dogs to do all of this?


Harry understands



Stay (but for a nano second)

Off (couch/bed)

In (When he's outside and refusing to come in)

Walk on (when he's sniffing crap and I want him to get a move on)

Leave (whatever)

Paw (He already knew this before we had him)

Go wee wee (toilet)

Treat (goes to treat cupboard)

Jump (over logs, ditches etc)

Up (on me for a cuddle)

Bed (go to your bed)

Come (ha ha ha ha ha, no chance)


Snowy understands




Come (yes he comes :) )

go wee wee (toilet)


and that's it, I think

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