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No Dog Parks


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So I decided that dog parks are really not a great place. I never liked them until I got my mal 3 years ago. I took some training classes with her because it was a long time since I raised a puppy. Our trainer at the time said they were great. I started going to dog parks when she had all her shots. Well it has gotten to the point 3 years later I really don't see the point. We hike, mush, skijore with her. I am tired of people not watching their dogs and people bringing in dogs that clearly should not be in there. To many incidents with dogs attacking my malamute and my malamute ending up pinning them down and people ask me to leave. I am just over it. My meet up friends are upset at this, but I have decided this is best for my dog. Does anyone else not go to dog parks? 

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i agree with you and know what you mean about badly behaved dogs.

we have had a small dog be in the face of our 3 and they ignored it, then it came back doing it again so one of mine growled a warning and the little thing ran back to its owner and jumped into his arms and the owner told me to control my dogs !



mine have been attacked and like yours when it responded by pinning it down with her front paws the owner went mad.



there are far to many badly behaved dogs around

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I belong to a dog park near me, and I actually do go there, however the park is not busy at all.  I have been there about a dozen times and only 3 of those was there any other dogs there.  I mainly went because I don't have a back yard and no place for them to run.  But I know many people who don't take their dogs to parks because of the very reason you described.  It all depends on the park.  I tend to think that parks that charge an annual fee are better because not just anyone can go there, and people take care of it more than parks that are free to anyone. 

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I have mixed feelings. We only go when there aren't too many dogs, and if there's an aggressive dog we leave because Chula can't help but always want to play with it. But it's also the only way she really tires out. She does play rough and I respect that other owners get nervous when she makes a lot of husky noises and jumps on their dog, so when she stops running and just wants to wrestle we usually leave.

There is one guy who brings his two very alpha dogs and I find them and him obnoxious. The other day he stood and watched a bunch of dogs eat another dogs vomit mixed with wood chips. The park is big and we couldn't really tell what was going on. By the time we got down to the vomit pile who knows how much they'd eaten. He didn't even give a heads up to the rest of us.

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I do not have a park nearby, though even if there was, I would not go. The reason being I have Siberians. The public is generally mis-informed about them; they are bigger than most of the other canines in the park and while my girls have better manners than 99.9 percent of all human children AND approximately the same percentage of canines, I will not subject them to the drama of a dog park.


There are so many canines in parks that have uneducated, unknowing, and irresponsible owners. They have little dogs with 'big-dog syndrome'; they have dogs without manners; without socialization skills; and in general are ignorant themselves when it comes to knowing the body language of their dogs.....


I would NEVER expect my girls to be anything less than well-behaved, but should something happen, I know it's the big dog's fault. I will not take that risk with my girls.

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We don't have any dog parks around us either, but I wouldn't go to one unless there were no other dogs allowed... Walking is bad enough. today , my wife and I were out  walking Skye (Siberian) and Louie (Shih Tsu) one woman we came across held her dog back as though we were Evil incarnate.. I assured her Skye was friendly  and just wanted to play...... She answered by saying ..It's ok , She( her dog) has a thing against THAT type of dog!! ...another woman near the end of the path we walk, after her dog had attacked Skye, and my wife had rather calmly said ..that dog should be on a lead... The woman said "I had just taken her off the lead... I didn't think anyone else was about".... :rolleyes:    Some people  eh?    no harm came to Skye, just a few tufts of fur .

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I used to take Scout to one, but no longer.  I hated gong when it was busy - just an incident waiting to happen.  I've seen enough fights and had enough dogs harass Scout that I don't want to risk an incident.  What was worse is this park didn't separate large and small dogs, and of course it's the wee ones who want to start trouble.  Now I just take my dogs out of town and let them have their run on the dirt roads.  I'm just so sick of dog owners who have no control or discipline.  Even walking in the park where on leash was mandatory was getting taxing because of the people who disregard the rule who have aggressive or obnoxious dogs.

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I used to be jealous of everyone who has access to dog parks but after reading horror stories about fights, nasty owners, etc I think I'd stick to long walks around the block. If I want to socialize Diamond, I'd visit his doggy friend at his house or vice versa. 

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I have taken my girl to two on we stayed outside of because it was not safe they only hAd one gate and if Sasha sees an escape route she bolts and the other we went into but I didn't let her off as soon as we walked in 3 dogs came charging at her and she went into attack mode she's very wary around dogs she doesn't know though so I can't take the risk of her liking one dog and trying to bite another's head off for her safety and the other dogs.

Its good to see dogs playing with each other but every time I've been around a dog pArk there always been a fight.

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We don't have any dog parks either and I have to say from your experiences I'm not missing much. Before we had Snowy I used to meet up with other dog owners for walks as I wanted Harry to socialise. The problem was nearly all of the other dogs were small breeds and whilst he played nicely, he wasn't that interested in them. Also he walks at a fair old pace, so I found myself marching on and leaving the other dog owners to meander along chatting.


Now we have Snowy I don't really have the need to socialise the dogs too much as they have each other :)

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My guys LOVE the dog park! I take them at least 3-4 times a week. It helps tire out my 1.5 yr old, plus they both love interacting with other dogs and there are a ton of other huskies who show up when we do.


There are definitely crazy people that show up with their dogs. The ones who drive me CRAZY are the ones who don't want other dogs near their dog.... THEN WHY ARE YOU AT A DOG PARK!! The whole point is for the dogs to interact, run around and play! 

The owners of aggressive dogs are usually good about leaving if their dogs get out of  control so thats not as much of an issue. But then you have the people who know NOTHING about dog behaviour and think that two dogs playing are two dogs attacking each other. 


I actually had a lady call the SPCA on me because my puppy was playing with her dog and she didn't want him to because "huskies are all killers and are bred to kill".  When the officer from the SPCA came to my house she couldn't stop laughing at the story after she met my dogs. 


Overall at the park I go to , the good experiences outweigh the bad ones so I continue to go. Plus I have learned the good times to go!


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