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Protective Husky?


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Hi all, we never got our R.I.P for any type of guarding reasons, which is just as well as it seems not just R.I.P but most husky are not the best guard dogs and much more into cuddles. At the.minute with the dark nights both me and Warren go with R.I.P for his walkies, however my hubby works away and is worried about me going out with R.I.P in the dark by myself. We know they are not aggressive dogs, but does anyone know or had experience with their dog being protective? For instance if I was out walking and someone attacked me, would the dog react? Previously Warren had a german shepherd who was a big softy but on numerous occasions had shown intent to protect when  he thought Warren was in trouble. Thanks in advance

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I've only seen Champ react unfavorably to a person once and it wasn't in a 'let me protect you from this person I think is bad' kind of sense, it was in a 'I don't like this person so I'm letting you know' type of sense.  I've found that a lot of times people will leave me alone when I'm out walking him because he looks kind of intimidating, I chalk it up to the resemblance to the wolf (the kids in the neighborhood call him 'el lobo' lol).  A lot of times I've seen that just the presence of a big dog can be enough to ward off danger, a lot of the time is a criminal is looking for someone to jump they're going to go after an easy target and the dog presents an unknown challenge so they may be less likely to go after you when your dog is present, but I'm only saying this from what I've seen and read so don't take it as a general fact...

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Don't count on it.  As Al said, they aren't bred to be protective - rather, they are actually bred to be very UNaggressive toward people.  


I'm certain that if I were ever attacked, Wyatt would either a) run away, or b ) pace and cry anxiously wondering what the hell is going on.  Scout would do that high-pitched, grating puppy bark at the offender, and there maaay be an outside chance that he would dig deep, channel his inner German shepherd and react, but if that happened I'd be just as surprised as the attacker!

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In this household It's only the girls who show any protective signs.  I'll point out that Brooke is a staff and Bear is a mixed breed.  Ice the husky gets protective alright..........over himself, lol.  If he thinks HE'S being threatened he won't hesitate to protect himself but as for me.....I'm on my own, :lolman:

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while it is true that ANY dog can be protective when such unpredictable situation arises, I would not bet on a husky. Diamond is an exceptional watch dog btw. He has a sixth sense that tells him whether the person ringing the doorbell is a stranger or not. If it's a stranger, he'd get up and rush to the front porch. He won't let that person off his eyesight before I ask him to go back inside or the person leaves. If the stranger stood too long in front of the gate without any of us around Dime ("wait there, let me get the money. Don't mind the dog he's fine") he would start letting out a single, low-pitched bark. 15 seconds later, if said stranger a.k.a now-terrified pizza man is still standing there, he'd let out a second bark. One delivery man tried to outsmart him by hiding behind the walls, but Dime knew he's still there. Which is weird, because he can't even tell if a cheese is still on the floor when I cover it with a cup  :mellow:


But Dime's protective instinct stops there. He can't pick up my nervousness when a strange man tailed me on my afternoon walk once. When the man got too close, he still didn't react. Maybe because he already knows the man would do no harm... but if it's a GSD I'm sure the dog would turn protective that moment on. To this day, Diamond has been attacked by an off-leash dog four times. Thankfully he was unhurt in all four, but he did no harm to any of the four dogs either! But on Dime's second attack, he was being walked by my dad whom he did not really trust. When the Chihuahua and Pom (yes two dogs ganging up on him) came charging at him full speed, he--in my dad's words--swatted them. I was walking a bit far ahead at that time so I didn't witness what happened but I did see the two mini monsters tumbling down on the ground and fleeing the area. Maybe he unsuccessfully tried to pin them?


Dime never did this when he's out walking with me. He'd let me deal with the attacking dog  :lol: maybe because he doesn't trust his handler at that time, he decided to deal with the problem himself. So the conclusion of this observation is; if your husky fully trusts you, chances are his protective instinct would only get lower. He believes you're "strong enough" to deal with anything by yourself  :lol:

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I got an example on that one. While out walking with Glala and Dana I walked past someone else walking their dog. They mostly ignored us until suddenly the other dog lunged at them. I was in between them so he basically lunged at me with lots of growling. What did Glala and Dana do? Well, Glala immediately hid behind me and Dana somehow got out of her harness and ran away (don't worry, she's luckily very easy to catch again) leaving me to deal with the problem.


Then we got Wodak. He's quite eager to protect Glala and Dana against other dogs, but people? Nah. He'll bark like a watchdog when someone rings the doorbell. It will definitely scare a few people until you see him in person because all he wants is get all the attention for himself from all these new people. If an intruder got into our home, our three dogs would happily show him the way around. And that's really just the way the Siberian Husky has been bred to be honest. This is not the right breed if you expect them to protect you or your property.

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I had a bloke approach me asking if I 'wanted to buy some mascara' my dogs must have detected a bad vibe off him as both my staffy and my male husky started growling at him (something they've both never done to a person before) my girl however found a bush to sniff n was much more interested in that, my boy sibe is very alert on our walks specially at night n I think he would protect us if he had 2 but I'd want to protect them more then have them protect me

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Of our 4 (1 GSD, 3 Huskies) we have one Husky (F) who would definitely react against someone - and my boy might. One would lick 'em to death and the GSD would probably hide! Although we've only had our foster Husky boy for a couple of weeks I think he just might react (he's incredibly loyal - a gorgeous dog with whom someone's going to be very lucky when he's adopted!). Luckily, none of us have ever had to put any of them to the test!

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My 2 would protect each other if they came to any danger but as for me - no, sorry, see ya!


When D was here, we were at the dog park. A Neapolitan Mastiff came in (we later found out it had been attacked a few days before) and made a beeline for Diesel. D stuck his head in the bush next to him & ignored the Mastiff. The other dogs started to head for the tussle and the Mastiff, getting no reaction from D, turned to the next dog - Myshka  :facepalm:  She flipped on it, then D, hearing Myshka growling, came out of the bush, ran at the Mastiff & grabbed it's neck, ragging it around like a toy! So they protect their pack but as for humans - you're on your own, buddy! 

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One of the many reasons I miss my GSD. I was out walking him one night and some bloke in a hoodie got a bit close. Griff pinned him against the wall before I could blink. The huskies, Hmmmmm, the smallest one Eclipse, I think, would do her utmost to protect Lyn. She won't let the other dogs to close when they get into "zoomie" mode as she thinks they might hurt her and she is the first to react when there is a noise outside. The others would hide behind her :D



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My male husky is VERY protective of me. If someone he doesn't know comes near me he puts himself in front of me. At night if he hears something he is not sure of he will get on the bed and put his whole body on top of me. My mom was taking him for a walk and a unleashed dog started to come towards her and he got in front of her and the hair on his back stood up and he protected my mom. He has taken over the man of the house position.

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I dont know if this counts, but my 13 month old son on 2 seperate occasions has fallen and bumped his head. When this has happened, Hunter immediately runs to him and licks his head where he has bumped it. I've never seen a dog do this. He almost acts as if my son is his own. Seems pretty protective over him. Not to me though..or my wife..

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I dont know if this counts, but my 13 month old son on 2 seperate occasions has fallen and bumped his head. When this has happened, Hunter immediately runs to him and licks his head where he has bumped it. I've never seen a dog do this. He almost acts as if my son is his own. Seems pretty protective over him. Not to me though..or my wife..


there is just something hard to explain about dogs and babies. My teacher used to own a GSD and he (the dog) is very intolerant to strangers. One day before my teacher could say anything his baby nephew--whom his dog has never met before--crawled up to the GSD and start hitting him (well, only as hard as a baby can). Much to everyone's surprise the dog just sat there :jawdrop:

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Most of you know what best mates my toddler and my husky daughtry are.. That's the only time she is protective..

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my huskies are not protective at all. Sometimes they won't even move when the door bell rings lol. Their lovers not protectors lol.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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