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Do You Give Your Sibe Free Reign Of The Home?


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I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment right now with my two ~7 month old huskies (this is temporary, we actually might be moving into our new house tomorrow...) but I always keep the doors closed to other rooms, the bedrooms and one bathroom. The kitchen is generally open to the living room with a large archway so if I'm on the couch I can have eyes on them at all times. Genuinely I do not trust them to not get into something in the other room. Am I the only person who does this? Does everyone else let their husky roam free around the house with no worries?

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Harry the 2 year old can roam freely around the house, apart from toilet and bathroom, that's because the shower is a wet room and I don't want him in there padding in the shower area :) Snowy is a different matter as he still doesn't tell me when he needs to go to the toilet, I find keeping him in one room is easier than trying to follow him around to see what he's doing. Also I can read his body language better if he's confined to one room, though one day I hope he too can have the run of the house.

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My living situation is a bit complicated as I live in the basement of a five bedroom house so I have my own living room. My roommates at first were cool with him hanging out upstairs with them but then they got whiny about the hair and said that he couldn't be up there anymore so he's stuck in the basement with me until we move at the end of July or beginning of August (hoping to get into grad school or a good job). In the basement itself he's not allowed in the bathroom because it's also the laundry room and furnace room but it's where I store his food so he's not allowed in there. He's allowed in the bedroom but he doesn't really go in there because I keep the door shut...I don't like my bedroom being open for people to look in to when they come in the back door which happens to be at the top of the basement steps...once I get to a place without roommates he'll be allowed to wander as he pleases.

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Mine aren't allowed upstairs, but they have free roam of the downstairs rooms.

Kitty the cat lives upstairs, which is the main reason for this. However I do like to keep them (especially Mia) in sight as they would probably eat something if they weren't being watched!!

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Free roam of the house while we are there. When we are out the 3 pups are crated as, they are not trusted, but Sasha and Nina are quite content to just curl up in a ball and sleep. Our biggest worry is the students as they seem to have no conception of what could happen if they open the door and just stand there chatting to their friends. For that reason all furkids are confined to the living room when we are out and the living room is out of bounds to the students. When we are there we just lock the front door so that, if a student does come in, it gives us a fighting chance of getting things under control. :D



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She gets free range of the downstairs when we are home, but usually I go kick her out of the bedrooms because she's jumped on the bed waiting for someone to come tell her to get off for chewing on pillows. She's always crated when we are out. She's too nuts to leave uncrated. I don't love having to do it but at this stage in her life she's still too destructive for her own good.

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Sasha, has free run of the house (living room, kitchen, den and bedroom) because she's very seldom gotten into anything she shouldn't have - and then it's not destructive.

Avalanche is limited to the living room and kitchen (where I can see him) since he's got a bad habit of "sprinkling" things.

When I got out, Sasha is left loose in the house and Avalanche is on his lead outside - or either one or both may go with me.

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Maybe it's because they're still young that I don't quite trust them alone yet, but it's nice to hear that for the most part the bathroom is off limits. I caught Cara drinking out of the toilet one day and that was the end of that door being open. One bedroom is always closed due to the roommates but I guess I don't mind if they go in my bedroom as long as my boyfriend hasn't left any socks on the floor. They're crazy about socks! Anyone have this husky obsession or know why they would be? :P

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Mine don't have free reign of the house...I always keep the bathroom doors shut and they are almost always in the same room as me.  Now that mine are a little bit older I do let them go upstairs to the bedroom, but I know there is nothing they can get into. Nikko will almost always find something to chew, tissues, hats, etc.  I know that if they are quiet for too long they are usually up to something!


Also, btw where in Indiana are you at?  I am in NW Indiana!

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Once we believed Nikko to be fully house broken at about 6 months, he no longer had to be in his kennel overnight, and had free reign of the house. During the day he is in his kennel, but once home, he roams, but generally hangs near my wife or I.

And...as noted previously, if he is too quiet for too long, he has found a sock, shoe, etc. Sometimes he just takes them outside, and other times, well, he has a strong bite, and no household item or clothing stands a chance!

A well behaved Nikko is a well exercised Nikko.


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My pups are allowed only in the living area of my house. The bedrooms are off limits. Mainly because i have 2 and 5 year old children, and its just easier to not have to replace all their toys and clothes once a week ;)

Also that is where the cat stays.

I just use a basic gate with a door in the hallway to block it off. Whenever no one is home, they are both crated.

They also have free reign of the yard, but they are almost always watched closely while out there.

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