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Is My Husky Just Different??


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So, as time goes on (going on 2 months since adoption) Hunter seems to be a totally different dog from what we expected, in a good way. I heard all of these stories how if huskies get loose chances are you will not find them or they will not come back. I work 10 hours a day and my wife stays home with our son and Hunter.  He has escaped from her 4 times already in these last 2 months. He over powers her sometimes as she is pretty petite. Every time she yells his name from the back door and he comes running back as fast as he possibly can. I happened to be getting home one day just minutes after he escaped. He was nowhere to be seen as I looked for him. All I had to do was walk to my deck in the back and yell his name and sure enough there he was running back! Also this weekend, we took him out for a long walk, there was a loose pitbull roaming around our neighborhood. Hunter pulled me as hard as he could and we happened to be walking on packed snow. Sure enough I slipped and dropped his leash. First thing he did was stop and run right back to me. Almost seemed like he went to make sure I was ok. So in conclusion, I am absolutely shocked with him. Is this normal? Also, if some of you dont know. He was picked up as a stray before I adopted him from a rescue. Also, for those of you who havent seen him, here is a few updated pictures of Hunter,sorry for the poor quality of the first one, he was running towards me:




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Honestly, I think you are lucky he came home. I wouldn't count on it always happening and I'd probably try to find a solution to the escaping. And since he is already proving to be an escape artist, I would also work really really hard on recall.

He sure it beautiful though! 

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haha reminds me the time when my dog leash got loose and she sprinted off in the garden about 30 feet away looking back at me hinting if we were going to exit out the back garden and i called her back she came running back i immediately started raining treats on her. it helps though that i've trained her recall first in a long lobby, then outside dog parks to get her used to the enviroment. the hardest part was when shes interacting with other dogs. but ill get there one day

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Glad he came back but in all honesty you've been lucky. It's not that huskies can't come back when called, it's more that they're not at all consistent or reliable You can call them back a dozen times and back they come, then the next time, boom! They're gone. Selective hearing, a desire to run and run far! and an above average prey drive make up the genetics of a husky which is what causes them to be much less reliable than your average breed. Truly am glad he didn't run off. Must of been a worry for you.

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Most Huskies go through a stage where they are responsive. Then one day, all bets are off. You've only had Hunter for two months. He is very attached to you right now. As time goes on, his confidence will increase and selective hearing will come into play. My take is so far you have been lucky. I would not count on the current behavior lasting. Should a rabbit, squirrel, or cat come into view and the prey drive kicks in, all bets are off.

It is important for those new to Huskies, not to get the idea that recall with a Husky simply happens. It requires a tremendous amount of consistent and continuous training, and even then, should not be relied upon on a regular basis, but only in situations where a slipped collar or dropped leash has occurred.

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Yeah I mean we have a big yard with a good fence. According to my wife, he escapes when she is letting him outside and someone forgets to close the gate in the yard. Beyond my control because I am hardly ever home durning the week. She is now checking to make sure the gate is closed every time now. I think I am very lucky that he is coming home. And yes he only comes running back when she calls his name. He is very good about that already. I'm just a little shocked, and proud in a way, being that we did not raise him or train him when we was younger. He is praised and gets treats for coming back now though. Such a wonderful dog. Those few times were a huge worry for me though. Wish I could bring him to work sometimes

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He is in a very secure place, it's people that visit that are careless. I have since put up a sign on the front gate to make sure and close it. Just felt I should share my constant (perhaps temporary) luck we have had. Hopefully this doesnt happen again. I have become very attached to him. He is such an awesome dog.

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haha yea huskies are very tricky. mine went under a fence at the dog park into another sealed off location i was about to climb the 10 foot fence to get her back. Someone.. decided it was a great idea to throw bones to the other side of the fence instead of properly disposing it. I was fairly pissed that day for whoever tossed the bone over there.yep she refused to recall back that time in the end but i got permission to get entry and got her back. I've been training her recall from time to time in hopes to bring that percentage of recall higher and higher but i will never ever trust her off leash lol. 


for myself i know alot of dog owners are more loose on their dogs in dog parks that they dont seal lock on the 2nd door shut 100% of the time i understand its because they have a huge comfort level with their dogs but for me i always double check the 2nd gate whenever someone leaves to make sure its locked. I've seen most husky owners at the dog park do this and some walk by the door when some one enters to make sure. 

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They are definitely tricky. We moved when mine was about five months and she stayed in the yard of our new home like an angel for two months, never once did I think she would try to get out. Then one day she decided on a whim that she could and would dig under. It took only a few minutes between when I was watching her sit happily in the yard and when she got out. I was very lucky that a neighbor brought her back to me because she had already made it to the end of the block and was sniffing around on a very busy street. So we got her a GPS monitoring system that she wears any time she is in the yard. She MIGHT come back. She's very food driven. But she also might not. She might get stolen. She might get hit by a car. I'm very careful about leaving her alone outside now!

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He's very handsome ;)


I would say that it not typical of them, but every dog is different.  Out of my 3, Nikko would be gone, Yukon is too lazy to run anywhere, and Kodiak listens pretty good when I tell him to come.  Although I have not had any of mine escape, I have had situations outside where they backed out of their harnesses and got loose.  Luckily I was able to catch them right away.  I know if any of mine see something, like a squirrel, rabbit or cat they would not listen to me no matter what I did!

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Thank you! Yeah every little thing that moves catches his attention too. I really wish I could be home more often. Before I adopted him, I worked short days. Then a week after that my schedule changed. My wife really tries to keep him occupied but she also has to keep our 1 year old boy occupied. At some point I know hunter becomes bored and wants to wonder off on his own. I am beginning to consider getting another husky, hoping they can keep eachother occupied when neither myself or my wife has the time.

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I found that after I got my 2nd husky it was much easier for me.  They kept each other busy; before Nikko would demand my attention almost all the time, I could barely have time to cook dinner or clean as he was pretty hyper (still is LOL).  After getting Yukon they play with each other most of the time, although that may not always happen!  I was warned that getting a 2nd one isn't just to keep the other one busy, and another thing to remember is that having 2 means you have twice the brains plotting their escape LOL

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LOL thats what I'm afraid of. Although, I think as long as my yard is fully secured, and people obey my "keep gate closed" sign, things will be ok.Our area is very rocky as we live at 8,000 ft in the rockies. It was hard enough digging the trench for the fence with a tractor, so I dont see any way they can dig under it. I have already started searching for another husky. Almost considered a very young one, that way any training will come from us. But I am not completely sure about that yet.

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I agree with the others, it would be wise to get a self-locking (and self closing) gate door to prevent this from happening again. You are very lucky.

My husky was adopted too. For the first couple of months, he came back almost every single time (he was bounced around from home to home before us)...then one day he must have gained enough confidence or started to 'take us for granted' because his recall's reliability drastically decreased. Now, I'm lucky if he comes once out of every 10 times I call him! 

I wouldn't consider getting another husky until you have set the ground rules for this one...and wait a while after that. See if you're ready for another husky...even though they keep each other company, they are twice the trouble. Not to mention twice the financial (food, vet bills, etc) and time commitment too. 

And...last but not least...welcome to the forums! Hunter's pretty handsome.

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Haha, I find that the running is WORSE with 2 dogs!  If Scout escapes, he doesn't go far and comes when he's called (that be the German shepherd side I'm sure), but if Wyatt gets out, they both head for the hills!  They're far bolder as a team and range much farther than they would exploring solo.  So while yes, they do keep each other company and help alleviate boredom, when they do escape it's double trouble!


How old is Hunter?  I'm thinking the others are probably right in that he's still new to you and the area, so you are familiar and secure, but age could be a factor, too.  He doesn't look like a pup from the photos, but in my experience they tend to be quite willing to come up until the age of 2 or so, and by 3 at the latest they have no comprehension of the word 'come' when freedom beckons!

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Haha, I find that the running is WORSE with 2 dogs!  If Scout escapes, he doesn't go far and comes when he's called (that be the German shepherd side I'm sure), but if Wyatt gets out, they both head for the hills!  They're far bolder as a team and range much farther than they would exploring solo.  So while yes, they do keep each other company and help alleviate boredom, when they do escape it's double trouble!


and yet I thought a dog with good recall would help me fetch the dog with poor recall!  :o apparently it doesn't always work that way??

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