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Is Your Husky Cuddly?


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Mine really isn't.  He wants to be near me but not next to me.  If I am on the couch, he likes to be on the other end of the couch.  If I move near him, he moves over to the other end.  If I leave the room, he follows and will lie on the floor near me.  Rarely does he actually want to be cuddly, he just wants to be  close by.


How about your husky?


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Yep, my 2 year old is like that! He tolerates me and that's about all. It's all about him, on his terms. He will sit with me but usually with his back to me and if I try and cuddle him he will get off the sofa and go lay on the floor. However if I'm eating something, he's my best friend :)


The puppy is becoming more like him too :( He used to love being cuddled up, but now becoming more independent. Perhaps it's a sign they feel more secure and less of a need to be 'glued' to you. Though there are times I just really want a cuddle with them but have to respect their 'space'.

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Bear likes to approach you on occasion for a little bit of fuss.  


Last night Ice squeezed into a space between me and the hubby in the bed and laid upside down, paws in the air.  He then proceeded to turn back and forth between us to lay his head on us and lick at our faces.  Such levels of affection are unusual for Ice these days, normally he gets the hump with me if I make a fuss of him when he's trying to sleep, lol. 

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Nika didn't used to be cuddly with me, it was all for daddy! But now she's very affectionate with pretty much everybody now!

Damian never wants cuddles, he just always wants to play!

And Asha is the cuddliest dog I have ever met, you can't even sit down before she's on your knee! I put that down to her being a rescue, she craves human attention! She isn't even fussed about the other dogs, just humans :wub:


 - Caity

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Dana is a massive cuddler. We always joke she thinks she's a lapdog instead of a husky. Wodak doesn't seek for them, but once you're giving him a fuss he loves it and will sit still in exactly the same place until you stop. Glala is like a jackpot. It's either a hit or miss, but you only know what her mood is like once you try it  :rolleyes:

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Chula likes to lay on the couch and push up against you, though I'm not sure she is cuddling, it's more like she's trying to push you off so she can have more space. 


She does like to lay on the back of the couch, right behind me and cuddle up around my neck, looking out the window like a kitty. It's rather cute when she's calm and not farting, like having a husky stole. 

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For the most part mine are not exactly cuddlers...


Nikko will allow you to cuddle him when he's tired and is probably the most tolerant of letting you do it. 


Yukon likes to be right next to you but if you cuddle him too much he usually grunts and then will move away.


Kodiak is all about attention, but only if  you are petting him or rubbing his belly.  If you stop rubbing him and try to cuddle, he will move.  But he is the one that follows me EVERYWHERE!  If I go upstairs and close the baby gate, he will lay down at the top of the stairs and wait for me to come back down. 

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Neither of mine like to cuddle, I think they both get to hot. Once in a while, I can get one to cuddle for a few minutes, but that is about it. However, they are both suckers for having their bellies rubbed/scratched and they will lay there and let you rub/scratch their bellies all day long. Tayga, the male, likes to be petted as well, whereas Myst, the female, could care less for the most part. Once in a while however she really likes it, and will raise her leg and paw at my hand when I stop petting her.

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Champ will cuddle with you if you push the futon down so that you both can fit, he will also lay next to you on the couch and put his head in your lap or just rest against your leg, he's a lover though, he follows me everywhere and tends to get upset if he's not allowed to go where I've gone, he's very attached, I get massive cuddles if I'm gone for a night or two, he has a tendency to get right in my lap and not leave until he feels he's gotten sufficient cuddle time

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Great Post!


We must have one of the largest 'lap dogs' in the whole of the UK as Luna takes every opportunity to adopt the 'Husky Hug' position, (sitting bolt upright with her back against the back of the settee and her hind legs stretched out - almost 'human like')!


We are truly blessed, (as she has oceans of love to give), although I can hardly believe that it is the same dog that I take out on walks as she hardly acknowledges me and, when she does, she will only afford me the lightest of 'nonchalant' looks!


This is truly remarkable as Luna did not have the best of starts, in life, having been starved and beaten.


Skye is displaying 'puppy love' currently and all affection is interspersed with a multitude of 'love nips', (which we are currently trying to curb), but she has another 'trait' that could be worthy of a new topic as I have never known any other dog to 'answer you back' and question every command as Skye does!


She doesn't just make the odd chirp she vocalises entire sentences, and paragraphs, and these are all terminated with a very shriek howl and, occasionally, it sounds as though she is in agony!

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penny's very cuddly, im yet to get a cuddle of keiser his too energetic lol an opts to sleep on the floor, his a bit clumsy lol, penny kind of puts one paw on the ed then the 2nd p[aw and her head then half the body then she's fully on the bed kind of like she's testing it too se is she allowed, keiser however jumps up straight away and walks all over us then penny kinda goes to bight him as if to say its my territory but not in a vicious way and they start playing before I even get a cuddle of keiser

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"Cuddle" would be a relative term in our case, as Nikko is not a lap dog, for sure. But he can certainly show affection, as noted by previous posts....always follows us from room to room, and can NEVER be shut out from a room we are in.

And he will, if the mood strikes, get up on the sofa, and either hang out, or give a kiss as shown with my son and DIL....



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