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Yukon's Progress


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So as you know, Yukon had a few seizures back in early November, and since then the vet has had him on phenobarbital to control them.  Everything was good for the next 6 weeks or so, and then right before Xmas, he started urinating in his crate, which he has NEVER done before.  After some research, I thought it could be a side effect of the drug. 


We went back to the vet, and they did a test and he had some bacteria in there, so assuming it was some sort of UTI he was put on some antibiotics.  We finished those and had another sample done yesterday.


It came back and still had some bacteria in it, so he has to go back on the antibiotics.  Once those are done we get another test to check the bacteria levels and if it's still there she will either try another antibiotic or it could be the phenobarbital causing it, in which case we would have to see about changing his seizure meds. 


The good thing is that after the holidays when we went back to work he has not had any accidents in his crate, although he is drinking more than usual, and of course, going potty more than usual.  Not gallons or anything, but a definite increase.  Also, there have been no more seizures which obviously a good thing :)


Anyway, thought I would share his progress with you all. 

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Me too.  He's my baby, even though I got Nikko first, I always feel that Yukon is my baby.  He has so many issues already, like his joint/leg problems, so I am afraid of how it is going to be when he's older :(  Luckily I found an insurance company that covers hereditary problems and dysplasia so I will be singing him up for it.  It won't do any good with the epilepsy since it is already pre-existing but that's not a huge cost anyway.

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Thank you all :)  Yes, it has been rough at times, but I would do it all over again.  He is really the sweetest pup that I could hope for!  He curls up and sleeps on my pillow at night too :wub: :wub: :wub:


And he is the only husky that I know that will play fetch for hours!

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Yukon is one lucky pup to have you for his caretaker.  Glad to read that there has been progress.

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So sad to hear about Yukon's illness but glad to also learn that the prognosis is looking positive.


One of my colleagues is currently going through exactly the same issue, (with one of his dogs), and it is situations like this that really highlight the extremely strong bond that exists between dogs and their 'companions', (easily equalling that of many human relationships).

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  • 6 months later...

Unfortunately, Yukon had another seizure last night :(  It only lasted a couple of minutes, but this was the first time since November.  I talked to the vet, and the last time they checked his pheno levels back in January he was a little low but they did not want to up his medication dosage.  When they go on the meds, they usually do another test 6 months later, which it is about time for, so I will probably have to bring him back in to  have his pheno levels checked and they may have to up his dosage.  I am waiting to hear back from them now, but hopefully he does not have anymore seizures :(

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Yeah we made an appoitment for next week to have his levels checked.  Unless he has multiple seizures they isn't anything they will do at this point.  The test should be done at the 6 month point anyway, so it's not out of the ordinary.  When I was reading up on this, it is not abnormal for them to have seizures while on the medication until they get the dosage right

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oh no ! I haven't really been following his story since I'm new on here, but I've been trying to find some stuff. so sorry it's happened again! I'll keep Yukon in my prayers. hope everything goes over well. lots of hugs from my pups to Yukon! [emoji173]️

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Last November out of nowhere Yukon had 3 seizures within 24 hours of each other, each one more severe than the last.  I took him to the vet and they could not find anything medically wrong (i.e. toxins), so if everything comes back normal they diagnose it as epilepsy (since you can't test for that). 


They put him on phenobarbital and he hadn't had any seizures since until last night.

Thanks :)

oh no ! I haven't really been following his story since I'm new on here, but I've been trying to find some stuff. so sorry it's happened again! I'll keep Yukon in my prayers. hope everything goes over well. lots of hugs from my pups to Yukon! [emoji173]️

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Last November out of nowhere Yukon had 3 seizures within 24 hours of each other, each one more severe than the last. I took him to the vet and they could not find anything medically wrong (i.e. toxins), so if everything comes back normal they diagnose it as epilepsy (since you can't test for that).

They put him on phenobarbital and he hadn't had any seizures since until last night.

Thanks :)

oh wow, that's no good! poor thing :( I hope he gets to feeling better and the vets get the right dosage. :/ my brothers friend had epilepsy. I went to school with him, and he would have seizures in the hallway all the time. whoever was around would have to hold his head so he didn't get any head trauma. it was definitely a scary thing to see. :( good luck, Yukon! you sound like you're in the best care you can be. :)

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No, they have no idea.  They can develop epilepsy randomly between 6 months and 3 years of age. Usually if a dog is over 5 years old and they have seizures it is usually caused by something (i.e. trauma, toxins, illness). When they first ran tests they did not find anything wrong with him.



Oh no, poor Yukon! Looks like we both have bad luck weekends...again! :(
Do you know what caused it?

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  • 2 months later...

Last night Yukon had another seizure.  I was asleep for most of it but woke up at the end.  It's been a little over 2 months since his last one.  It didn't seem that bad, but I was hoping he would have a better streak being seizure free. 


I called the vet and they are not changing his meds unless he has another one within the next few weeks. I just feel so bad for the little guy :(  He was up and acting normal afterwards and is himself, wanting to play fetch. 

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sorry to hear the seizure is back and hopefully he will get better. For the UTI, have you tried giving home remedy, like barley water? It works for human and I read it is not harmful for dogs, of course you might want to check with your vet first. If it is allowed then at least Yukon doesn't have to get additional antibiotic.

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That might have been an old post.  He doesn't have a UTI, I think that was a reaction from the pheno.  The meds make him thirsty so he was drinking a lot of water and could not hold it, but we have not had any accidents in a really long time.



sorry to hear the seizure is back and hopefully he will get better. For the UTI, have you tried giving home remedy, like barley water? It works for human and I read it is not harmful for dogs, of course you might want to check with your vet first. If it is allowed then at least Yukon doesn't have to get additional antibiotic.

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:wub:   My step dad has epilepsy.  And its scary.... as a family we had to deal with this... (9 of us kids)   he is now medically allowed to drive a car because he has his meds under control..  he lost his job and his confidence in the way people reacted, he looked drunk, he was not lucid when he came out of a fit and ended up in A&E more times than my mum cares to remember.. I know its not the same but my heart goes out to you... He never remembers his fits but we do..  scariest moment being half way up the stairs with my dad going into seizure I was only 13. Funniest moment dad having a fit at the dinner table  and putting his head in his dinner... I was 14.... love him he has the same birthday as me ... 4th September...   :wub:  now in his 80's X

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