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10 Facts About Your Sibe


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I'm thought it would be cool to do this, and maybe everyone could get a good idea of all the pups we talk about all the time. Here are 10 about Otto:

1. We decided to get a husky in December, and found Otto online on the way to my sisters wedding in Tennessee

2. He was almost named "Petro" after my favorite hockey player, St. Louis Blues Alex Peitrangelo

3. He has a patch of red fur on his head, for now

4. He is starting to get a pink streak down the middle of his nose

5. He is fairly quiet, but loves to bark and howl when he has the high ground

6. His favorite toy is a pink pig that oinks when he bites it haha

7. His favorite spot to sleep is under the bed, until he can't fit anymore

8. He knows 4 tricks as of now: sit, shake, down, and roll over

9. He sits at the door now when he needs to go potty, or if I'm asleep he licks me in the face from the side of the bed!

10. He is the best dog in the world haha:)

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I'm thought it would be cool to do this, and maybe everyone could get a good idea of all the pups we talk about all the time. Here are 10 about Otto:

1. We decided to get a husky in December, and found Otto online on the way to my sisters wedding in Tennessee

2. He was almost named "Petro" after my favorite hockey player, St. Louis Blues Alex Peitrangelo

3. He has a patch of red fur on his head, for now

4. He is starting to get a pink streak down the middle of his nose

5. He is fairly quiet, but loves to bark and howl when he has the high ground

6. His favorite toy is a pink pig that oinks when he bites it haha

7. His favorite spot to sleep is under the bed, until he can't fit anymore

8. He knows 4 tricks as of now: sit, shake, down, and roll over

9. He sits at the door now when he needs to go potty, or if I'm asleep he licks me in the face from the side of the bed!

10. He is the best dog in the world haha:)

oh and post your favorite pic. Forgot that hahaha bezy5eju.jpg
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Hi! Thanks for sharing about Otto :) My 10 facts about Jack are :

1. He loves munching on ice cubes and new shoes

2. He is "potty trained", has not done #1 and #2 in the house since he was 10months old (he is now 5yo)

3. He has ran away several times but we were able to bribe him back with dog treats

4. He loves taking baths

5. He knows at least 8 tricks

6. Absolutely loves attention and wakes us up to rub his belly

7. Saved my baby nephew by waking us u

8. Defended me from 3 large strays when they attacked me. He got so mad and I've never been so scared!

9. He used to be deep black and white. His mask was a black cross,now it's faded

10. He is my pillow when I'm sad.musu7yna.jpg

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Great idea.

1. He was not the dog we went to see

2. He came straight to us in a busy reception area

3.the day we bought him home the kennel hand said he would make us laugh daily, he was right

4. He treats us all differently, rob has respect, I have cuddles, ben has rough play, anneka he likes to annoy.

5. He has the most beautiful blue eyes

6. He is patient and allows charlie to get away with all sorts

7. He was a stray in ireland

8. He loves to hang over the fence to talk to next door neighbour

9. He likes to pretend that Charlie made the mess

10. We love him to pieces xxxxxx

my fave pic at the moment is my avatar

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1- he was the result of my brother being obsessed with wolves

2- if my parents hadn't of told me they were thinkin about getting a husky we probably wouldn't have him

3-he was the only pup in the litter with a blue eye (the rest were brown)

4- I never got to bond with him much as a puppy as my dad would always tell me to 'not leave bings out' so didn't get to stroke him much

5- he ate my little brothers school book n the teacher didn't believe us

6- he went through a really aggressive stage to the point I was scared of him

7- he talks lol his favorite thing to say is I wanna go out

8- he was supposed to be my brothers dog but is now on mums instead

9- he's very protective on walks specially when it's dark out

10- he would probably prefer to be an only dog but he will put himself between bings and skyla and an offlead dog if he has 2 to keep them safe

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1- she was supposed to be my mums dog (even tho she wanted a white male)

2- dad said no to another pup until I showed him her pic - he said 'do what you want' which is dad speak for yes lol

3- she came down from Scotland

4- she was originally called roxy

5- the day we got her she trashed our house n continued to do so till about a year old

6- her nose used to be black lol

7- she is constantly smiling

8- she's scared of nothing except kids and a rottie x across the street (or the owner tho it's probably both)

9 - she is ridiculously obedient n will do everything you ask her to

10 - the only naughty thing she does is paddle in her water bowl

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1. He's a big baby

2 he's a mummy's boy

3 he might be a mummy's boy but he idolises Bear

4. He's recently leant how to play with rather than destroy toys

5 he's crazy tall and his tail looks like a mint polo, lol.

6 he's very wary of strangers but loves you when he gets familiar.

7 he used to be a Hoover and drove me nuts trying to eat stuff he shouldn't

8 he isn't very hyper, has his moments but usually just lounges around.

9 he gets upset if you take his collar off.

10 the only dog I can actually bathe without any hissy fits.


1 no idea if she's even got husky in her or if it's just american Akita, she's a mixed breed , lol.

2 she also has a loopy puffy tail, when she's out on a walk particularly.

3 she's a total princess. Queen diva.

4. Outrageously smart and perceptive

5 she likes to stroke people.

6 loves to play fetch

7 she's quite restless, but loves to lay upside down under our bed

8 she thinks out staffy is her mum, much to Brooke's disgust.

9 she's a daddy girl. He rescued her and their bond is strong.

10 she has the ability to make people fall in love with her on sight. :)

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1. hes the jester of my pack

2. he loves under wear ( he loves to suck socks )

3. he is super super fast

4. hes a big softie he loves cuddles

5. he loves watching tv

6. hes always the one with the most of the bed

7. hes a great catcher of anything

8. his smile looks massive like the joker from batman

9. he will not give in to sleep and sum times falls asleep sat up till he falls over (funny to watch but this is only because hes nosey )

10. he loves skye sooooooooooo much





1. she came to us after the passing of dyson

2. she was rescued by gary (keeonah) after suffering truly mindless abuse

3. she only has tunnel vision after the abuse she went thru

4. she is so soft and trusting even after all shes been thru

5. she is a real power house

6. she has really started to snuggle into me when having cuddles

7. shes always the first one to bed and the first one to sleep and she snores really loud

8. she has the most cool howl ever

9. she likes to learn from keiko she watches and copies everything (including the sock sucking )

10 i will be forever thankful to gary for letting her come to us, shes my princess

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1. Got him from an Amish breeder

2. Has never gone downstairs(to the basement...I think he's afraid of the tiled stairs...he prefers carpet)

3. highly prefers carpet to tile

4. loves all dogs

5. loves all people

6. would love to catch a rabbit, squirrel, deer and skunk(in that order)

7. never barks at passerbys

8. loves the rain

9. never gives up trying to dig a hole in the mattress

10. yawns just like a human(i sometimes think a stranger is in the house...yawning)

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1- she was supposed to be my mums dog (even tho she wanted a white male)

2- dad said no to another pup until I showed him her pic - he said 'do what you want' which is dad speak for yes lol

3- she came down from Scotland

4- she was originally called roxy

5- the day we got her she trashed our house n continued to do so till about a year old

6- her nose used to be black lol

7- she is constantly smiling

8- she's scared of nothing except kids and a rottie x across the street (or the owner tho it's probably both)

9 - she is ridiculously obedient n will do everything you ask her to

10 - the only naughty thing she does is paddle in her water bowl

Paddle the water bowl?!?...I got to see a video of that...PLEEEEEEEASE :D

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Great topic :)


1) has a pink "birthmark" spot on his muzzle (love it!)

2) I did not plan to get him. The first time I met him he was attacking my shoes and I couldn't leave him.

3) Received his AKC Canine Good Citizenship Certificate when he was 8 months old

4) Loves to talk, especially when company arrives

5) He has the most goofy personality!

6) Started getting snow nose after he turned 2

7) Loves to eat his fur after I brush it off

8) He knows over a dozen tricks

9) Loves to be massaged

10) He will only poop at home. And when he does, he immediately has to bury it



1) I was originally supposed to get his sister, a black and white husky. The person who originally wanted Yukon backed out so I took him instead of my original choice

2) Came from a litter of only 3, his mom got lost as a pup and was found almost dead and the breeders nursed her back to health

3) Has a very sweet, laid back personality

4) Sleeps on my pillow nightly

5) Will play fetch for hours!

6) Started with a pink nose, turned all black and is now flesh colored

7) Named after a husky that I wanted before I got Nikko. I was going to rescue a husky named Yukon but by the time I called he was already adopted

8) Was potty trained in 3 weeks

9) LOVES wine! Have caught him drinking out of my glass when I wasn't looking.

10) Found out in November he has epilepsy after having some seizures, but they are under control



1) Was found on the streets of Chicago as a start by Animal Control

2) Shut down completely for almost 2 weeks. Would not eat, move or do anything.

3) Was rescued by Adopt-A-Husky and within days completely turned around

4) Has a mostly calm personality, but likes to play on occasion

5) Has a VERY high prey drive...Found out the hard way after he killed a cat

6) Has broken out of his crate 4 times...even after it was zip-tied. Resulting in a half eaten Thanksgiving turkey that was defrosting in the sink

7) Listens the best out of the pack, will come almost immediately when called

8) He poops in circles

9) He LOVES belly rubs! As soon as you start petting him he will roll over on his back

10) He also loves to talk


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1- She cuddles in between Zach and I, one of the few dogs that actually likes to get hugs.

2- We call her Devil Red because her red coloring on her head, ears, and tail is especially vibrant.

3- Nana does a song and dance every night before dinner.

4- Nana has only one more hike left before she can get certified as a working pack dog.

5- Nana went to Best in Show 2 times!

6- Escaped from a crate at her puppy sitter's and then got through a indoor gate, and then let out all the other dogs.

7- Nana is a toy HOARDER. I think she should have her own episode on the show! I have to pull her toys back in their bucket every other day.

8- When she runs in harness, she is great at commands, but being young she is easily distracted..

9- Yeah, she's easily distracted....this fall she pulled us into the duck pond chasing the swans. Us being everything from Freya to the scooter.

10- She just got a brand new hot pink WolfPack for hiking!

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Here's some facts about Mishka

1. This is her 4th home, she is a private rehome, I got her a few weeks before she turned 1.

2. Her favorite words are ''Wee wee'', ''Dinner'' and ''Walkies''. These all get a woo woo and instant excitement lol

3. She absolutely adores the game ''Tug of wars'', when she wants to play she'll get the toy and drop it on my lap, and repeat the process until I take the hint and play with her lol

4. She's become a lot more vocal as she's gotten older, she's constantly woo woo'ing now

5. She loves going to the beach, this is the only place where she digs, oh and she was scared of the waves the first few times we went lol.

6. She is the ultimate public transport traveller, people always comment on how good she is, rush hour on London buses? No problem, she lays underneath the seat between my legs lol.

7. She had severe separation anxiety and would toilet as soon as I closed the door, would not eat/drink, play with her toys or anything else when I was out, she would just pace and howl, it took months for things to start improving.

8. She won over 80 rosettes at companion/fun dog shows between February and October last year, including 8 best in shows/reserve best in shows/dog of the day. We're looking forward to this year's shows. :P

9. A family friend nicknamed her ''Chewy'' because she used to chew everything, and now she only responds to him when he calls her Chewy lol

10. She likes to look out the window a lot, she used to try and lay on the window seal but she couldn't fit properly, so I put a big chest by the window and her bed on top of it so she gets to lay down and look out the window, she loves it lol

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Hmm, facts about Champ...


1) He wasn't the first dog I was interested in at the husky rescue I got him from, but I did consider adopting him so when I found out the dog that I had originally wanted had been adopted I decided to meet Champ and we had an instant connection.


2) He has a really high prey drive, which had me freaked out for a while but I've learned to be vigilant on our walks.


3)  He is very loving, loves to be near me at all times and enjoys demanding my attention.


4)  Absolutely loves going for car rides, if I ask him if he wants to go for a car ride he gets instantly excited and runs over to sit at the gate that's at the bottom of the stairs.


5)  Is only vocal around meal times, he'll bark and howl a little bit if I goad him in to it or if he's feeling particularly impatient but otherwise he's very quiet.


6)  He was a stray in Indiana, underweight and so shut down that the staff at Raven's thought he was deaf until he started opening up.


7)  He doesn't really know how to play, he'll play with his tennis ball and chew on his bone but I stumbled into showing him how to play tug and he'll play when I bring out the toy.


8)  He knows a handful of tricks and we're working on others.


9)  He's a complete goof.


10)  He always manages to make my day even if he's done something he's not supposed to.



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1) We didn't plan on getting a husky and he was the second one we met

2) Was a stray, though goodness only knows why and we rescued him when he was approx. 18 months old

3) From day one has always been potty trained, only ever had 2 accidents, 1 on the first day, second when he was poorly :(

4) Loves all people and other dogs, gets really excited at meeting both :)

5) Pulls like a train on walks for the first part, then walks by your side to the point you could probably let him off lead, though never would.

6) Tolerates me, don't think he really loves me and worse so since getting his brother

7) Loves to lay anywhere he shouldn't and when I get up in the morning he likes to get in my bed :)

8) Is very grumpy at times and likes his own space, doesn't really like to be cuddled unless there is a treat involved, then he's your best friend :)

9) Often starves himself, seems to have a 2 good weeks eating then nothing for a day or two, drives me mad!

10) Used to chew our hands to pieces to the point it was becoming a real pain, since we got the pup it's stopped over night.





1) I didn't want a second dog but my adorable husband rescued him, brought him home without me knowing, giving me 6 hours notice

2) We are his 4th owners, was going to be pts as no one could home him, he had issues though I've no idea what they were, he's been great with us.

3) He's a mix breed, probably GSD/husky, though some days I wonder

4) Always really pleased to see you, loves a cuddle, loves people and other dogs especially his big bro

5) Tends to eat other animals poo, so have to be mega vigilant when out on walks

6) Was really skinny when we got him, was underfed and think he'll always be a small dog. Since we've had him he's gained 5kg and is really filling out :)

7) Will hoover his food up then gets the hiccups after, he would eat a whole packet of food if you allowed it

8) Has eaten several pairs of shoes, 2 wicker chairs, important documents and the contents of the rubbish bin

9) Loves to play fetch, is quite responsive to commands, apart from when we are out on walks

10) Best thing we ever did was rehoming him, hard at first but now he's the perfect addition to our family. He and Harry are the best of friends and rally good for each other.

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Awe, so many great stories on here :wub: Makes me want to cuddle all the furbabies :wub:


Okay, so, here's Ares:


1) He got his name when he was a pup due to how he was attacking and playing with everything he sees. His destructive behaviour remained so you can tell he goes by his name.


2) He was brought home by my mum and I was against getting a dog, but now he's one of the most important things in my life.


3) He was never potty trained as he moved to the backyard at early age however even when he's inside he never has accidents and usually cries out when he needs to go.


4) He is super eager to play with all dogs but the way he initiates play (by jumping towards the dog) usually scares off the other dogs.


5) He still sees my sister as a toy rather as a human so given the occasion he'd drag her all around the floor.


6) Lately he's been growing protective over me.


7) A few months ago no one would believe me that he wasn't an year old yet - at around 6 months of age he was already looking like a grown dog.


8) He loves waking me up by jumping on the bed and pawing me in the face. :facepalm:


9) He likes to argue with me by woo-ing when he's not agreed on something that I'm telling him to do.


10) By character he looks like a brother of Jason's Nikko, just by a different mum :lol:

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Let's see if we can squezze everything about Kira into 10 facts


1. When I first found her in a shelter I recommended her to a friend, he was indecisive, so 2 days later I decided to go to a shelter and meet her to see what she's like, we went there through a snow storm, fell in love and she was driving back home with us the same day!


2. Her "shelter" name was Bella, we had to change it cos that's the name of a girl we know that we don't have a high opinion of ;) . Her name Kira is actually after an orca (killer whale) that was under protection of greenpiece.


3. She hates vets!!!


4. She doesn't like most female dogs and even some male we meet and isn't affraid to get into a fight, even with much larger dogs.


5. When she meets a dog she does like she is the most loving, playfull, gentle friend in the world for that dog.


6. She's obsessed with food (she was shin and bones when they found her, so it's justified)


7. Has a strong prey drive. When she sees a dear (there's plenty over here), there's nothing that could change her attention from it, once she killed and ate a chicken.


8. Is a pretty good friend with our cats, any other cat is an enemy.


9. She rarely made any sound until a few months back, now we get into a conversation pretty often and she gets very exited and happy when we converse.


10. She has a very thick coat so she looks obese, especially with wintercoat, and everyone always comments on her weight how she gained it or lost it, when in reality she's always the same weight, it's the coat that keeps changing.


Here's my favorite baby girl, a pic from the shelter compared to after, roughly, a year and half with us.



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10 facts about my Keira:

1. She was rescued from a really bad kennel. Her crate was at the bottom of another dog so she had skin issues for the first 2 months.

2. She was hardly taken out for walks and hardly fed so helping her into an exercise and meal routine wasn't as easy as it was with my other Sib.

3. She gets so excited when we go out that she tends to do a "kangaroo" (hops on hind legs) took a while to teach her to relax.

4. She loves to kiss, she sneaks up on anyone who naps on the couch and kisses them till they wake up.

5. Catches frogs and offers them to me (as in drops the dead frog on my feet 😭)

6. She is more of a listener than a "talker" unlike her mate Jack

7. She has striking blue eyes that change depending on the lighting. When we're out on a sunny day you can only see black dots hahah scary beautiful ðŸ˜

8. She steals brownies off the table so beautifully that it hurts to scold her since she can't have them no matter how much effort she put in stealing them.

9. She likes showing off her tricks and performing in front of guests.

10. She loves ice cubes and my nephews (4yo and 3yo) jybu3eqe.jpg

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That's a great idea :D so without further ado...


Diamond :)


1. I often call him "mini wolf" because he's only 40 cm (15.7 inches) from paw to the withers. 

2. He has two light brown patches behind his ears, and red patches on his elbows.

3. Anyone that has been here for several years would know... He used to be fearful of the whole world. Cats, dogs, children, umbrellas, trucks, dark-skinned people... You name it.

4. And now, he has helped several people overcome their phobia of canines :)

5. He knows a long list of commands and tricks because he's a fast learner 

6. 99% of people in my neighborhood calls me "Diamond" or "the girl that walks Diamond" because he's more popular than I am!

7. I have had him three years and I've heard him properly bark three times. Only. 

8. He's so lazy some guests thought he's a doll! ("EEEK the doll moved!")

9. He's my savior, my best friend, my partner in crime, my four-legged furry son. I don't know what to do without him :)

10. He's one of the best dogs in the whole wide world :D you'd agree too if you meet him in person :P



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Wow, harder than I thought to distill them down to ten facts;


Tayga - my big baby!



1. Came to us at 6 months of age



2. True Black and White, had a mask when younger, but lost it


3. He is a talker for sure, but mainly he whines . . . hence my big baby


4. He is built like a Tank (which was actually his name before he came to us)


5. He absolutely pouts when he see the harness in my hand - his ears go flat, he slinks around, and he sulks once it is on till he starts working



6. He listens well for a Siberian, but is far from perfect


7. He is LAZY - he never works any harder at anything than he has too; he once tried to run away through the deep snow, but turned around and came back because he decided it was too much work


8. He always scarfs his food


9. He loves to be petted, kissed, and have his belly rubbed - in fact he will paw at your hand until you do, but he never tolerates being snuggled


10. He is AKC pointed and took his first major at 18 months



Myst - my baby girl



1. Also came to us at 6 months of age


2. Grey and White, was a silver, but now has a little tan/buff between her ears and down the back of her ruff


3. Very quiet, she almost never talks or whines


4. She was poetry in motion - super graceful with very fluid movement


5. 100% Siberian husky - runs at every opportunity, seldom listens, and can open her crate and the gate to the outside run


6. Has escaped too many times to count


7. Tore her cruciate ligament on one of her many escapades, so may never get to enter the show ring


8. Absolutely loves to pull, even after her surgery


9. Tolerates being petted, loves having her belly rubbed, and will occasionally snuggle


10. Is a super-picky eater and often skips meals, have had major issues with her weight


Favorite picture: my avatar of course;


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This is awesome. :)



1. She is my first Husky, and was one of two puppies left in her litter. The other four had been bought already. 

2. She is rarely quiet, unless she's napping or it's time for bed. 

3. She knows a long list of commands and tricks, and has proven to be a very fast learner. 

4. She may be a little on the small side, but she has a lot of power and can pull my husband over when she's excited and determined to go.

5. She gets along well with most and people, and loves our son.

6. She is the dominant dog in the house, but knows that my husband and I make the rules. 

7. She doesn't really like to cuddle that often, but she LOVES getting her belly rubbed and her neck scratched. 

8. She will play fetch for hours. 

9. She is obsessed with squeaky toys. 

10. Even though she has frustrated us in the past year, she has been the absolute best dog we could have ever asked for, and we are very lucky to have her in our family. 


Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of Keira: 





We finally got a decent snow this month and Keira was pretending to be an ostrich, LOL! Both of these were taken at our local off-lead dog park.



1. She loves to cuddle and get belly rubs from everyone she meets.

2. She has the cutest howl, and her voice is deeper than Keira's. 

3. She potty trained just as fast as Keira did. 

4. She will let me blow dry her after a bath. 

5. When we are outside or at the dog park, she will find sticks to carry in her mouth or carry a ball around (she will even hold the ball or stick in her mouth if she is doing her business too, lol). 

6. She is a very calm Husky, and rarely gets the zoomies. 

7. She knows a few commands and tricks, and we are working on more. 

8. When we say crate or bed, she is the first one to go.

9. She has a woolly coat, and it takes me forever to brush her fur out. Thankfully she lays there and lets me do it or we'd have a serious problem. 

10. She adores Keira, but won't let Keira bully her and will let her know when she's had enough if Keira doesn't take a hint.


And now for my favorite pictures of Sage:





Both of those of Sage are older, I need to get some good pictures of her now. She doesn't like to hold still for long so getting good pictures of her seems nearly impossible lol.

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  1. LOVES to sleep.
  2. Will only sleep in his crate or in the bedroom.  Won't just lay down on the floor and sleep.
  3. Thinks anyone who comes to the house is there to see him.
  4. Loves to people watch.
  5. He loves to show everyone his weiner.
  6. Will put himself in time out when he does something naughty.
  7. Likes to cuddle but doesn't want anyone else to know he does.
  8. Loves getting a foot massage but hates having his nails clipped.
  9. He is a beast at almost 90 lbs.
  10. He saved my life.  I don't know where I would be without him.  He is always right by my side.  



  1. I got Aspen at 12 weeks old.
  2. She had never been on grass when I got her.
  3. She had a huge smile the whole car ride home.
  4. She loves to cuddle and to get kisses.
  5. She has extreme A.D.D.  you have to constantly tell her to potty when you take her outside.
  6. If she finds a squeaker toy she will sit and squeak it till it breaks.  Hours even.  It is rather annoying.
  7. She loves to pick on her big brother Tuff.  He is a softy when it comes to her.
  8. She is afraid of everything.  She wasn't around people when I got her.  Sad I know.
  9. She is a momma's girl.
  10. I just love her to pieces.  She fits perfect in our pack.  I feel like I was meant to find her ad and bring her home.
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