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Arthritis/hip Dysplasia Query


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Hi folks, I was just wondering with arthritis or hip dysplasi, does it build up or happen suddenly like one day everything is fine, next there is a problem? Reason i ask is for the past day or two now after lying down for a bit Malakai limps when he gets up, limp wears off after 5 or 6 strides and then is fine, walking, running, jumping, digging, all seem perfectly fine, so going by what i can find online doesnt fit symptoms of Hip dysplasia, possibly closer to arthritis or a ligament injury symptoms? Just seems a bit strange to go from totally fine to problem in a day was just on right leg at first which is the side he usually lies on, but now the limp is showing up on the left too, so i guess some sort of dead leg from lying on it is out. The vet wants me to leave it about a week to see if it settles down any but, i always hate it when the vet says that is i always worry it could be something needing attention or causing him unnecessary pain or discomfort(which it doesnt seem to be doing,but a limp is a limp) and waiting to see could make it worse, anyways i was just wondering if anyone else had experienced similar and what the outcome was



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I have no experience with HD/arthritis, but I think Malakai's behavior is definitely a symptom. Does he also limp if you take him out for a long walk? Unfortunately HD is very common in our breed especially with the amount of careless breeding practices out there :( you can always visit another vet you know.. or get an x-ray done anyways.

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I worry about this with Kyra, she's crossed with German Shepherd, so with hip problems in both breeds I think I get overparanoid that she's starting to suffer already and she's only 4. Every time she looks creaky or tired I wonder if it's started. :(

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Thats the bit that gets me a little,if he is out walking or running or whatever it doesn't affect him at all, if he sits down or lies down he doesnt seem to have any difficulty getting up, its as if anything over 10 minutes lying down is the trigger for it, he has just turned 6, the other bit i dont get is even when limping he will let me touch the whole leg and hip area without flinching or showing any distress, think am just gonna go back to the vet and insist on an x-ray, try and get to the bottom of it.

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I worry about this with Kyra, she's crossed with German Shepherd, so with hip problems in both breeds I think I get overparanoid that she's starting to suffer already and she's only 4. Every time she looks creaky or tired I wonder if it's started. :(


As long as the pup's parents are healthy and comes from a healthy lineage as well the chances of developing early HD/arthritis is actually rather small. I feel you though my baby is a BYB product (a rescue) and ridiculously tiny for a male. Knowing nothing about the medical history of his parents, I constantly worry he would get HD later in life :( my neighbor's Rottweiler developed HD at 3 years old. It's hard to watch really :(

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How's he doing now?

Hi folks, I was just wondering with arthritis or hip dysplasi, does it build up or happen suddenly like one day everything is fine, next there is a problem? Reason i ask is for the past day or two now after lying down for a bit Malakai limps when he gets up, limp wears off after 5 or 6 strides and then is fine, walking, running, jumping, digging, all seem perfectly fine, so going by what i can find online doesnt fit symptoms of Hip dysplasia, possibly closer to arthritis or a ligament injury symptoms? Just seems a bit strange to go from totally fine to problem in a day was just on right leg at first which is the side he usually lies on, but now the limp is showing up on the left too, so i guess some sort of dead leg from lying on it is out. The vet wants me to leave it about a week to see if it settles down any but, i always hate it when the vet says that is i always worry it could be something needing attention or causing him unnecessary pain or discomfort(which it doesnt seem to be doing,but a limp is a limp) and waiting to see could make it worse, anyways i was just wondering if anyone else had experienced similar and what the outcome was


Not sure if you've seen it already, but you can check out my arthritis/HD thread for some answers: 


Mine was alot like your boy, around that age. Exact same symptoms (limping very slightly) and behaviour (no signs of pain, etc).

When you say 'limp', what do you mean by that? Is he lifting up his paw? Does he favour a leg? You can tell if he favours a leg by looking at his leg muscles...depending on how long this has been happening, the injured leg will have less muscle than the other leg. You may have to get a vet to help you determine if this is the case - I didn't even notice the atrophy until my vet pointed it out to me. 

After a walk or a run...what does he do? Does he lie down right away? Regardless if he does or not, try to touch his hindquarters, does he flinch at all? Does he make any indication that you're bothering him? 

If your dog is at all like my boy, which it sounds like it, he won't show any pain until it REALLY hurts. I would wait for a few days, and if it doesn't clear up, I would go to the vet. It turns out my boy had minor arthritis in one of his hips (this was years ago, so it has probably 'spread' to his other joints by now).

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Thanks for the replies folks, 

still the same doesnt seem to be any better or worse, ive got him booked in to see the vet tomorrow(or today as it now is lol) 

ive had a look at the article and he certainly seems to fit with the majority of the symptoms, so after reading it i decided just to check him in try and get to the bottom of it,.

By limping i mean when he gets up from lying down he will stride off,on his hind right leg he is fine but although he will put a little weight on his left he wont take his full weight on it, and that will carry on for a few steps then it seems to ease off, he isnt lifting his paw, but ..... think the best way i can describe it is he is kind of standing on the front of his paw, not wanting to put his whole paw down to take his weight (maybe like the way we would if we went over on our ankle or something), have checked over numerous times and had him in the bath to check for anything stuck in the paw and there defo isnt anything wrong there, it doesnt get worse with a long walk or a short one, when he has been out he comes in and as usual heads straight out the back door to do his perimeter checks to make sure his lands are in the order he left them, then wanders around the house after us, so nothing out of the ordinary,

he will let me rub his back end all the way down from his hip to the tips of his paw on both sides, both when he is lying down and when he has just stood up, 


Hopefully the vet will be able to shed some light,

will give a shout back with what he says, and thanks very much for the replies much appreciated


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Hi everyone, just an update and to say thanks for the advice given, turns out the vet seems to think its a knee injury, he doesnt think its a torn ligament or anything too serious, either a strain or a twist. Once the vet pointed it out there was a visible swelling when comparing one knee to the other(one of those "doh how come i never saw that" moments). So anti inflamatories and only minimal exercise for a week or two, and he should be right as rain, since the rest and minimal exercise regime has been put in place there is a slight improvement but by god when he doesnt get out and about does he become a nightmare, lol, from the minute I get in from work I'm convinced he just trotts round the house looking for ways to wind me up, pulling things out of drawers, opening the fridge over and over again!!!, throwing cushions on the floor, shouting at us loud enough for the entire street to here him, you name it hes got it going on lol!

 Still hopefully we are on the right track to get him back to norm again, but anyways thanks all for the advice and help


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Glad to hear it isn't anything serious. :)

You can try to tire him out via mental stimulation. Play games like hide and seek (with treats or toys, whatever he likes better), or freeze a Kong for him, try working on some new commands, etc. 

I figured out a new mind game a few days ago, that Suka seems to enjoy.

Take a muffin baking sheet. Put one treat into each hole. Then, just cover up the holes with a round object (I like using tennis balls) and watch them try to figure it out. Mine learned he can either swat them away with his paws (his usual method), or pick them the balls up with his mouth.

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for the tips, sorry for long time in reply, have had some internet issues(ie sky suck lol) anyways i had a go at new commands (we got a few done but we are selective about who gets to see them apparently ) his fave game has turned out to be the baking tray covered with halved tennis balls, but malakai's prefered method of victory is to lift the actual whole tray, thus dropping the whole lot to unveil the goodies(he seems totally delighted with himself at this, "look da look i did it!") lol, 


But on the down side the knee seems to be getting worse, so were back at the vets tomorrow, if i get palmed off again with the its nothing chat I think i'm gonna go get a second opinion, he genuinely does seem in a lot of discomfort now, especially when sitting he wont sit up straight anymore, always sits on his right side and has his left rear leg shooting off to the side, but as I say he is back at vet tomorrow so hopefully get some movement on whats going on.


As always cheers for your help guys n gals

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I am glad to hear that everything will be okay.  My Rori will limp for a few seconds after having been in her crate for an extended period of time.  I understand your concern.  For her, the vet thinks it is nothing serious and all tests come back good.  Vader has HD and was noticed by an unusual gaite after walking for a short time.  His is pretty severe so it is not always very noticable.  Good eye that you caught it and had it checked.  Paws crossed for a speedy recovery. 

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