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Meet Faelan


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This is Faelan I got him less than a week ago he is a supper sweet puppy but very shy/scared.ymutyje2.jpg. I rescued him from a shelter he was from a puppy mill. So I was expecting that he would be very hesitant around people but I was not prepared for how much. He is 12 weeks old and 12 pounds (is that normal or small?) And would not do anything but hide if people were in the room. So we decided to get another puppy who is a blue heeler and she is just great with people and a bundle of energy. he seems to be doing a little better but he is still terffied of people. We have been letting him do his own thing and explore at his own pace but he does not seem to be progressing any more. He does great with her and will go nuts and play with her as long as we are not in the room. Once we look or go into the room he runs to his crate. So I just want to make sure im doing everything I can to make him happy and make sure he adjust well with people as well as other dogs. Like last night we sperated the two puppies for bed and he just whined and howled at the door and when we brought her in and he went right to sleep. The other thing is that we are having trouble getting him to go to the bathroom out side, because he wont go out side volentarily so I have to pick him up ( wich he hates he squirms and tries to run away and I am as gental as possible and move very slowly and let him sniff me and talk to him telling its time to go poddie). Then when we set him down out side he just lays down and hides his head and wont move no matter how long we are outside. So I just want to know if anyone else has had this situation and what they did or if any one has any tips for me. He are so more picturesuse8yzy6.jpgyrehanep.jpgy2e5ebag.jpg. (Done from my phone so I do apologies in advance for any errors)

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I know that it can be a problem raising 2 puppies at the same time due to the fact that they can bond together and not to the owner so it's important to get alone time with each dog everyday. I'm sure some of the others on here can give you some in-depth answers.

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Orin, thanks for rescuing not one but TWO pups!!  You must be a really great guy (with an exceptionally accommodating partner! :) )


Since Faelan is as shy as he is, there's not a lot you can do that isn't going to reinforce his opinion of people ... previous owner should be SHOT!!


You've got a great partner in the solution though with the (nameless?) beautiful blue heeler!  Allow them to interact with you as they want - meaning the heeler will tear you apart and Faelan will shy back - eventually he'll understand that you're not the big meany he thinks you are now and open up. 


I'd be inclined to say that until that happens, any kind of training is going to be hit or miss - and that includes outdoor training.  And at 12 weeks, potty training is going to be kinda splat or miss anyway. 


If you haven't tried it, you might get some especially tasty treats from a pet shop ( dried liver is my favourite ) and use those to entice him into interacting with you.  Toss one his way, let him get it, toss another but not quite so far, eventually you'll have him sniffing your hand, don't get aggressive, just gently pet him.  (( laughing, of course the heeler is going to be trying to get the treats as well, so Faelan might have to come out of his shell just to get any!! Just make sure he gets a couple! ))

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Haha thanks. The blue heeler her name is lilly, and all by my self so no partner to accommodate. But you nailed it on the head she will come up and just lick you and want you to play all day him on the other hand just hides away. He is super smart though like earlier today I was playing with lilly and he was in the other room with his squeaky toy and he would make it squeak the come to the doorway with the toy squeak it then run back into the other room to try to get her to come play with him. It was super cute except for the fact the he is to scared to play in the same room with me.

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If you got him less than a week ago and got lilly after him, then relax and let nature take its course.  Husky's, often, tend to be independent anyway and since Faelan is as scared as he is it may take a month or so before he really comes through.  'course, he may be one of those Husky's that thinks you're there to provide shelter and a meal ... go 'way, I'm thinking! (of all sorts of mischief!!)

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Your probably right and I just need to give it time. Im just worried and want to best for him! I just hope he comes around. He was supposed to be my work out motivation I as already to start taking him on mile walks and run but no....

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Your probably right and I just need to give it time. Im just worried and want to best for him! I just hope he comes around. He was supposed to be my work out motivation I as already to start taking him on mile walks and run but no....


You don't want to overdo the walks as young as he is;  long walks can cause problems with his joints later in life ...  someone remind me, how much walking time for week / month of age??  (( I don't have puppies, haven't had for a long time!! ))

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You don't want to overdo the walks as young as he is;  long walks can cause problems with his joints later in life ...  someone remind me, how much walking time for week / month of age??  (( I don't have puppies, haven't had for a long time!! ))

Pretty sure it was 5mins for every month old a puppy is.

My puppy is going on 6 months and he's only recently been able to go for 2miles. 

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That is awesome that you rescued TWO pups!  That is so sad that he is scared like that, but like Al said, he should come around.  When I rescued Kodiak he was very skittish and would cower when you went to pet him, so we figured that his previous owner must have had a heavy hand with him. 


Good luck :)

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in addition to the excellent advice already given. You could try a DAP (adaptil) diffuser or collar. They release a pheromone that mimics a lactating bitch and serve to calm dogs and make them less anxious. 


Regarding getting the husky out for the toilet, use a lead and collar rather than picking up. 


As others have said it may just take a little longer and this is quite normal, and with walking don't go much past the 5 minute per month of age for the puppies and no running. I would be more inclined to tire them out with games and training. Having them run around while playing in the backyard is fine as they will naturally stop before damaging joints when they get tired.


Keep up the good work and well done on your rescues.

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Thats a good idea with the DAP I had read about thoughs a while ago but forgot about them. I have tried using the leash but he just crumples to the groung and wont move. I even bought a vest to attach the leash to because he did not react well when I put it on his collar even worst than the vest. And thanks for all the advise. Definitely a welcoming forum!

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Hi and welcome :)


Sounds like you have your work cut out but give it time.  Our 2 boys are rescues, the first one took about a month to settle in, though was older and less afraid of us when he first came here.  Try not to try too hard, puppies will pick up on that, just take one day at a time.  Our second boy was 17 weeks when we got him, he had been under fed and mistreated.  It has taken 4 months to get him to completely trust us. He has only recently started wagging his tail and what I call smiling.  His eyes were two black holes, just dead, he now has two sparkling brown eyes :)  What I'm trying to say is be consistent and take things slowly and I'm sure in time he will come round to trusting you.


As for the collar, it sounds as though you take it off each time you've been out?  I would leave it on permenantly, that way he will get used to it and you can have the minimal physical contact with him.


Good luck

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Welcome to the forum. :wave:

We rescued Bear when she was roughly 12 weeks old and suspect she too was a puppy mill dog. Main reason being she was confident with other dogs but had absolutely no clue about people. If you tried to stroke her, she'd just duck and look at you like "what on earth are you doing?!" It took her pretty much a full year to get her to be fully relaxed and happy to seek attention from all of us. Every month we saw an improvement, Didn't help she had SA either. A dog who doesn't want to get too close but is terrified of you leaving her, lol. Now she's a little diva, so we probably spoilt her a bit too much. :D

Like Al said, toilet training will take a while as first of all they need to settle in and relax, once that happens then the rest will likely come along in leaps and bounds.

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Thanks every one for the advice and warm welcomes. I think we had a break through last night/ this morning I woke up with faelan sleeping on my bed belly up right next to me.... I had to move very carefully to get the picture but here it is.


I could not believe it becuase a dog slleping like that generally means he feels safe and care free... but when he woke up I tried to give him some belly rubs and he just got up and ran away.... I feel like im getting mixed messages what do you guys think?

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Aw, that is adorable! Both of those puppies are super sweet.


I agree with Al on using treats to build trust. You can also use that as an opportunity to teach a command like "sit". Obedience training is a really good way to bond with your doggy. I had a cat that was TERRIFIED but finally managed to gain some trust by using treats. Just tossing them a bit closer each time until she would eat them out of my hand.


If he was mistreated, he may associate hands with being hit. Poor little guy!

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The mixed signals you're getting are probably "I think I trust you not to hit me, but man when you get up you're big and scary!"


And thinking in that line, have you ever laid down on the floor to try to play with them?  Lilly, I know, will have a ball and eat you alive :) ( just keep your ears and nose covered! if you can! :) ) Faelan might just relax a bit more if you're playing on his level.  You might feel (and look?) a bit foolish - but it's all in good fun, no??

Edited by Al Jones
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That's super news :) I guess he's making small steps in the right direction you will just have to be patient and 'go' at his pace.  Try not to expect too much too soon and don't make any sudden movements as he may interpret that as a raised hand or a kick :(


He looks so sweet in your picture and I'm sure in a short while all of this will seem like a distant memory.

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